Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jessica Simpson Suing Star Magazine

This week Star Magazine has a picture of Jessica Simpson and Tiger Woods posing for a photo together. According to Star, it was much more than just a photo and that the pair were an item so to speak. Well, Jessica was so upset about being romantically linked to Tiger that she is apparently taking legal action against the magazine. According to E!, Jessica's lawyer has already sent a letter to Star asking them to retract the story.

Star used a lot of innuendo and double talk, but the actual words they used just said Tiger flirted with her. I can believe that. The actual quote was "Tiger liked what he saw and let her know it."

I'm guessing Tiger could have easily done something like that.


  1. complimenting someone isn't sleeping with them, duh.

  2. star is douchey...but then, every tabloid on the face of the planet is filtering thru their archives right now to find a picture of tiger and any woman. instant story! gotta milk tiger for all they can.

  3. you should know if you're going to take a picture with Tiger right now you'll be sucked into his vortex of infidelity....

  4. What? Jessica isn't having Tiger's love child?
    Think of the magazines *that* could sell! (And if it appears in a tab within the next few weeks, remember 1)you heard it here first, 2)it's a complete fabrication, and most importantly, 3)I damn well better see a cut)

  5. my my my....I only saw cropped photos without Romo in the pic. Reminds me of an awful person I know who crops all photos of herself, deleting anyone but the guy next to her and she shows them off as her 'date' to the function.

    Sadly, she's 45.

  6. Bet her Daddy is kicking himself. Tiger was an option? Joe would have been all over that one.

  7. Even Jess is smart enough to steer clear of that std on feet.

  8. This is a rumor she could have ignored. Is it really worth a lawsuit, or does Papa Joe think she will get more attention this way? Or is it true and she doesn't want to be associated with all the hos?

  9. I choose to believe that she thought they 'dated' for a while, but is ashamed, considering he REALLY liked true, true skanks.

    It seems like the only plausible reason she would SUE b/c Star said he 'flirted'? Really?
    She's either covering something up, or trying desperately to stay relevant by drawing attention to this 'negative' story.

    Could you imagine, if she IS another of Tiger's conquests, all of whom he had such deep, genuine feelings for? How humiliating if they did date, and this is how she finds out she was a dupe. I don't know if she can take any more this year, she's gonna crack.

    I mean COYOTES snatched her dog! In front of her!

  10. This is making me wonder whether Tiger actually bedded anyone famous. He seems to have stuck with mostly no-name, low-level women, prolly for a reason.

  11. captivegrl - for tiger, they seem to be one and the same. :)

  12. @ Sunnyside1213...."std on feet...." I just spit diet coke all over my laptop! Too funny.

  13. That's an unfortunate looking top she is wearing in that photo.

  14. lol i caught that show with lara spencer last night and bill bellamy is HYSTERRICAL. lol i grew up with his cousins, they lived right down the block...i wish he'dve come over because seriously? i would have married him by now ;) (i even forgive him for doing that movie with French Stewart, Bridget Wilson, and Tyra Banks.) LOL
    Oh and that girl that covers this story for star needs to get fired. just for being fug and stupid. Sue her ass too, pls.

  15. It looks like Jessica was smart enough not to stand next to Tiger alone since they had to resort to cropping the picture.

  16. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Dear Author !
    Here there can not be a mistake?

  17. Anonymous8:22 AM

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