Monday, December 28, 2009

Ashlee Simpson - No Friends In Chicago Cast

You have never seen a happier group of people then the day Ashlee Simpson stopped going to work on Melrose Place. A cast member told me it was like every holiday all rolled into one. Well, the cast of Chicago is probably counting down the days until Ashlee leaves the show and gets the hell out of New York. Do you remember about a month ago when she started? They had a cast party to celebrate. Well, Ashlee had her own private party within the party and told the rest of the cast they were not welcome in her area. Yeah, because she is famous? Has talent? Is a self entitled ass of an epic proportions? Hey, we have a winner.

Well, on Thursday Ashlee was on the Today show and couldn't remember her co-star's name. This is despite a month of rehearsals and a month of performances. Not even a first name. No one likes her, and everyone wants her gone. Maybe she needs to do a show with Jessica. She seems to be about the only person not getting paid who actually likes her.


  1. And yet she still keeps getting jobs.

  2. She needs to move on and let people with talent have the roles she unjustly got.

  3. Yeah, what Sporky said...whassup with THAT?

  4. I have despised her ever since the burger king video debauchery. I have a daughter that is Super Tween and I allow everything EXCEPT as*lee. She really grinds my gears.

  5. maybe she can go save 40 kids in Indiana when she gets done with Chicago.

  6. I mean, she supposedly has (did have, at least) a real talent--IIRC, wasn't she one of the youngest dancers ever admitted to the ABT or something?

  7. Why do people employ her? I honestly don't understand it. Does she have dirt on somebody? She can't act. She can't sing. She can't dance. She's not even remarkable looking. WTF?

  8. I think there was a blind item about this. Only question is who's the costar?:
    "It looks like this triple threat starlet (TT1) is heading to Broadway! The only problem is that her part would be opposite this triple threat pop star (TT2). That isn’t sitting well with the TT2’s family members, who refer to TT1by several vulgar names. It’s actually rather funny when you consider that both TT1 and TT2 have been caught up in separate scandals over the past few years. Scandals aside, though, the TT2’s family should be more worried that TT1 will probably upstage TT2 when it comes to pipes and acting ability and sheer number of fans. Ho ho ho!"

  9. OH--it was the School of American Ballet.

  10. My daughter used this phrase repeatedly over the weekend while we played our new game for the Wii, and I think it applies here...

    Epic Failure!

  11. doesn't the School of American Ballet recruit on matchbooks?

  12. Take that back, Moose! I have to LIVE IN Indiana, we don't want that skank ass here.

    Actually, I could probably find 39 other Hoosiers to pick Ashlee up at the border and save HER ass---by teaching her humility, gratefulness---and I have plenty of community college brochures she might want to use to find a new career.

  13. Who needs friends if you can keep getting jobs without any talent.

  14. I can't believe anyone would ever give her a job where she has to 'act.' She sucks so bad.

  15. I generally find her very easy to ignore but it angers me to think that she gets roles over more deserving people.

  16. Did anyone watch her show on MTV? I don't even know why I did but it was her whining and moaning about how no one took her seriously even though she was this great artist. She constantly complained about her family despite the fact that they probably paid for her Lexus and condo. Even then, I knew she was a narcissistic jerk and that was about 7 years ago. I agree with everyone, how is she still getting work?

  17. She looks ugly in that picture.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous1:17 PM

    the whole simpson family annoys me, but asslee takes the cake. when i'm having a bad day, i watch her snl lip sync clip and i cheer up instantly

  20. She was so terrible on Melrose Place, I couldn't even believe they had her on there in the first place. I used to feel bad for her having to be Jessica Simpson's not so great looking sister, but after all I have heard, I feel bad with everyone who has to work with her!

  21. Anonymous1:42 PM

    LOL - here is the clip - it's at the 2 minute mark. She claims she just met everyone yesterday. It's the actor playing Billy Flynn that she forgets. Shameful.

  22. Who are her fans? I just don't get it.

  23. Seems to be a new trend for Broadway
    they cast not so talented big names
    to draw an audience. Katie Holmes Is exhibit B. Broadway/stage actors are in general so much more talented than the people in hollyweird it's frightening.

  24. I had no idea she was such a tool.

    When she got the nose job (you know, the one she tried to claim she didn't have) she became markedly prettier but oddly her face now lacks character. She truly is just another pretty face.

    @Miss: what is the Burger King video debauchery that you're referring to??

  25. was she always asstastical? b/c to act out like that denotes an unhappy life. how much do you want to bet that there's trouble in in the pete wentz/asslee marriage? such a shame. her new nose was so cute and all.

  26. Enty--where you at, bro? You OK?

    I just watched the first 30 seconds of Cali Girl's YT clip and could not go any further.


    Yeah--I liked her old nose way better.

  27. I saw her in Chicago on Broadway 2 weeks ago and she was terrible!!! she kept making all these weird facial expressions and it was terribly annoying. Next to the woman who plays Velma, she was completely underqualified and TOO YOUNG!!!

  28. Why is it always the way-below-A-List "celebs" who pull this shit? You never hear about Johnny Depp acting like an entitled asshat.

  29. I didn't realize she played Roxie in London three years ago. Just did a Google and apparently she got good reviews there and when she opened on B'way....?

  30. Just watched the YouTube interview:

    Kathy Lee Gifford: How did you lose all the baby weight?

    Asslee: "I worked out for 3 months"

    Translation: "Duh! I snort cocaine!"

  31. Karma will catch up with her someday.

  32. Enty, I really want to know who your mole in the cast is. I really like the show (apart from Asslee).

  33. Consider me the first of 39 Hoosiers willing to pick Ashlee up at the border and save her from herself and family!

  34. Mango.. It was McDonalds and here ya go!! :)

  35. I have nothing to add to this discuss, because Asslee Simpson sucks more than a Hoover, but I'm a little concerned about Enty's whereabouts. I've been frantically checking back all day for more gossip ... I hope he wasn't crushed under a megalithic pile of pizzas or anything.

  36. Enty, where are yooooou??? I feel so bereft and alone and devoid of quality gossip. Hopefully you are not suffering any food or liquor related maladies.

  37. Maybe Asslee had him whacked? Noooo!!

    (Sorry...I got a book about Richard Kuklinski, "The Ice Man", for Christmas which I haven't been able to put down, and have mafia-on-the-brain as a result...)

  38. The minute Enty breaks his pattern, I panic.

  39. me too.....where for art thou, Enty?

  40. I've been getting a bit concerned too. I fear his boss follows the blog and fired him for last weeks re-gifting Your Turn.

  41. Enty...where are you??? I am concerned!!! (as I think we all are)

  42. Enty...where are you??? I am concerned!!! (as I think we all are)

  43. I thought I was being a little paranoid seeings as how its past 8 here on the East Coast and I have checked back every half hour and STILL see Asslee's ug face -- but I see I am not the only one missing him. Where is ENTY????

  44. My guess is he just got really busy again. It's always hard to come back to work after a long holiday weekend! :)

  45. Aww, thanks for keeping the masses calm, Mooshki. That still doesn't make me feel any better. Where are you, Enty? No random photos or BIs make me a saaaad panda. Hope everything's ok.

  46. Enty must be at all of the 1/2 off Christmas chocolate sales--now is the best time to stock up :)

  47. I watched that video of Ashlee at McDonald's - what a smug, entitled bitch. I hate her.

    Hope all is well with Enty. I am sure he is just busy.

  48. I hate to admit I think she's quite good looking, but boy is such an ungrateful F.

  49. OK, didn't want to post the question here, but I can't find the blind. Leo D is supposedly back with Bar R. Wasn't there a blind about a singleactor hooking up with someone because they have a movie coming out?

    And I too was wondering what happened to the typical format of the day. Perhaps a simple PC issue...maube he got a new one and something isn't working or downloaded new software that screwed up. Or maybe he had a better offer to do something in real-life :)

  50. What a terrible, terrible person she is. I do however have a soft spot in my heart for her sister.

  51. She's done so much better than anyone ever thought she would, it's interesting her dreadful personality and lack of social skills will end up hurting her career, and not her obvious lack of talent. Nicole Richie wants her cast in some show she's developing - it will be interesting to see how that pans out with the rumors of her stupid behavior. She's a spoiled wealthy child with a filthy rich husband, she's feeling entitled on the backs of others success.

  52. What I don't get is why she would even think she's hot sh*t to be treating anybody like dirt?

    Broadway is made up of a tight group (know what I mean Piven?) and she won't be getting another show.

    When I saw Chicago on Broadway, George Hamilton was Billy Flynn. Asslee probably wouldn't have known his name either.

    Did anybody else read that Pete Wentz's NYE party in Vegas has sold like 17 tickets?

  53. ugh, I hate to sound self-absorbed, but I want more gossip from Enty! :P

    I waited all super-long weekend for today's stories, and then no random photos, no good stuff!?!?!

    Although I do hope everything is ok in Enty-world.

  54. "No one likes her, and everyone wants her gone."

    Sounds more like a jealous teenage girl than a lawer to me.

  55. Moose, the School of American Ballet does not recruit on matchbooks. It's the most sought-after ballet school in the country. Not sure what A__lee was doing there.

  56. @ FreeThinker: Thanks for the link! I think we got a glimpse of the real Ashlee. Most excellent that a customer caught it on their phone!

    Guys, I'll bet Enty just got caught up in the real world and had to work. I've often wondered if the other staff in his office know about CDAN or if has to blog in secret.

  57. Enty, I hope you are OK and will be back with us today.

    Maybe busy putting together all those delicious reveals??

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I liked her better before the whole transformation, i gotta say

  60. Thanks nutty_flavor for clearing that up about the SAB, they are probably the most prestigious ballet school in the US. It's actually why I used to like Ashlee ... I can't believe I just came out of hiding to write this!
    (But while I'm here - love the blog, the comments, and I missed you today Enty! Hurry back!)

  61. Rand:

    Because Depp has nothing to prove. The way-below A-List ones do.

  62. Can't stand her, never could. What bothers me is that I actually used to really like Pete Wentz and Fall Out Boy - there's real talent there. I lost SUCH respect for him after he married this talentless, self-entitled, narcissistic bitch.

  63. @ Free Thinker..thanks for the clear up and the link! I knew I should have just written 'burger joint' or just googled it.. lazy me! But so glad others share my sentiment on that self centered formerly fug little biotch. Not too many people irk me like that..but if she was walking by I would totally trip her.

  64. *but if she were to be walking by I would totally trip her?

    My bad..grammar that is. :)

  65. Waste of space. She needs to take care of her family and leave the show biz career to more interesting and talented people.

  66. @Patty
    Off topic, but I'm pretty sure your kid didn't say "Epic Failure"'s "Epic FAIL" and I'm so over hearing it with my kids, that they put money in a jar if they utter it now. It's been a wonderful-out-of-school-no-fail week here. That phrase. FARK deployed it over five years ago. I hate when trends "start" waaaaay after their inception. The funny part was that if your kid actually did say "Epic Failure" it would technically be a "Fail". Tsk.
