Angelina Jolie Says It's OK To Cheat
In a really strange interview, Angelina Jolie told The Mirror that just because a couple is together doesn't mean they have to be faithful to each other. “Neither Brad nor I have ever claimed that living together means to be chained together. We make sure that we never restrict each other. I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship. It’s worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterwards.”
So, to me that sounds like a dig at someone and that her brother maybe still gets some kisses now and then. This is strange. Of course maybe she planned it also for the publicity. Now there will be a million more stories about the couple.
She also says they fight and gives examples of what she would like to do, but then takes it all back. “The sparks fly at home if the nice Brad fails to see that he’s wrong and reacts in a defiant way. Then I can get so angry that I tear his shirt.”
It sounds to me like this actually happens, but then she says, “We’re not violent enough for these things, and we consider our six children.”
Did she give this interview the night she was bombed at that party?