Friday, December 11, 2009

Flight Of The Conchords Is Done

After just two seasons it appears there will not be a third season of the great HBO show Flight Of The Conchords. A statement was released by Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement which said, "We've noticed the less we say about the future of the show, the more people want to talk about it. So in an effort to reverse this trend we are today announcing that we won't be returning for a third season. We're very proud of the two seasons we made, and we like the way the show ended."

I am going to miss this show a lot. Here is a best of compilation of the two seasons of the show.


  1. Oh nos! I love Flight of the Conchords! I don't get HBO, but I watch it when I can.

  2. I loved this show! My brother and I would sit on his bed and be laughing so hard, just in awe of how funny it was. The New Zealand aspect was so great. RIP show! Make more albums FOTC

  3. What a shame. Wonder why they quit.

  4. I'm crushed! This was one of the best shows ever.

  5. Oh no! Then again, they already had cult status, this will make them pretty much immortal.*L*

  6. So disappointing. Why do all the greats do this? Ricky Gervais (The Office, Extras), Chris Lilley (Summer Heights High, We Could Be Heroes), and now FOTC, all absolutely brilliant and way way too short w/ only 2 seasons. :-( And yet Charlie f*cking Sheen has a TV show that has been on the air for SIX YEARS. That moronic Jim Belushi show was on for EIGHT YEARS. W. T. F.???

  7. This sucks. I love this show. The hubby and I always watched it together. Great bonding time. ;-)

  8. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Yah - this sucks. Although if you get the dvd for the second season and watch the "documentary" they did - you could pretty much tell they were done.
    Jermaine talks about how much he hates to work and they both said it was more work than they thought it would be.

    Love FOTC so much - they will definitely be missed.

    "These aren't tears of sadness because you're leaving me, I've just been cutting onions, I'm making a lasagna for one"

  9. Sugar Lumps - one of the best songs evesh!

  10. I'm a Hip Hoppopotomous.. My lyrics are bottomless. ......

    Hahahahahaa.. Gets me every time.

  11. As much as I LOVE the show, it's better that they go out on a high note than to become a poorly-written, ironically-hip version of themselves.

    I will always love you Big J & Brit.

    (ummm... I mean Bret) :-/

  12. chopchop, the talent of those guys is in knowing when to stop. The British seem to have learnt this lesson- Americans, not so much.

  13. Seriously, this is one of THE best shows out there. While I think the first season was far superior to the second, both are great. I highly recommend getting the DVDs if you don't have HBO (only $16.99 at Target this week!).

    --Bret's Footloose dance

    --"If You're Into It"

    --"Business Time"

    --LOL at hoosierbaby--you are SO right. That one always tickles me too! :)

    And yeah, they pretty much confirmed that the second season would be the last a while back. They explained that they pretty much used up all their many years' worth of material during the first season, which is why it took so long for them to come up with enough stuff for the second season. Sadness!
