Friday, November 13, 2009

Your Turn

These are two very simple questions, but since I have been discussing this endlessly with people in the office I want to know what you think.

Will you be getting a flu shot?
Will you be getting a H1N1 shot?


  1. No to both.
    I don't believe in them.

  2. yes to flu
    no to H1N1.
    do not trust big pharma. at all. rushed to market.

  3. No to both simply because I can't be bothered. If I get it, I get it, but I'm more prone to colds than the flu.

  4. no and no.

    i've never gotten a flu shot and i've never had the flu.

    the h1n1 shot just seems like it's been rushed through and i've heard doctors that say the side effects are awful and that they wouldn't give it to their own kids.

  5. Got the flu shot. Trying to get the H1N1. My daughters' school was already closed due to H1N1 outbreak. I'm doing some extensive traveling this winter and I cannot afford to get sick. Plus I have asthma and getting the flu would be literally life-threatening.

  6. arachne12:09 PM

    no on both counts as i am TERRIFIED of needles of any sort. i'd rather have the flu (seriously).

  7. Never get a flu shot.

    Unlikely to get a H1N1 shot. The lines/wait times are a mess in Ontario and I frankly can't be bothered.

  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    No and No. Never have, never will.

  9. Dorothy Gale12:09 PM

    I already received the flu shot but won't be getting the H1N1 as I am not in parameters set for it.

  10. No, and no. I have never gotten a flu shot of any kind on my life, and I am pretty sure I have also never had the flu.

    Something about this whole swine flu thing just seems off to me. Next year I'll be waiting for the news story about the lab guy who bought stocks in GlaxoSmithKline.

  11. i got a flu shot---i get one every year. and i'll get the H1N1 if it's ever available to the general public.

    i do NOT understand people who are afraid of this vaccine. it's exactly the same process as all vaccines---it's been slow coming out because it grows slower than other flu viruses and the vaccine has to be a certain potency before it's effective. that's the ONLY reason for the delay. shit, we didn't even know about this virus until april.

    i lived through the polio epidemic. that disease was virtually wiped out by VACCINATIONS. ignorance and irrational fear are going to lead to deaths. i'm a registered nurse. i'm not on the side of the drug companies but for christ's sake people, GET THE FUCKING SHOT.

  12. Anonymous12:11 PM

    no and no - the sky isn't falling.

    I also think the h1n1 vaccine has been rushed through & we have yet to see the consequences. This is also how I feel about the gardasil vaccine & it pisses me off that my daughters doctor gives me attitude each time I refuse it.

  13. Yes I got a regular flu shot, but only because it was free and I gave into peer pressure :) I had never had a flu shot before 3yrs ago. I don't think I've ever had the flu that I can remember.

    NO to the piggy shot...
    I just don't think I need 2..

  14. My doctor's office won't give to me because I am not pregnant or under 5. Thank Dr. P. So, the answer is no and no.

  15. Anonymous12:12 PM

    no to both...roll the dice baby!

    62% of Americans have no intention of getting it anyway - LA Times

  16. yes- already had both!

  17. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Every time I get a flu shot - I get the flu. Must not have been healthy when I got it. This year I have made it a priority to excercise, take vitamins, drink water, and eat right. And I'm still scared I'm going to get the flu!

  18. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I really am leaning toward no and no but I'm pregnant and keep getting pressured to get it - just trying to keep my immune system as strong as possible and taking preventative measures to keep from getting sick (hand washing/antibacterial hand cleaner, gargling & swabbing the inside of my nostrils with salt water)

    Never had a flu shot before now and I haven't gotten the flu in years.

  19. Danika12:13 PM

    got the h1n1 already probably won't get the flu shot as I normally don't get it.... got the h1n1 because I have asthma and frankly don't need anything else messing with my lungs...

  20. LOL nancer! For those who think the swine flu is made up or a conspiracy or no big deal, explain to me why in my children's school with a full attendance of 420, 180+ of those kids were out sick with flu symptoms.

  21. Not getting either one, but my husband has gotten them both. He went to get the H1N1 shot the first day it was available even though he's not in the target age group. He's neurotic as hell about it. I don't believe in getting vaccinations for that.

  22. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Already had H1N1, it was terrible on my respiratory system, so I now have no need for the shot.

  23. I'm totally not into any kind of shot, least of all for the flu. Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger and, really, aren't viruses meant to weed out the weak and frail? :) Humans have few natural predators left ... I, for one, embrace our new virus overlords!

  24. flu jab- no Im not in the at risk groups so I would have to pay, its not a lot but I cant be bothered to go to my GP and ask about it

    h1n1 yes and so will my children but Im at the bottom of the priority list so no idea when that will be

  25. Anonymous12:16 PM

    tamiflu :D

  26. No and No. I ALWAYS get the regular flu shot but my daughter and I both came down with H1N1 last month before the vaccine was readily available. She missed 6 days of school but I was sick for almost 3 weeks. I still have a lingering cough. It sucks...bad.

    I have read that those who have been infected with H1N1 CAN possibly get it again if the virus mutates but I'm not sure how accurate that is. If it turns out to be true I may get the vaccine and hopefully by then we'll have more data on whether its safe or not.

  27. no and no. i'm not in the risk groups and i'm not overly concerned. i've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. if i get it, i'll deal.

  28. Like sunnyside said, I can't get a flu or N1H1 shot because I'm not pregnant, I'm not over 65 or under 14 and luckily, I don't have a chronic disease. Those are the three requisites in my country.

  29. Nope- not having either.
    Very uneasy about this whole flu vaccine thing. Was done super quick and not nearly enough testing. No conspiracy or little green men- just a healthy mistrust of gov't "recommending" things for me. Especially when there's big $$ and big pharma involved.

  30. by the way, the only objections i've heard or read from physicians to this vaccine are on fox news and in conservative publications. politics are being played with this issue and i find that disgusting.

    i'm older and i have shitty lungs. your H1N1 may just make you sick, but it may kill me if i catch it from you.

  31. I get the seasonal flu shot every year, and also get one for my now five-year-old daughter.

    I'm not eligible for the swine flu shot where I live, so I don't have to make that decision.

    I can understand why people choose not to get the flu shot, but I'm amazed sometimes about the misinformation otherwise well-informed people have about vaccines and vaccination.

  32. I didn't get a regular flu shot until about 4 years ago when a co-worker suprised all of us by giving us a nasty flu for Christmas because he was too stupid to use his sick time and stay home. I personally was out of work for a week with that one and vowed to never again go without, especially with his tendency to want to share whatever bug he had...he did that so regularly his nickname at the office was "Typhoid Kelly".
    As for the H1N1, as soon as I can get it, I'm doing it. I'm in a high-risk category and have no intention of gambling with my health.

  33. yes I got a flu shot because they're free at my work.

    no to H1N1 because I don't think anyone's going to offer me one.

    I'm into meds - I'll take whatever.

  34. Anonymous12:23 PM

    no and no

  35. Yes to both.

    The roommate to a really good friend of mine passed away from the swine flu a few months ago so...yes.

  36. Already had both, because I'm in the category that it's recommended to get it had to have it since I'm flying overseas in the next month as a precaution.

  37. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I've gotten the seasonal shot and have for the past decade or so. I have an autoimmune disease and I take care of my elderly mom, so it's doublely recommended. I only had a reaction once, and it was fairly mild. I've never actually had the flu, but I'm not taking any chances.
    My doctor hasn't received her shipment of H1N1 yet, but I will get it when she does. I'm not going to wait in a huge line somewhere.

  38. No to both.
    The last time I got a flu shot, I ended up with the worst flu ever. All the other years I never took one, I never got sick.

  39. Whoops already gotten both injections not had both flus.

  40. Anonymous12:25 PM

    The last time I had a flu shot, I was sick for two days. I'm definitely not getting the H1N1 vaccine.

    Btw- I have been compulsively refreshing the comments about the MV blind! I totally think it is Shania!

  41. mindrew212:25 PM

    The last time I got a regular flu shot.. I ended up with a cold that lasted FOREVER.. so no, I'm not getting it ever again.

    As for H1N1, I am in the same boat as Desertdweller was.. my youngest came home with it. He was home sick from school for a week and a half.. and it spread like wild fire in this house.. we've all had it, so we don't need the shot now. If anyone wants to know how much the piggies suck.. they suck BAD!

  42. Anonymous12:26 PM

    no on the flu shot. i've never gotten one before. i had H1N1 a few months back, fun stuff LOL

  43. None of the above! But I am waiting patiently for that MV clue..hehe

  44. My five year old and I skipped the flu shots the two years prior to this one and never got sick. My mom and brother both had it and both got really ill for a few days. However, since my mom is also my roommate I got us flu shots this year to make her happy. We'll see what happens. I'm scared of that one.

  45. Anonymous12:31 PM

    No to both. I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu. I don't fit into any of the high-risk categories, but even if I did, I probably wouldn't do it. Maybe if I was pregnant.

    I'm not getting either shot for my 13-year old son either. He's very healthy and has never really been sick a day in his life. Even when he got the chicken pox, it was very, very mild.

    That said, we are both up to date with all state and federal required vaccinations. Why do I want to inject more chemicals and dead viruses etc into our bodies?

    I used to work with a perfectly healthy woman who got the flu shot and she ended up dying from pneumonia two months later. Whether or not the two were connected, I don't know, but her husband said she had never received a flu shot before that one.

  46. Nope and Nope. Have never gotten a flu shot. Of course, watch this be the year....

  47. Anonymous12:31 PM


  48. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Had to get the flu shot for work (hospital). Not the H1N1, though.

    If I didn't have to, I wouldn't have gotten it.

  49. Anonymous12:32 PM

    No and no. Flu vaccine is grown in chicken eggs, and I am allergic to eggs, so I'm afraid that the shot would do more damage than the actual flu.

  50. I get the flu shot every year - before I did, I got the FLU every year. :) Now flu free for 5 years!

    I won't get the H1N1 shot though, because it is like the old-school flu vaccines and contains a live virus. :(

    Period, though - unless you are very old, very young, pregnant or have some form of immune deficiency - you shouldn't freak over H1N1. It is just another version of the flu - strong - but it isn't going to fell a healthy adult.

  51. No, and no. I trust my immune system. I've had the flu. I'll have it again at some point. I'll spend a week in bed and then get back to my life. That's how your immune system is supposed to work.

  52. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I got both. I hadn't planned to get the H1N1 shot as I'm not in a high risk group, but I spend a good deal of time around high risk people. I had the opportunity when I drove my mother to get one, so I went ahead and did it.

  53. nope

    no job + no insurance = no shots.

    I'm also sickened that wall street has reserved thousands of doses for themselves and they're the reason i'm out of work.

  54. Anonymous12:33 PM

    No WAY!! my sis in law ended up with Guillian Barre disease as a side effect of the flu shot! Read the release before you sign and get the shot!

  55. Anonymous12:34 PM

    To those who are worried about it being a live virus, my understanding is the mist version is live and the shot is not.

  56. I get a flu shot every year, but plan to pass on the H1N1.

  57. Time for a clue. LOL

  58. I have asthma, and NO I will Not be getting either of theses shots and Neither will my three children...

  59. Anonymous12:37 PM

    First time I had the flu shot, I was sick for 4 months and dropped out of a footrace. However, I figured that I was already infected by the time I got the shot. I've had 2 shots since and been fine.

    In my area, the H1N1 shot is available only for people under 25 in my area, so I can't get it now. But when it's available for me, I will get it.

    I'll also get it because some blowhard in class is a conspiracy theorist, always citing a study by a guy who faked his data regarding the H1N1 shot. I personally hope this kid gets killed off with the swine flu.

  60. Nope - haven't gotten any kind of flu shot in years. And I generally don't get sick (with the flu that is) either. Now if they could come up with a head cold/chest cold/sinus infection shot, I'd be all over that!

  61. No for now on both.

  62. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I used to take the flu shot and every time I did that I would get sick. I would be out of work for a week and still had another week or so to recuperate. So I stopped taking the flu shot.

    Doubt I will take the H1N1.

  63. No, and no. I'm not in the higher-risk categories, so the H1N1 vacc won't even be available to me in the foreseeable future. The fact that the flu shot is made up of whatever strains are predicted to prevail in that season makes me think it's a gamble anyway.

    I am one of those people who will stay home if I am sick.

  64. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I always get the seasonal flu shot because I'm old and have respiratory problems. I've already gotten it this year. I have not gotten the H1N1 vaccine. For one thing, it wasn't available last time I visited my doctor in early October. For another, I'm a little disturbed that the FDA raised the bar on how much mercury can be used in the vaccine. And lastly, I suspect I have had H1N1 already, since it's come around before. One of my coworkers had it, came back to work still feverish, and I did not catch it. So I'm thinking I'm not going to get it anyway.

    Having said that, I will be sick by tomorrow and hospitalized before Monday. LOL

  65. I got a regular flu shot. When I asked my doctor about it, he said he was sketchy on it as he thought it was rushed. He went on to say he wasn't sure he wanted to give it to his two small boys. He said he had ti discuss it with their pediatrician. O_o He said he understood if I did not want it, asnd would not encourage me one way or the other. This is even though I am high risk due to asthma. I've chosen not to get it.

  66. No, why? Knowing my luck, I'd end up with a new variation of either/or.

  67. Nah. And I work in a cube farm and ride the train daily.


  69. i like to think that i'm a badass and not afraid of much...but i have such an irrational fear of needles it's not even funny.

    so no, and hell no.

  70. ^^^I was talking about H1N1

  71. No to both. I'm lucky that I don't work outside the home so if I get sick and have to stay in bed for a week, it won't be the end of the world or anything. I'm just trying to stay as healthy as possible and doing all I can to avoid both types. I had the flu about 12 years ago and it was bad enough that it still stands out clearly in my mind! If H1N1 is worse, I really hope I don't get it.

  72. Anonymous12:44 PM

    No to the flu shot.

    Yes I am going to get the H1N1 shot because I'm in the high risk category. Normally I'd skip it but the alternative (possible death) is making me run towards that H1N1 shot.

  73. After extensive research, I'd have to say no to both. I've only ever gotten one flu shot in my life, and proceeded to get the flu a month later (different strain of flu the doc said. Lucky me, I said...
    Plus, I don't like needles enough to go out and get stabbed in the arm with an unknown substance, where the adjuvant 'may or may not' cause the development of something worse years down the line, like lupus, Lou Gerrig's disease, or Osteoarthritis...

    Though my hubby will get the H1N1 shot, as he works in the medical field. I'm still on the fence about letting our daughter get it, due to the possible side-effects listed above.

    We've been very diligent at sticking to very strict hygienic practices (lots of hand washing, bleach in the wash, sanitation of all 'busy' surfaces - this includes washing with purel wipes any pin pad AND my debit/credit card if anyone else has touched them, cart handles, you name it, if anyone else can touch it, I'm sanitizing it...), a good diet (skip the white refined sugary foods folks, and go for the healthy, vitamin rich choices), and lots of rest, and not pushing myself beyond the limit like I normally do.

  74. No to both. Agree w/ Anonymous 12:33--don't want Guillian Barre.

  75. Anonymous12:49 PM

    YES to both. If you don't get one, you had better be allergic to eggs, otherwise you are a shitty citizen. Public Health is just that; for the greater good of citizens. You are protecting yourself and others when you get the shot.

    For those who don't believe in them, you need an education. You are here and healthy due to a long history of vaccinations. You can thank your parents and their superior decision making skills for that.

  76. Anonymous said...
    no and no - the sky isn't falling.

    I also think the h1n1 vaccine has been rushed through & we have yet to see the consequences. This is also how I feel about the gardasil vaccine & it pisses me off that my daughters doctor gives me attitude each time I refuse it


    I so agree with You ....I have refused the GArdisil for my (big 16yrs)girl and her Dr. Gives me stink Eye because of this....I work in Healthcare 8-12 hrs a day 5-6 days a week I think I know whats right for myself and my FAMILY

  77. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I've already gotten both. I'm pregnant, due in a few weeks, and my OB recommended that I get both.

  78. Here in Europe where I'm based, it's free and available. My husband got one - he works in the health care industry and is in one of the at-risk categories - but it was the first time he has done so. I just returned from a week in Eastern Europe and tried hard to get one before I went but couldn't be in the right clinic at the right time. I think I probably will, can't really see much reason not to.

  79. I'm a semi-compulsive hand washer, and I'm not usually around a lot of people, so I'm not too worried about it. (Knock on wood.) I might get the H1N1 shot if they become widely available, but I think the high-risk or worried people need the available shots a lot more than I do. The regular flu shot I usually only get if I happen to be in my clinic for some other reason and they offer it. Most of the time, getting sick beats work. (How sad is that?)

  80. No to flu, no to H1N1. Never had a flu shot... Currently 30 y.o. Probably won't get any til I'm older.

  81. p.s. I'm still pissed that I've never been called for jury duty. I've been a registered voter for 20 years, darnit, don't I deserve some time off from work?! ;)

  82. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I work in healthcare and took care of 3 kids last weekend who had the H1N1 shot.

    I already had the piggies so I'm not gonna get a shot.

  83. No to both. Despite the fact that I have asthma I have never gotten a flu shot (never had the flu) and I don't see why I should get one for the H1N1 flu. It seems a bit overdramatised...

  84. no to both. I rarely get sick and I don't like shots. and as Mooshki mentioned, being sick beats working! :)

  85. Anonymous12:54 PM

    No to both; and I had H1N1 in September. I've been much sicker than that for sure. That's a good thing, because I had no time to rest.
    I literally was able to take one nap that entire week, due to sick kids and my husband having emergency surgery that week.

  86. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I'm a pregnant asthmatic so hell yeah to both.

  87. We haven't been able to locate a place to get one for my kid let alone for ourselves. Now, she has H1N1. Luckily, it is just a fever, so far and my husband and I, knock on wood, don't have any symptoms. Just keep building up the immunity and hope for the best.

  88. No to both. I rarely get sick, and have awesome bosses that will push me out of the office if I dare to come in even if it leaves them helpless to figure out the phone system, fax & fancy copier. :-D

  89. Anonymous1:01 PM

    No and No.
    Haven't yet, so why start now.

  90. I got both.

    My son got the H1N1 one week after getting the shot. I am so thankful that he did - it takes 3 weeks to get full immunity from the shot. Given his heart condition he could have ended up hospitalized or dead. Thank goodness for the vaccine and the Tamiflu. He was pretty darn sick but not as bad as it could have been.

    My brother-in-law makes fun of the people that get the flu shots but usually ends up terribly sick every dang year with the flu.

    Good luck to those of you waiting to find the vaccine. Looks like it is becoming more available.

  91. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Yes to both because I am preggo. Since my doctor strongly urged me to get the H1N1, I got it. But my arm still f'ing hurts!

  92. I've had both and so have my kids. Thus far, no serious effects from either other than slightly sore arm at the shot site. I've had flu shots for years and found them very effective.

    On the other hand, my boyfriend hasn't had the shot and won't. He reacts VERY badly to the shot; suffers less with the actual flu than he would from the shots. Everyone's chemistry is different, so I think it's about what you know about your own body.

  93. The one year I didn't get the regular flu shot I came down with it. Then I came down with pneumonia and was sick for more than six weeks. So I plan on getting the regular flu shot.

    As far as H1N1, I think my kids already had it in September. I didn't have them tested, but some of their friends tested positive. They weren't that sick, really, just miserable for about 3 days, and both had a lingering cough for about 2 weeks.

  94. Wow -- these are interesting. I'm generally healthy and like my immune system to do its thang, so I'm not getting regular or H1N1 vaccines. My boyfriend, who is at risk, got the H1N1 from his regular doctor at an annual physical, no problem.

    Then again, we may have had H1N1 in summer. Hard to say what that was.

  95. I had a coworker who was "too indespensible" to get sick. His incredible immune system, and a quart of orange juice, would stop anything before it took hold betwixt his princely temples. Did I mention he was a self-delusional egomaniac?

    He got quite nasty with me once when I told him to stay the hell away from me when he came into the office with his yearly plague. He purposely sat close to me and breathed on me. Moron. Sure enough, a few days later I was calling in sick from the doctor's office. I had to use up my paltry supply of sick leave, while he bragged about the hundreds of hours he had saved up. For what? For when I threw him under a fucking bus?!? Moron!

    Now I get the regular flu shot yearly. I will get the H1N1 because I have active rheurmatoid arthritis. I also work at home now, thank God, since my current, at-work office is also full of "indespensible" folks.

  96. Mooshki, I agree. A co worker got off for two weeks. When is my turn?

  97. Anonymous1:12 PM

    No and No way.
    Stay at home mom to 3.
    We already had one bout of flu pass through (confirmed flu A...which they are saying was possibly H1N1) and it was soooo mild, each child only missed one day of school with it.

  98. Anonymous1:14 PM


    how exactly do you think vaccines work, other than helping your immune system do its "thang"? You can either get the virus, and be sick, or get the vaccine, and get all the immune benefits without being sick. seems like there are a lot of misconceptions out there about exactly how the immune system works, and how vaccinations fit into that scheme.

  99. Neither. That H1N1 vaccine was too rushed out, IMHO. As for the regular vaccine, I've never had one. I only caught the flu once in the last 10 years, and it was in JUNE. Go figure, and the hell with these vaccines.

  100. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I get the flu shot every year and have a mild reaction - swelling, redness, soreness for about a week. Last Monday I got the H1N1 because I have asthma. I broke out in horrible hives, the shot site turned purple, blue, red, mottled; rash subsided after mega benadryl, rash almost gone, but fevers for the past 48 hours between 99 and 100.8. Awful. I have been downing tylenol, lots of fluids, etc. Allergist said a normal response??? However, is this worse than the swine flu? I feel like I am full of hot molten lava. I keep telling myself that the H1N1 would be a LOT worse.

  101. amcbeath1:18 PM

    Living in Canada, where my healthcare is paid by the govt, it has been recommended. It is not in the govts best interest for me to get sick. That simple. I wouldnt trust the advice of an American Doctor. I got both, I have babies- had to- to be safe. Everyone's fine. No side effects. The truth is, it can't hurt. so go for it.

  102. No for the first, yes for the second. I'm going on vacation in december and I don't want to ruin it.

  103. i personally believe that some folks' bodies can handle vaccinations better than others. it's like rolling the dice on getting vaccinations.

    my immune system does really well fighting off colds and flu. HOWEVER, it also helps that i will take 2-3 sick days and rest at home.

    people who will not take sick leave when they are sick (and everyone knows that they are sick) ANNOY ME.

  104. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Flu shot - Yes... any year I haven't gotten a shot I end up with the flu.

    H1N1 - Probably not. I'm not a high risk group and if I get it I'm not going to die. People like me don't need them, they should be saved for people with underlying health issues that want them.

  105. Never had a flu shot. Recovering from H1N1. It's probably the worst bout of flu I've ever experienced.

    Would I have gotten the shot if I qualified? No because I tend to be bullheaded about my health. However if I had a prior condition that made me vulnerable, yes I would. It hits hard, the exhaustion is beyond belief. If you feel yourself coming down, go home, rest, fluids. I'm totally advising friends and loved ones to wash their hands, sanitize after public spots, rest and be healthy and kind to your immune system. Inform yourself. CDC lists what to look for in cases requiring immediate emergency care.

  106. Yes to the flu shot
    Probably not to H1N1

  107. Yes & yes. I work with sick & frail people, and I don't want to pass anything on to them.

    To those that believe that having had H1N1 has given them immunity, it's only partial/weak immunity--you still need the shot.

    To those who are afraid of getting Guillan Barre syndrome, you are MUCH more likely to get that from HAVING THE FLU. On that note, you're also more likely to get G-B from eating contaminated food at a restaurant, which most people do more often than getting a vaccination.

  108. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Wow. I am pretty shocked by some of the comments here. My 6-year-old had H1N1 last month -- out of school for 8 days and is still coughing. It was frightening and I cried a lot. We get annual seasonal flu shots and we plan on getting the H1N1 shots when it's available for us (my son has had his first of two H1N1 shots, after the sickness hit...).

    I want to be very clear here -- get your shots, folks. There are people who love you and need you, and that means you need to step up, get the facts, get immunized, and stay healthy. No one knows who's going to take a hit from H1N1 -- my brother's best friend, totally healthy, was in the ICU for 2 weeks because of it; his family was told to prepare for the worst.

    By the way, I HATE corporate pharm (read "The Toxic Pharmacist at and my dad is a mercury expert. GET THE FLIPPIN' SHOTS.

    Also, for those of you with asthma, there was an interesting story on on a breathing technique that you might find helpful.

    This is a great group of folks who've created a helluva bond (I kind of think I actually KNOW some of you!); I would hate to lose one of you. And I am not being dramatic. Now, back to my research on MV.

  109. I am in health care. I always get my flu shot as early as possible to avoid bringing it home to my family and spreading it to my patients.

    I received the H1N1 shot and have had no side effects. My children have had the H1N1 mist with no side effects. The media is feeding on the public's fears to sell papers. IMO the vaccine is as safe as any others. Yes, it was rushed but they used a similar formula as the seasonal flu shot. There seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around about this vaccine. It's just a flu shot.

  110. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I'm pregnant and already had the regular flu shot. I'll be getting the h1n1 next week at my
    monthly checkup. I'm around too many kids each week to risk it.

  111. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I already got my H1N1 shot (I'm a med student so we are considered high priority)
    I will also get the seasonal flu shot when it is available.

    People DIE from H1N1. And it's not just old people, or children, or people with other conditions. A university professor in Ottawa died this week. Previously healthy.

    Yes, you may experience some flu-like symptoms from the shot. They last a day, maybe two at the most.

    Guillan-Barre is extremely rare.

    The flu shot is up to 90% effective in healthy adults when the strains are matched (which for H1N1, they are)

    The other important thing to consider is herd immunity. If you vaccinate yourself, you won't give H1N1 to someone else.

  112. Undecided, my kids both had the flu a couple of weeks ago, as for the vacs, I heard a doctor on the radio recommended to get the vaccine if you or your family is at risk (jobs, underlying medical conditions etc) but to get the synthetic vaccine and not the live virus vaccine which can and does cause problems in some people(some of which are not yet known), he also talked about this flu mutating which can be especially dangerous.

    I plan on talking to my kids doctor as for me I have never had the flu vaccine but my husband gets it at work (his company pays for annual flu shots for employees).

  113. I have been debating about whether or not to do it....I never have previously. I've been eating good, working out and taking vitamins, Echinacea, etc. I might change my mind after reading all what you guys say...

  114. Anonymous2:01 PM

    No and No.

    Never had a flu shot of any type, not gonna start now.

    Means there's an extra H1N1 for someone who wants it....

  115. Daphne2:02 PM

    Right now I am not in the profile for those that can get the shot. But if I was pregnant I would definitely get it. I had the regular flu while pregnant and it was very scary and I'm pretty certain my child's ongoing developmental issues are a result of my being sick.

    Also, all of my children's friends have already had the swine flu - their school was hit very hard before the vaccine was available. Somehow we were missed. But the local children's hospital is full of previously healthy children on respirators due to H1N1, so now that the shots are in locally, I was thinking once my kids get past this cold - I'd take them to get the shots.

  116. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Like many others here I say no and no. I'm not at a particularly risk for either - self employed, work from home, no kids, not sick, not old, not pregnant - so I am unlikely to contract either, or hopefully to suffer serious side effects from either. Even if I wanted the H1N1 shot, supplies are somewhat restricted here where I am, so I would most likely be taking someone elses place if I were to insist on the shot. I feel ok without either. I've never had a regular flu shot anyway and haven't been sick with the flu in years....

  117. No on both counts, I rarely go out to even catch germs anyway, and I'm a bit OCD about washing my hands soooo

  118. No to both. I recommend getting the flu shot though. The swine flu one? No way. Look if doctors don't want to get that shot, then why should you? The Gov't will tell you to get it because they are doing their job.

  119. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I have already had the regular flu shot and will get the Swine.

    The H1N1 has already passed through my area but I'll still get it as my son has type 1 diabetes.

  120. Wow, some judgy people here all over those of us who choose not to get the shots.

    And for the record, if Gardasil had been around when I was younger, I hope my mother would have given it to me. I'm STILL recovering from LEEP surgery to remove pre-cancerous lesions around my cervix and had to have part removed - I'm now the 4th person in my circle of friends to have needed the surgery. If the lesions come back, it may affect my ability to have children down the line. This happened because, like my friends, I slept around a bit in University - your daughters will, too. My daughter is DEFINITELY getting the Gardasil shot, assuming I can still have children. My next colposcopy to check for lesions is next month and my fingers are crossed.

  121. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I'm in the UK- and the NHS offer a free flu-jab to those in at risk groups. As I've got brittle asthma I get it for free.

    Ditto the swine-flu (H1N1) jab, which I'll be getting next week.

    My GP won't let me take any risks due to my underylying health problems.

  122. nope. volunteer in the ed every weekend and lots of people have been coming in and wasting my god damn time! you dont have the flu. go away! only a few people have had it and they had sever underlying health problems. so dont bring your whole family in and kids to the emergency dept so they can run around pick up mrsa or hep c. ed is not a family outing!

  123. I have asthma and so I had my H1N1 shot and it is now available in Ontario to the general public. There is no reason for a long wait in line if you book an appointment at you local Health Unit or clinic or Health Canada office. I will get the flu shot next week when it is available. I will also have my children immunized.

    Both girls have gotten and survived H1N1 and are still being immunized to avoid possible complications with a mutated strain of the disease.

  124. No and no....and I work in health care.

    Baxter, the company that first came out with the vaccine, first filed the US patent in 2007. The first case of H1N1 didn't happen until April, 2009 in Mexico. Something's not right.

    BTW....they also filed patents for a few other H/N strains (H6N6) and a few more non H/N flus. Interesting.

  125. No - I am young and the flu sucks but I am not worried about it as much as I don't enjoy having shots.

  126. Oh yeah after my first AND LAST random sexual encounter at a party I was scared I got something from the douche that was whoring around (w/o my knowledge) and being cheated on by his ex-gf, went to the doctor got checked, was cleared but was given pen-uh-cilin (cant spell) and gardasil. Glad I got gardasil, I like my baby factory =/

  127. Anonymous3:19 PM

    RocketQueen said:
    "This happened because, like my friends, I slept around a bit in University - your daughters will, too."

    Although I don't know you personally, I feel like I do because of these boards. I like you & always appreciate your comments and humor.
    With that said. I found the above comment completely rude. I am not naive enough to think that everyone is a pure angel, but to say that every person's daughter will sleep around is arrogant and unfounded. Some young people are raised with deeper self-worth and values than others and actually don't sleep around. I get really tired of this complete lack of value of our young people and the good that they are capable of.

  128. 3:19, sleeping around in college doesn't necessarily mean that you have shallower values, it may just be different ones.

  129. Allergic to the flu shot so won't be getting it. I also assume that I'm allergic to the regular flu shot that I will be allergic to the H1N1 as well.

  130. @Anonymous 3:19 - I'm sorry you took that comment as rude, but I have been very traumatized by my experience, and I'm afraid for other girls. I suppose I was trying to scare some people straight. I have spent the last year and a half of my life dealing with this, and only WISH I'd had that opportunity to take a vaccine.
    I hope you are not saying that my values were shallow - they're not. I was stupid and didn't always use protection. People make mistakes and you won't always be there to make sure your daughters are careful.

  131. Already got the flu shot.

    Will get H1N1 as soon as I can. I work for a large metro hospital, not in patient care, but in a staff position. Right now, they are vaccinating employees with direct patient care, and as soon as they open the vaccines up to all employees, I'll get one. There are young children in my life, and my work environment is fraught will exposure. I've also personally known at least a half dozen people who have been hospitalized from H1N1, all to the ICU. These people were all otherwise healthy with no other underlying medical conditions, age ranges 6-50.

    If I lived somewhere rural, didn't work in a hospital, and didn't take care of young children, I would probably skip it. But my exposure and ability to pass it on to little ones, including a newborn, are both high. I need to vaccinate.

  132. No on both. I've never had any flu in my life. Everyone takes turns getting sick and I'm always the one at the office doing their work!

  133. Rocket Queen, I'm with you, I wish they had Gardasil when I was younger.

  134. Anonymous4:00 PM

    RocketQueen - Thanks for sharing your experience. My mom died from cervical cancer; she had annual paps, it was caught early, and she had insurance. She was supposed to be lucky. Folks, it can happen to you, to your partners, or, God forbid, to your daughters.

    RQ, someone's gonna get a shot because of what you shared. Cheers to you my friend.

    I'm anon 1:45 because I'm too dumb to figure out how to use my screen name that I registered a while ago....

  135. I work in healthcare and have seen more than one previously healthy, young person die from H1N1 in the last two months. You bet I got the vaccine. I get the seasonal flu shot every year.

    As for cervical cancer, I hope that parents are listening to Rocket Queen. You think that your daughter won't, but she could. Best to keep her safe--that's our job as parents. Individual choice, of course. But if I had had a way of preventing cancer in my daughter when she was a teenager, yeah, I would have dragged her to the doctor.

  136. I work in healthcare and have seen more than one previously healthy, young person die from H1N1 in the last two months. You bet I got the vaccine. I get the seasonal flu shot every year.

    As for cervical cancer, I hope that parents are listening to Rocket Queen. You think that your daughter won't, but she could. Best to keep her safe--that's our job as parents. Individual choice, of course. But if I had had a way of preventing cancer in my daughter when she was a teenager, yeah, I would have dragged her to the doctor.

  137. Anonymous4:35 PM

    i'm getting both shots because i'm not a selfish asshole without any regard for my community.

    end of story.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. I have already had both. I got the flu shot at work, and the H1N1 as part of the study.
    Just an FYI. I like pretty much everyone else, had NO side effects from either H1N1 vaccination. I had two because they originally thought more than one would be needed.

  140. Coloratura5:03 PM

    Hell to the no. Do those of you taking the shot understand that the pharma companies making this stuff have been granted IMMUNITY should anything go wrong from taking the shot? And that includes years from now?

    Would you inject yourself with any product you can buy in the store if you new that the company had been granted full immunity by the government? Would you eat anything made by a company granted full immunity? Then why would you inject a product like that in your body?

    Wash your hands, eat healthy, get your Vit D levels tested and if they are low, take supplements.

    The stats for this 'pandemic' are totally inaccurate. They stopped testing people ages ago, and IMO, that wasn't by accident. I fully believe that this whole thing is a push by Big Pharma to make a $hitload of dollars... off of YOUR back.

    Don't fall for it.

  141. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I have to get these and regular Hep shots too. I'm a dentist and my insurance provider insists on seeing proof of immunisations. Needle stick injuries are unfortunately a big risk in my work.

  142. No to both. I've never had the flu and never had a flu shot. I am paying better attention to wiping things down with disinfectant wipes like shopping carts, though.

  143. Coloratura5:15 PM

    P.S. Enty, you're a lawyer... why don't you explain to these people what full immunity means?

    And in case he doesn't, it means you have NO RECOURSE folks, should you have complications, immediately afterwards or down the line. No money, no assistance, nothing. You're on your own if something goes wrong. Quite a few people -- both young and old -- have already died from taking flu vaccines this year and last, both regular and H1N1. Take this stuff at your own risk, I say.

  144. No.
    I have never had the flu shot because I never get the flu!

    Knock on wood.

  145. I avoided the shot for years and usually caught the flu and numerous colds throughout the year. I finally broke down and got the shot thru my employer and I haven't been sick since.

    I'm not in the age group for the swine flu vaccine, but if I could I'd get that shot too.

  146. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Yes and Yes, ignorance is not a good thing when it comes to this. You could have a slight reaction to it, but more often then not. You've been exposed to it prior to getting the shot or just after. It's a dead virus, not the live version your system can't deal with... If you're around older folks or the young. Deal with it...

  147. No and no. I work from home, have no children and the only contact with people I have is at the grocery store. Give mine to the people at risk: the elderly, children, and people who are have weak immune systems. I have been running outside in the cold weather to boost my immunity. I have been doing it for years. The last time I was sick was 1999 when I worked in a hospital.

  148. Anonymous5:55 PM

    No to the regular flu shot. If it was more widely available, I'd probably get the H1N1 shot. A few months ago a friend of mine nearly died from H1N1 that turned into pneumonia. She was pregnant and lost the baby. That whole situation really scared me. She was in ICU for weeks, and also ended up with MRSA. They kept her knocked out to give her body time to heal. After she finally was released from the hospital, she had to stay with her mother and get physical therapy to get her strength back.

  149. Anonymous6:06 PM

    We've all gotten the regular flu shot this year. My two teens and I have asthma and my husband is on a plane several times a week.

    I just got my kids scheduled for the H1N1 vaccine at the pedi's office. I would never wait in line for a flu shot, but we can be in and out of the dr. office in just a few minutes. My daughter is allergic to several antibiotics and my son always gets the flu when he doesn't get a shot. There's no way I'd miss the opportunity for them to get the vaccine. Oh, unless that opportunity included standing in line for hours!
    I'd get the H1N1 if I had any idea of where to get it. I think it's just going to pediatricians and health depts. around here though.

  150. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I did have the regular flu once, and it was horrible. Caught it while on a business trip, and I am sure I must have been exposed on the airplane or at the airport. I was stuck in a hotel room alone, thinking I was dying from pneumonia. Luckily it went away after a week.
    I was reading that only 1% of people have serious complications from H1N1, but there is no predicting who those people will be. It seems to affect previously healthy people who would not seem to be at risk for such serious illness. I don't want to gamble with the swine flu, but it is impossible to find the vaccine around here.
    I also just received an email from Banfield pet hospital that the first cat has been diagnosed with H1N1, caught from a family member. Now we have to worry about our pets.

  151. Anonymous6:26 PM

    One more comment... there was recently a report about Walmart employees who are scared to take a sick day, even for the flu, because of Walmarts policy of giving them points whenever they miss a day of work. They are afraid they will lose their jobs if they stay home with the flu. It's not just Walmart... I work for a major retailer that will write you up for calling in sick. They say it is at the manager's discretion, but my experience is that managers use it as leverage against you even if you have a doctor's note. I've had recurring sinus infections this year, and I've already been written up for taking a day off to recover.

  152. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I got the flu shot and will not be getting the H1N1 shot - with all the talk about Swine Flu affecting people who already have an underlying condition I feel that I am safe from the piggy sickness.

  153. Anonymous7:07 PM

    already got the pokey on the reg flu shot. Won't get H1N1. I'll just die from it.

  154. No and NO. The years I've had the flu shot were the winters I was the sickest.

    Also, learned the flu shot contains MSG which I'm allergic to.

    I don't think the flu shots work and am very leery of the H1N1 shot. Is it really safe?

  155. Anonymous7:50 PM

    here in NJ we've seen people lining up for the H1N1 (s Jersey) I'm in North Jersey & I asked the pediatrician if she would get one and she said no - because she was not in high risk - so I told her no for my 3 kids -if she is seeing sick kids all day and doesn't feel need to get it, then I'm not risking -I remember reading cases stories in college about vaccines that caused all these complications in a generation of kids-so No, but ask your doctor if they are getting the shot ...

  156. Yes to regular .. actually already got it in September I think ti was??

    H1N1 .. I need to get it .. as an Asthmatic and Kidney transplant recipient I need to get it but right now I have no money to do so .. and it is pretty damn hard to find in Minneapolis right now. So .. in the end I will likely not be able to get it. However .. if you believe the MSM BS .. the pandemic peaked in October .. uh huh. Sure. That is why it transfered to a cat last month in Iowa. There were also two ferrets in Nebraska. It is mutating .. becoming more transmissible. That is bad news ... epidemiologically speaking.

  157. I just say no to germs, so no thank you on the shots.

  158. OH!!! And Nancer - I LOVE YOU!!! You are apparently of my mindset, hate Fox News .. and this: "i'm older and i have shitty lungs. your H1N1 may just make you sick, but it may kill me if i catch it from you." Well .. if I had any money I would find out where you are and send you a big ol' FTD bouquet!!

    Here in Minnesota Land of "I have 10,000 sick days but I would rather use them when I want to go kill Bambi, suffocate fish and go to the State Fair" people run around sick and go to places like Malls. the grocery store, Target .. it is very disheartening. They seemingly have no idea they could harm others doing that crap. : /

  159. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I got the flu shot, and I got the H1N1 Virus (and lived!).

  160. No and No. Like others have said, they were rushed to market without the same checks as other vaccines.

  161. no for myself as i have never had the flu nor a flu shot and have a good immune system. yes to all my kids who have various respiratory issues. the got the seasonal shot last month and the first round of swine this month.

  162. I've had flu shots before and didn't get the flu. I've not gotten flu shots and haven't gotten the flu. I'm pretty healthy and if I need to stay home sick - I will.

  163. i've never been in the at risk group for the regular flu shot, but i am for the h1n1 and i'm not getting either of them.

  164. Julia Gulia11:41 PM

    Hell to the no on both. Never got a flu shot, never will. Several people I know who got it - GOT THE FLU!!!! My mother almost died from taking the swine flu shot back in 1976. Pharmaceutical companies are making BILLIONS off of vaccines.

  165. Anonymous12:31 AM

    6:26, that is some scary shit. What a messed up world.

  166. As a healthcare worker and diabetic, felt it was necessary to get both. My two year old also got both.

  167. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I got the regular flu shot in late September. I promptly had many flu symptoms and had to take a day off work because I was so clammy and nauseous.

    No, I'm not getting H1N1 because it's in very short supply here and I'm not in a high-risk category. Not fair for me to get it when kids, diabetics, the elderly, and cancer patients can't.

  168. I have two children under two years old, so I should have both. My daughter got her seasonal flu shot at her 18-month well visit in September. My son will be getting his seasonal flu shot at his 6-month well visit in a couple of weeks and the second dose a month later. Their pediatrician doesn't have H1N1 vaccines, and my GP has neither vaccine.

    If you are pregnant or have small kids GET THE FLU SHOT. You think a needle is bad, but dealing with a flu without being able to take (or offer) symptom relieving medicines is FAR WORSE.

  169. Five years ago I had my first flu shot, and immediately was so sick I was almost hospitalized. I've never been so sick in my adult life from the flu and haven't been since. No to both.

    This year, my close friend at work, during a weak moment, got talked into having the flu shot by her doctor, even though she resisted for weeks.

    She just missed a whole week of work from being sick.

  170. My son just got the shot today. Am I worried? Hell ya. For the gsk vaccine, clinical trials are still ongoing yet it's been released to the States. I couldn't find out which kind is being offered to Quebecers. I did learn that the big deal is the adjuvants in the vaccine. Some vaccines don't have them, which could make them safer. Unfortunately, my son got Arepanrix so now he has the squalene and polysorbate 80 swimming around in his system. I hope there won't be any long-term effects. No mention was made to me today about getting a 2nd shot. I had heard something on the news that said it may not be needed.

    Oh, I just found this:

    A study based on research in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, has shown that people who received the seasonal influenza vaccine last year are at greater risk of contracting the H1N1 flu this year. Adverse reactions may be intensified with co-administration with other vaccines.

    I have to wonder. With all the vaccines we've gotten throughout our lives, if we research them I bet we'd be pretty freaked out about what has been put into our bodies.

  171. I've had both shots this year because I have asthma and am working in a "cube farm" too.

    A cold caused a trip to emergency a few years ago. A mild flu two years ago left my lungs so inflamed that I couldn't even exhale enough to do the breathing test. I was hospitalized for a day and put on steroids. If I get the H1N1, I'm dead...

    The flu shot(s) aren't just about the person getting them. It's about the people around them too. You might not get too sick, but the elderly neighbour you infect (before you know you are sick) could die from it.

    Most of these viruses are much more infectious and easily transmitted in the very early stages of illness - before the person knows they are sick. If you won't do the flu shots for yourself, do it for the vulnerable people you come in contact with.

  172. I haven't gotten either one yet, but I plan to get the seasonal flu vaccine. Unfortunately, I have to pay for it at Walgreens because my GP doesn't have any flu vaccines and I missed it at work because I was sick that day.

    I already had the H1N1 virus - I didn't have standard flu symptoms, but slept 16 - 18 hours a day for a week. I've already had the regular flu too this year, because my immune system is down due to massive stress over the last year. I stayed home both times.

    I would get the H1N1 shot even though I've already had it if there were any available for me, but there aren't.

    Those of you who are saying that people who won't get the shots are selfish bastards need to understand that in some areas, NEITHER shot is available without standing in line somewhere or paying money one doesn't really have to get it. If someone has enough money to eat or get the flu shot, do you still think they're selfish for choosing to eat?!? Also, there are shortages in many areas for both shots. Maybe next time, you'll think about other factors before condemning all people who won't get the shots as selfish. Makes you sound ignorant and judgemental.

  173. Flu shot? Yes. I work on the campus of a small university, and we are provided flu shots free of charge every year.

    H1N1? No. I'm outside the parameters, and I'm not entirely convinced by the administration's and media's hysteria about this flu. Perhaps I'll regret my decision, but for now, I'll take my chances.

  174. I'm allergic to eggs, so it's no for both shots for me.

  175. We already got the H1N1 shot - I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I live in Ontario, and we have had some young and apparently healthy people dying from the virus here, not to mention worrying about my own two wee ones. I did a poll with all my doctor and healthcare professional friends. They have all taken the shot, and had their children take the shot.

    I had to stand in line 1.5 hours by myself with my kids to get it - but we did it! Of course, my hubby went too, on his lunch break - his wait time? 1 minute. Sigh.

    Good luck with all your decisions!

  176. I got the flu shot. I am not getting the H1N1 shot. I probably wouldn't have gotten the shot had my doc not mentioned it to me. Last year was the first time I got the flu shot. I didn't get the flu. I only got a severe lung infection and the croup. The CROUP!! I didn't think anyone could get the croup anymore. Damn flu shot.

  177. Well my son and I both got H1N1 before the vaccine was available in my county. So no.

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. COLORATURA - RIGHT ON! thanks for your comment! I totally agree with you! Not taking either shot. I never get the flu shot, and thankfully I never get the flu. I also do the disinfectiong routine, washing hands with anti-bacterial soap, I KEEP MY HANDS AWAY from my face, mouth, eyes, eat super-healthy and I do Bikram yoga daily. I love the Bikram yoga practice because of the heavy intense sweat of all of the toxins from your body.
    What a total body cleanse! And a Bitchin' workout to boot.
    I respect ALL views and comments on here and some people do need to take the shots, for whatever reason. I am very mistrustful of what the gov't tells me to do (in Canada/other countries it may be very different than in the US. I don't know).
    I have been doing lots of reading on both sides.
    FYI- There is a fascinating video series on YOUTUBE- Some of you may know what I am referring to- a woman surgeon who is also Italian explains in crystal clear detail- via subtitles- all about this H1N1 vaccine and the Baxter lab and how they make it, the effects of taking it, what the 'backstory' is, etc etc.
    I found the woman credible and highly knowledgeable.
    there are about 9 videos in all and they are each clips of about 8 or 9 minutes.
    Quite an account of how all of this H1N1 swine flu stuff started.
    Yes, i was scared straight on what was said!

    I know someone elderly who gets the flu vaccine each and every year, without fail, and winds up sick as a dog for weeks, pnemonia, bed-ridden, with high fevers. No thanks.
    The consequnces either way (taking the vaccine or Not) are scary.
    I also know well a particular surgeon who took the flu vaccine and almost died, her lungs closed up and she became paralyzed. ...somehow she came out of it, and she is living today, but she was a doctor with 'tons' of knowledge and that did not stop the vaccine from wrecking havoc with her system.

    Thanks Enty for CDAN and I wish great health to all !

  181. boxofdiamonds, from what I read Baxter was not approved for use in Europe as there were major misgivings about their drug. There are 3 companies providing the vaccine worldwide AFAIK - gsk, Novartis, and sanofi-aventis.

    I never get the flu shot because I've always heard so many people get sick as a result. Why does your friend get that shot every year if she/he becomes ill every time?

    I'm on the fence about H1N1. I had my son get it because I couldn't live with myself if he became sick and died. As for me, not sure.

  182. I've already gotten my flu shot this year. I also got the shot last year. I've gotten sick each time. I've had fatigue, headache, low-grade fever, and strange pain in my abdomen that mimics appendicitis. Last year these same symptoms lasted about a week. This year, I've had these symptoms for close to one month. Tons of expensive tests from the doctor and they can't figure out what's causing me to feel this way.
    Needless to say, I won't be getting the H1N1 shot.
