Monday, December 14, 2009

Courtney Loses The Bean - Talks About Hookers For Ex-Boyfriends And Spray Tans

TMZ just posted that Courtney Love lost legal control of The Bean on Friday. Kurt Cobain's mom and sister were appointed temporary guardians to the 17 year old. The only time something like this happens is if the parents cannot properly take care of the child. Judging from Courtney's status updates on Facebook it doesn't look like she really even cares. Today she has shared that she once got an ex-boyfriend a hooker for his birthday and that she misses Michael Stipe and someone named Julie and wants to get a pizza and a spray tan.

Seriously? You just lost legal custody of your child and you are talking about this kind of stuff? That is messed up.

"oh jesus, i once got an ex ex boyfriend or whatever youw ant to calthat creep a hooker and i guess it must have been thru this chick, i didnt do the "getting: however. it was a bday present arent i just the libertine!"

"pizza and a spray tan wondering how the Corg is doing miss Stipe and Julie want to see them, doesnt pizza in a cold nyc night and a spray tan sound ridiculous!"

Thanks Kris.


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