Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Angelina Jolie Says It's OK To Cheat

In a really strange interview, Angelina Jolie told The Mirror that just because a couple is together doesn't mean they have to be faithful to each other. “Neither Brad nor I have ever claimed that living together means to be chained together. We make sure that we never restrict each other. I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship. It’s worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterwards.”

So, to me that sounds like a dig at someone and that her brother maybe still gets some kisses now and then. This is strange. Of course maybe she planned it also for the publicity. Now there will be a million more stories about the couple.

She also says they fight and gives examples of what she would like to do, but then takes it all back. “The sparks fly at home if the nice Brad fails to see that he’s wrong and reacts in a defiant way. Then I can get so angry that I tear his shirt.”

It sounds to me like this actually happens, but then she says, “We’re not violent enough for these things, and we consider our six children.”

Did she give this interview the night she was bombed at that party?


  1. Uhhhh that to me just screams "We sometimes get really violent with each other but stay together for our small army"

  2. Strange interview. Especially with just her replies.

  3. So it's okay to cheat and if your partner isn't nice then it's okay to perpetuate violence towards them?

    The last quote makes it sound like they argue and fight in front of the child army.

  4. Is this a legitimate interview though? I mean, it IS the mirror...

  5. Maybe Tiger should have married her?

  6. Know what, I take back the reason they're together.

    The crazies (so I've heard) are always amazing in bed. She looks fucking insane. She has that (pardon my language) Pussy Power that makes him stay.

  7. @ genesis: Did you see Mr and Mrs smith? I bet that their "love play" is a lot like the scene in that movie where they pretty much destroy their house and then end up violently screwing each other silly. And then the tender scene where they're drinking juice from jagged, broken glasses and baring their souls while exchanging knowing glances. *ack*

  8. she always comes off as such a self righteous bitch.

  9. yeah, she must have been drunk, right?

    also, i really want the people they hook up with on the side to come forward. or do they have the same deal as tigers mistresses?

  10. Oh right, what with the shooting the holes in the wall. I hope these 2 stay together forever, I don't think anyone 'normal' would sacrifice sanity for sex.

  11. The Mirror is not a reliable source. This is not a real quote.

    Consider your sources people!


  13. Sounds like they mixed a few interviews together.

  14. Is it cheating if it's a so-called "open" relationship? I dunno.

    But then who would step in to a relationship like that? I mean, Brad's hot and all (when he's not wearing that ridiculous beard), but unless you're just wanting a romp, he's off limits.

    But I SUPPOSE....he could talk me into it LOL

  15. Hey Angie, can you tear out Billy Goat Brad's beard next time? I'm really sick of seeing it and whatever food he's eaten that day in it. Thanks!

  16. St. Angie and her goateed dope are both smug coozes.

  17. I think the interview was faked. It was credited to some obscure German magazine this morning on another site. What is Angelina promoting? She doesn't normally do interviews unless she has something coming out.
    I can't access the Mirror from work, so sorry if I'm incorrect.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I don't think she would reveal this much to the press. UNLESS she was wasted. I wouldn't do either of them.

  20. The shirt tearing remark sounds sarcastic to me. It also seems patched together.

    I can't imagine her actually talking to the Mirror- seriously!

    it's bs.

  21. Maybe it is fake, as little as she talks about their home life, it seems odd that she would blab like this all of a sudden, unless she was drunk...*L*

    What pissed me off though is the notion that fidelity=restriction. "We don't restrict each other".

    I don't f*ck around on my husband. This is not because he is restricting me but because I DON'T WANT TO.

    I have never known a couple who had an "open relationship" that worked out. In theory, I think it's fine. But it always seemed like one party did most of the swingin', you know? And someone ends up getting hurt.

    Having said that, I still think Angelina Jolie seems very smug, and not all that interesting.

  22. This sounds like it was badly translated into English from another language.

  23. Eh, she's kind of speaking with a weird sort of sentence structure, ain't she?

    Like, maybe some German person wrote these quotes, which they then attributed to Jolie, and published them in some German gossip magazine.

    Then later "The Mirror" translated the stolen German quotes into English, and published them in their magazine in an attempt at pretending that Angelina Jolie would actually condescended herself to speak to them in a million, billion years?

    I don't know for sure, but I'm just saying that she doesn't sound too American to me, that's all I’m trying to say here.

  24. Well, we know she hasn't cheated because she's only had sex with 3 people in her life.

  25. LMAO Mooshki did she really say that? lol that's too funny.

  26. Open relationships work fine until one of them falls in love with someone else.

  27. She's so far over the edge of crazy that she's crazier than CDAN. I feel badly for those kids, can't believe he is stupid enough to go along with having all those kids, as crazy as she is. He definitely must be some kind of stupid. And she must have some kind of Magic Pussy. Wish to God Jen would meet some great guy so all the speculation about them reconciling would end.

  28. She's so far over the edge of crazy that she's crazier than CDAN. I feel badly for those kids, can't believe he is stupid enough to go along with having all those kids, as crazy as she is. He definitely must be some kind of stupid. And she must have some kind of Magic Pussy. Wish to God Jen would meet some great guy so all the speculation about them reconciling would end.

  29. @Middle-aged Diva

    your comment made me imagine that angelina might try to adopt aniston one day lol

  30. So basically she's saying that Jennifer Aniston, twat though she may be herself at times, is totally unreasonable for (a) expecting her husband to be faithful, (b) getting hurt and angry when it turns out he wasn't, and (c) perhaps implying, or even saying, after the fact that he did a bad thing? I don't often stick up for Jenny A., but Angelina is showing she just can't move on and harbors some wacky residual resentment from the time SHE stole SOMEONE ELSE'S husband.

  31. First, I think the "interview" is utter BS.
    Over the years, has Angelina at any time discussed her private business (especially sexual business) during an interview? Especially when she doesn't have a project coming out?
    Correct me if I'm wrong, however aside from her bisexuality, I don't think so.
    Regardless, I'm of the opinion that if they have a relationship that works, then it's their business - and if there's straying, it's Angelina with a woman, not a man.
    For whatever reason, some men don't see that as cheating.

  32. It's the Daily Mirror, like the Star Mag of England. The real question is did they even speak to her in the first place? I doubt the interview happened.

  33. Unless Brad loses some weight, hits the gym and shaves, I'm not sure anyone would want him. Who would be crazy enough to want her?

  34. BOGUS.
    The interesting part is Enty's final sentence. Is this the answer to a BI?

  35. I think Enty's comment might have more to do with the fact that her quotes sound so bizarre that you have to wonder WHAT in the WORLD she was thinking (if she actually did give the quotes).

    The "nice" Brad? What does that mean, like there's a nice Brad and a mean Brad? Juicy.

    There was a riddle on blind gossip about a family who puts on a big publicity show (and will for Christmas) because HE goes off to be with his (male) lover the weekend following Christmas. I don't know, it's not a slam dunk for the Jolie/Pitts, but I wouldn't be shocked to hear that Brad has a boy toy. I mean, let's look at it this way, Angie got a major career/notoriety boost when she hooked up with Brad, so we know what's in it for her.

  36. she's sounded a little nutty in every interview i've ever seen or read. so i don't think this is big news.

  37. The Mirror is famous for making up quotes and patching together interviews from various sources.

    Also, AJ has often said that they are committed to the children which sounds like it supercedes their commitment to each other. She says that Brad has a legal commitment to the kids because he adopted them and therefore they do what's best for the children.

  38. Well.. I will simply say if it is real .. Brad better watch his ass since AngieJo has firearms. She might switch from tearing his shirt..

  39. if she said this forreals, i might actually respect her for her frankness.

    if not, i'll just remain ambivalent.

  40. She's so vile, something odd about her.

  41. They just seem like he would bore the hell out of her. He must be kinkier than his blonde hair, blue eyed, button nosed face makes me think.

  42. Mooshki said...Well, we know she hasn't cheated because she's only had sex with 3 people in her life.

    Hmmm... hubby #1 - Jonny Lee Miller
    hubby #2 - Billy Bob
    pseudo hubby #3 - Brad Pitt
    That would be three, but what about that Jenny Shimizu (or however its spelled)that said she had an affair with her? Or would that not count because she's a female and no penile penetration? Are we supposed to believe that she lost her virginity to her first husband? Not buying it.

    Plus, after she split with Billy Bob and pre-Brad, didn't she say she would go to hotel rooms to have sex with men, so she wouldn't bring them home to the infant that Maddox was at the time?

  43. I forgot to add Timothy Hutton, and she has a tattoo of the letter H on her wrist because of him. But we can't think that they slept together, can we?! Because then that would be more than 3 people that she's slept with!

  44. “The sparks fly at home if the nice Brad fails to see that he’s wrong and reacts in a defiant way. Then I can get so angry that I tear his shirt.”

    Comne on people. I know everyone loves to hate angelina but no one talks like this unless they are Tila Tequila. And angelina has been described as "defiant" on a billion tabloid covers...I wouldn't be surprised if she has voided the word from her vocabulary. All we need is a "last straw" to make it complete. Sure Brad and Angelina probably fight a lot but this is so faked up.
