Friday, December 04, 2009

God Told Eva Longoria To Become An Actress

I didn't realize God was such a fan of Desperate Housewives and really bad movies, but I was wrong. In an interview with Bang Showbiz, Eva Longoria said that she never wanted to become an actress and never thought about it until one day she felt like God told her to move to Los Angeles and become an actress. Really?

"It was this special force pushing me to come to Los Angeles and I said, 'OK, I'm not going to fight it.' But I always felt very protected. And I felt like this was the place I was meant to be."

Whether you believe in God or a higher power or whatever, I just really don't think God told Eva Longoria to come to LA and be an actress. For what purpose? For the greater good of man? To give ABC a boost to their Sunday night ratings? To give the people who sell DVD's a bunch of straight to DVD options?

I would just hope that if there is some higher power around that they would be spending their time figuring out how to keep the world from starving or providing water to the millions who are without or trying to make the world more peaceful and not finding people to make Wisteria Lane more interesting.


  1. LOL! I got a good chuckle out of this when I saw it yesterday. You make it more funny tho, Enty!

  2. Is it just me or does that picture of her look like she has a thin line of arm pit hair? lol!

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    rolling eyes LOL

  4. So when is she going to start listening?

  5. Maybe she got it from that facebook app "On this day God wanted Eva to know ..."

  6. He told her to go to LA but he didn't tell her what to do when she got there.

  7. thank God!!!
    next time,shut up! LOL

  8. On a positive note. It's refreshing that someone in Hollywood is giving God credit for the good things in the lives. God looks after both the great and the small.


  10. "For what purpose? For the greater good of man?"

    ^I.AM.DYING. teehee!

  11. If I needed another reason to be agnostic, this would clinch it. God wasn't able to answer my prayers to save the life of a young person, because He was busy guiding Eva Longwhoria's career.

  12. I am at two with the universe, so I really don't get it.

  13. whole_lotto _luv I completely agree!

  14. It's a very Daoist sentiment. She probably didn't understand and credited the religion that she associates herself with; hence, God gets the credit. Good for her for doing what fits and makes her happy. Too many people choose careers based on outside factors and end up miserable in their jobs.

  15. It's Enty who's given the "special force" a name, not her. But whatever it was, they missed the boat entirely. She's terrible.

  16. OK, I'll admit I have a crush on Eva, but nowhere in the quote does she mention God or a higher power. It could as easily be interpreted as meaning her fate or destiny. I don't understand Enty's hatred for EL. She seems fairly innocuous. If anything, she is unusually charitable with her time and money. So what's the scooby-doo, Enty, what do you know about her that you're not telling that makes you despise her so much?

  17. That's funny, because God told me to ignore her. Which is it, God?!

  18. @Danielle, yes it does look like she needs a shave. It could be a shadow but I don't think so.

    Ladies, Please if you are going to pose like Eva either please have some muscle tone or have a nice round voluptuous look. Avoid Eva's sack of bones thin look.

    Do you think if we pray hard God will make Eva disappear from public life.

  19. God should have told her to take lessons first. (I jest)

    Good for her if she feels a higher power is guiding her life, because just stumbled into a career I hate somedays.

  20. Actually, she is huge behind the scenes in both San Antonio and Los Angeles. She has her own organization that helps poor kids with after school reading. She reads faithfully after school to kids in the poor part of L.A. She is going back to school herself so that she can be an example to kids.

    She gets hit too hard from the media, and they don't represent the true her.

  21. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Fergie claims she had a vision where God told her to quit meth and return to her singing career. While I am glad she stopped doing drugs, I have often wondered why God wanted Fergie to sing, but then didn't bother making her a BETTER singer. Ditto this story about Eva. If God wanted her to act, why not make her a better actress?
    God coud have done it easy, I mean, we are talking about GOD, right. . . .all powerful, all knowing. . etc. . .etc. . .
    I'm just saying, God must not care about details.

  22. Thanks, Jamie's Girl. I thought she did a lot of good things.

    Even if her acting isn't great at least she's using her celebrity for some good.
