This morning the Balloon Boy dad was sentenced to 90 days in jail for his role in the hoax that had everyone glue to their television sets for a few hours back in October wondering if their six year old son was trapped in a balloon. Yesterday I read reports that he might only get a fine. I'm glad he got some jail time and the bonus is that he cannot profit from the stunt through the end of his probation which is four years. His wife was sentenced to 20 days in jail for her role in the hoax. I don't know if she is also prohibited from making money off the deal, so if that is the case all payments could go to her.
So what happens to the kids when both parents go to jail?
ReplyDeleteShe goes after he gets back.
ReplyDeleteGreat sentencing, but I feel sad for their kids. Too bad they they have an asshat for a father!
ReplyDeleteI hope the parents won't have to serve at the same time, but hopefully the fact that they have kids will be taken into consideration.
chopchop, I'm sure they'll be placed with a relative until both parents get out of jail.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, am very happy they got jail time. Let this be a lesson to other potential famewhore parents out there.
He should get jail time in every state that had people filled with anxiety over Balloon Boy.
ReplyDeleteOh thanks Syko, hopefully the dad won't perform science experiments on any of them while mom's in jail.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad they will stagger the sentences. The poor kids have gone through enough; they don't need the stress of having both parents in jail at the same time added to everything. :-(
ReplyDeleteI'm in the area and local news is reporting that the "no profit for four years" applies to both parents.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad she got less time. I'm pretty sure "Dad" was the driving force.
I was surprised she got as much time as she did. He only has to do 30 days, then 60 days on a sort of work release thing, and his crime is a felony, while hers was a misdemeanor. I also noticed that he got 100 hours community service while she got 120. Maybe she wasn't the totally innocent party here.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for the smug look on her face in that photo. I don't think she's as under his thumb as she's been portrayed.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad they're getting jail time. I wish they were being forced to reimburse all the resources expended in the "rescue" efforts.
whole lotta luv..I read somewhere (TMZ) that they have to pay back $42,000.
ReplyDeletePreciousredtx: yay! thank you for the good news. :)
ReplyDeleteThese people scare me.
ReplyDeleteNever. Trust. A. Man. With. Beady. Eyes. And. Thinning. Hair.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'
Will the wife be deported after she gets out of jail since she is not a US citizen?
ReplyDeleteI predict Balloon Boy Dad hooking up with Jon Gosselin at some point in an attempt to milk some few more seconds of fame.
ReplyDeleteMichael Lohan can join as well. Maybe they can market a line of mesh Ed Hardy shirts.
The local staions said she made a plea deal to avoid deportation and she is doing supervised public service, not jail time.
ReplyDeleteWhat great role models!!
ReplyDelete@ __-__=__
I think that if she's married to a US citizen and/or her kids are citizens she'll be allowed to stay.
That sounds like a fair sentence. But I wish they could've been barred from tv for life.
ReplyDeleteGod, I hate these people. To me, they are the epitome of everything wrong with our society. Enough is Enough, and I am happy the judge gave them what they deserved.
ReplyDeleteYes, the sentences are staggered so the kids still have at least one parent at all times. Check the news for details.
ReplyDeleteHe doesnt look too happy now, does he!
Not necessarily. If she's not a citizen she still needs to go down to Immigration every 90 or so days, pay her $350 and be fingerprinted until she becomes a citizen. She can apply for citizenship because she's married but can that now be granted since she has been charged? After all, he can always go live with her in her country.
ReplyDeleteI think they should have gotten more jail time to deter other idiots from trying this.
ReplyDeleteThey are both assholes.
What Leah said...