Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hailey Glassman Says Jon Gosselin Stole Money From Her

Hailey Glassman gave a deposition to TLC lawyers yesterday and discovered that not only was Jon Gosselin cheating on her despite his protests to the contrary but also said he was a monster, signed her up for business deals without her knowing and the one time she got money from an interview Jon's lawyer took it from her saying Jon owed money.

Jon didn't have a lawyer present at the deposition and I'm wondering if he is having problems paying the legal fees. I haven't seen Jon Gosselin making many appearances at anything and with the show finished he is probably wondering how he is going to keep paying for that New York apartment and child support for 8 kids. Should have thought about that before running off with a bunch of 20 year olds and abandoning your family.


  1. I guess Hailey Glasswhorehouse learned a new lesson in life: if he cheats with you, he'll cheat ON you.

    Good one on her. I have no sympathy for a people like her.

  2. Did he steal the money while she was doing a face plant in a plant?

  3. Lol @ shakey. I need to see that picture again soon. It never fails to make me laugh. Nice Ed Hardy shirt, douchebag.

  4. If you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Unless you use Advantage :-)

  5. Lisa, she doesn't strike me as the type who is smart enough to use Advantage!

  6. Karma. It's what's for dinner. For both of them.

  7. Jon is such a flaming shitbag. I can't even stand to look at him and his horrific Ed Hardy wardrobe. *barf*

  8. Shocking! {{rolls eyes}}

  9. Is it invoking bad karma to be laughing my ass off?

  10. Note to Jon...your 15 minutes is up. Get off the planet.

  11. I have two words for Jon:


    I wanna see him and Kate go at it. I know who would win, too.

  12. He should do Playgirl or some kind of Porn. He could get some decent money from that. I am trying not to vomit all over my cubicle thinking about it but I think that is the only way he can economically dig himself out of this hole. I don't know if he has been offered anything else for money so that is my two barfy cents. ugh.

  13. Anonymous11:23 AM

    OMG, bloodonthescreen - I need eye bleach just thinking about Jon Gosselin in Playgirl!

    This is one man that I don't have the faintest wish to see naked.

  14. My gawd his parents must be proud.


  15. "If you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas." - Lisa (original) - yup, yup, and yup.

    Kinda reminds me of that Tiger Woods mistress who is outraged over the fact that she wasn't his only mistress.

  16. Wait did they break up? Har.

    He may well be the ugliest man I've ever seen.

    The only time I ever want to hear about him again is the fluff piece in People about how he's back to working an IT help desk for $15/hour.

  17. And there are 8 kids who will be reading and watching all of this at some point. Shame.

  18. wow, I admit it, I thought he couldn't get any lower....sheesh!

  19. Figgy, he isn't qualified to work a help desk anymore. I want pics of him in line at a soup kitchen.

  20. does he have any job skills at all? i mean, that IT position he had...was it a big deal one or an i-attended-vocational-school one? i wonder if reality has set in yet. eep...but i admit, i ain't feeling too much pity.

  21. Douchebag of the Year Award? I think Mr. Gosselin would be the frontrunner. Other finalists: Tiger Woods, Joe Jackson, and the neighbor who always tries to steal your wireless internet signal.

  22. Enty, Can you put up the face plant into a plant as an X-mas gift to us? Pretty please! It always makes me laugh.
    I always felt sort of sorry for
    that poor plant got Glasswhore cooties!

  23. has anybody checked cafepress to see if the faceplant has been put on t-shirts yet?
    i think if it hasn't, one of us should have high ball glasses made!!
