Dad Dies - Tiger Cheats - I Have Questions
Does anyone get the feeling there is more to this Tiger Woods marriage then we actually know? Back in January when I was tipped about Tiger Woods cheating it came from a Swedish journalist. He threw it around like it was no big deal. He had heard it from the Swedish end so Elin or her family. She must have known all of this was going on right? I don't care how much money you have it is tough hiding one affair from your partner let alone 10 people at a time. It just isn't possible if you have a close relationship with your partner.
I think something happened Thanksgiving weekend which was out of the normal. Either a disease or a pregnancy or the announcement someone was going to leave. Something out of the ordinary happened.
Also think about the story which came out this weekend. Jamie Jungers who I showed in her Today show interview Friday told News Of The World she had sex with Tiger in Tiger's house the night his father died. The family knew Tiger's dad was going to die but where was Elin? In a close family wouldn't you be with your partner if their dad was on his death bed?
Instead Tiger was cheating on his wife, gets out of bed to say goodbye to his dad, comes back and has more sex and has Jamie in his bed when he gets the news his dad died. There is just way way more to all of this than Tiger cheating on Elin.