Monday, December 28, 2009

86 Year Old Politician Resigns - Sex Tape Of Foursome Emerges

I am going to guess that lots of politicians have lots of sex tapes that are out there. Just as likely though is that as the politician reaches an age approaching a century that the likelihood for such a sex tape decreases. Not so if you are Indian politician Narain Tiwari. This guy is 86 years old and was caught having sex with not one or two but three women. One of the women was trying to get some kind of government deal and the politician said have sex with me and you gt the deal, and while you are at it bring some of your friends. So, she brought three of her friends and gave the old guy a good time but he didn't come through with what he promised. Uh oh. So, the woman released the tape. Tiwari has now resigned for health reasons. To see a really censored report on the tape look at the video below.

When I watch the video it kind of looks like the guy likes to play dead while the women take care of him.


  1. lol, i truly enjoyed michael k's comment on this tape:

    "It looks more like footage from a funeral than porn."


    "Narayan has no reason to be so mad. He should've just issued this statement: "I like popping Viagra and popping the pussay. SO WHAT?! Playa play on!"

    omg that's still cracking me up. playa play on!

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    i don't have the stomach to play the video - censored or not.

  3. He looks like a corpse lying there. I'm sure the whole thing will show up on the web, but if he just lies there and the women do all the "work" Its got to be boring..

  4. Gross. Gross. Really gross.

  5. so much for eating lunch today.

  6. Thankfully, the video is blocked at work, because this sounds like the most grossest thing ever!

  7. Ugggghhh!!! Gross!!!!

  8. How Belle du Jour.

  9. So necrophilia is legal in India?

  10. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "Health reasons" my ass.

  11. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Unless of course health reasons means the herp.

  12. I've got the shivers. He doesn't look alive.

  13. old perv got OWNED. love it.

  14. He looks like he is asleep most of the time.

  15. Ugh, he's absolutely repulsive and looks as if he's lying in state. Those women must have been pretty desperate!

    I'm going to go shower now. *shudders*

  16. Like how they put music to it. They really show nothing, do they.

  17. At first I thought "He is 86, of course he doesn't have much action in him", but then I watched and he is playing DEAD dead, like a corpse. Gross. I am quite thankful that it was so censored.

  18. Can someone tell me how we know the dude isn't drugged here? Because I want to snicker about this but I'm too creeped out

  19. Thanks No1UNo. It was bad enough thinking someone was playing dead at 86, but being drugged to look like your dead while having sex. I say WTF?

  20. I LOVE the soundtrack to this story, its so insane

  21. So, wait...I'm NOT supposed to play dead when I have sex?

  22. @TheGoldenSockPuppet - LOL! Only if you're sleeping with Tiger "Mr Kinky" Woods!

    I have my nephews staying with me this week and was playing the vid and they came in and asked, "What are you watching??" Coincidentally, we're having Indian food for dinner and I really wish I had thought of something else to make tonight...
