Baby News - Lots Of Baby News
In probably the biggest news of the day baby wise, Gary Busey somehow managed to have sex and make a baby. His girlfriend is 7 months pregnant. I'm trying to picture Gary Busey having sex and all I can think of is him probably talking it all out first and then stopping during sex to write down some quote or falling asleep during.
Do you remember Aaron Buerge? He was on the 2nd season of The Bachelor. He and his wife have a new baby girl that was born on October 5th. Apparently no one really cares enough about him anymore to notice before now. He did name his daughter Avens which means roses so apparently he still remembers himself on the show even if none of us do.
Amanda Peet is pregnant with her second child.
Kourtney Kardashian hasn't chosen her baby name yet. She is still weighing offers from Pepsi and Vitamin Water to see what to name the baby.
Kendra Wilkinson has gone into labor but I haven't heard if she has had the baby. I think they said they were having a boy. Good thing because if it was a girl, Hef would probably try and sign her to a contract for her 18th birthday pictorial spread.