In an interview in this month's Glamour, Sarah Jessica Parker turns her marriage into a Facebook status update.
"I never really talk about this because too many [people] speculate about my marriage anyway. I think when you are younger, you get swept away by grand gestures. When you have children and years invested, it's much more complicated."
So, what she seems to be saying is that you might get divorced for something in your 20's, but as you get older and have been with someone for awhile you are more likely to forgive or just don't care as much.
"It's the day-to-day stuff: the kind of parent you are, the kind of partner you are - it's the little and big things as opposed to just the big things. But you are not meant to know that when you are younger, so I don't think anybody should regret the choices they made in their twenties."
I get what she is saying. I really do. What doesn't make sense to me though is if things are complicated then why on earth would you bring two more kids into this complicated marriage? She talks about no regretting choices you make in your 20's Got it. Agree with it. She isn't in her 20's anymore though but it sounds like she is making the same choices. Is she saying that she and Matthew Broderick are great partners but nothing else? This is very very interesting.
Why bring in 2 more kids? Because married or single, she has the money to employ as many nannies as needed.
ReplyDeletesounds like she's come to peace w/ the choice of raising children w/ a man who's made the choice to never come out? that would be all sorts of complicated, i would imagine.
ReplyDeleteI think she's saying, it's not that black and white...that you're more likely to weigh the pros and cons of staying in a marriage, once you're older, more than you would tend to do in your 20's. Makes sense to me. Life has more shades of gray when you're past 40
ReplyDeleteWhatever she's trying to say, it makes me glad I never got married! LOL
ReplyDelete"Who would I rather look like in the tabloids - Jennifer Aniston or Reese Witherspoon?"
ReplyDeleteThis wouldn't be the first Hollywood couple with at least one of them gay. I admire them for the kids sakes. Once you are past a certain age, things just aren't as important as they are when you are 20.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what she wrote. Completely. Your brain fully matures in your mid twenties so your thought processes and ability to make fully informed decisions changes as you grow older.
ReplyDeleteAll marriages are complicated in one way or another. If you waited to bring kids into an uncomplicated marriage you would never bring them in. When you have two totally different individuals living together day to day, there are going to be difficulties, no matter what. I agree and respect what she had to say. Thanks, SJP. :-)
Even the most casual gossip hound thinks something is fishy with these two so I think she is responding to that. I guess she is saying that what they have works for them despite the "obvious" problems. (so please support my movies and buy my clothes and don't think I'm stupid because you think my husband is gay).
ReplyDelete" I think she's saying, it's not that black and white...that you're more likely to weigh the pros and cons of staying in a marriage, once you're older, more than you would tend to do in your 20's. Makes sense to me. Life has more shades of gray when you're past 40"
ReplyDeleteSo so very true.
Lainey had a blind that was widely believed to be about these two last year about how SJP isn't happy because Matthew basically ignores her, and there have been corroborating rumours (and the pictures say it all) that he's certainly not passionate about her. I'm one of those who doesn't necessarily think he's purely homosexual, I just think he's unhappy.
ReplyDeleteRocketqueen, you are so right. There was video of the two of them together at an awards red carpet a few years back, around the time of that blind.
ReplyDeleteThis was at a time when they hadn't been going anywhere together in a while, too.
On the red carpet, SJP stops suddenly to chit-chat with another celebrity couple. Matthew stood STRAIGHT AS A STATUE, a few feet away, with his face in the air. When she said good-bye, SJP had to turn to 're-join' him, AND the kicker---his face as he re-joined her was totally magnanimous, like he just knew how nice he had been to allow her to delay him in his journey to his seat. He made NO effort to engage the other couple, NOTHING. Just stood like a statue, and then patted himself on the back while she sheepishly apologized.
I wish I knew where to find it, it made me SICK, because I used to know a guy like that.
Where is that damned anon button when I want to use it!!
ReplyDeleteMy marriage is complicated - I can't begin to imagine what their marriage is like.
I do think she has accepted the way it is and has come to peace with it.
i agree with her:she's the reason's voice and her personal choices.
ReplyDeleteI agree, why bring 2 more kids into it? 'Cause her genes are that fabulous?
ReplyDeleteWhatever their relationship is or or isn't, they seem to be decent enough people, & should be given some privacy.
ReplyDeletewhat 'jeannie's bottle' said.
ReplyDeletei don't see anything shocking in having more kids in light of what she said. marriage starts out one thing and evolves into something else. you develop a history, made up of good things and some bad things and you decide you'd rather stay than leave.
i thought what she said was real and honest. i'd rather read that than some of these idiots who swear they're living in a fairy tale with prince charming because THAT'S a lie.
Reading between the lines - Settle for what you have. Why change?
ReplyDeleteSo they have a beard/merkin relationship that works because they've done it so long they're used to one another.
ReplyDeleteAnd she didn't have to deal with pregnancy this time, they hired a surrogate.
On whatever level, their relationship works, emotionally, legally, whatever.
Honestly, since their relationship is clearly not one based on passion (which burns out) or money, or 'true love', I think bringing two more children into the family is just peachy. After all, there won't be a bitter divorce stemming from them no longer being in love, or one partner being unfaithful. They have a partnership that works for them; I commend them on it and wish the family the best.
ReplyDeleteAnother big problem will be if one or both of them fall in love with someone else.
ReplyDeleteAs long as she's not leaving her kids in the car while she does coke with her dealer; I could care less if they have a whole tribe.
ReplyDeleteIf their complicated marriage works for them --- good. I have rarely seen MB have more then a pained pasted on smile at premieres and red carpets.
I wanted to slap him upside the head."It ain't root canal,skippy. It's a party at least ACT like you enjoy it."
Maybe she's just complicated. She had twins babies born to a surrogate, then went straight to work on a feature film, then complains that she's so busy. She's choosing complication over simplicity. I have no pity.
ReplyDeleteHaven't all of her relationships been long ones? RDJ for 8 years or so and the same with Steve Martin I think. Both who have rumors about their preferences.
ReplyDeleteThe babies were Band Aid Babies!