Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's Blind Items

Spectacular is the one word to describe today's blind. This A list female celebrity chef was overheard in a restaurant the other day. Nothing unusual about that right? I mean people are nosy and we strain our ears. Well, it turns out this celebrity chef who is married was discussing an affair she recently had with this B list male singer with A list name recognition and reputation. She wasn't shy about discussing the details either. I mean explicit, graphic details about what the two did to each other. Nothing out of the ordinary, but definitely not shy in recounting every last act. It does appear to have been a one time thing, but this is totally not what you expect from our chef and the image she tries to portray to the public.


  1. Singer John Mayer, becuase of the reputation part but not sure if he is considered B-list

  2. Cat Cora. She's a lesbian so this is definitely not what people would expect *L*

    If not, I say Ina Garten! I always thought there was something kinky going on there! *L*

  3. I was thinking Paula Deen too :) She's local here in SAV. I'll snoop around and dig up some dirt. LOL!!

  4. Paula Deen had an affair with a married man for YEARS. Why would this be shocking?

  5. I'm sad to report John Mayer's probably A-list.

    Hmm..well Padme Lakshi isn't married, so can't be her, so I guess I gotta go with Rachel Ray - I don't think Giada is well-enough known and there have been rumblings about Rachel's marriage in the past.

  6. GladysKravitz, you beat me to the punch. That was my first response too. LOL.

    I don't know many A-list female celebrity chefs, let alone one young and/or attractive enough to attract a B-list male singer.

    Padma Lakshmi is hot, but she's not a chef, is she? (I don't watch Top Chef) Does she count?

  7. Please don't let this be Giada.
    I think she is the cutest thing on TV.

  8. Well if this is John Mayer, then he gets around, what is he hung like a horse?

  9. This has to be Rachel Ray. She tries way to hard to be so nice and happy, and her husband gives me the willies!

  10. My immediate thought was Giada, but I think Rachel Ray is a better pick b/c of her marital problems. Her marriage seems to have been over for a while, so I don't think she would be too shy about discussing her escapades. Also, she's really freakin' loud.

  11. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Which one is it?

    Giada De Laurentiis
    Rachael Ray
    Ina Garten
    Padma Lakshmi
    Nigella Lawson
    Paula Deen
    Sandra Lee
    Cat Cora
    Ingrid Hoffmann

  12. Are Katie Lee & Billy Joel actually divorced yet? She is a female celebrity chef, & would have contact with musicians.

  13. I hope it's not Giada, I actually like her.

    I DON'T like Rachel Ray w/ her man voice that goes along with her man watch she loves to wear. I can't blame her though if she cheated on her husband who looks like the creepiest pedophile EVER. (*shudder)

  14. There is really only 1 A-list celebrity chef that is a woman and that is Rachel Ray. I like the Adam Levine guess.

  15. When in doubt - I'll take the A-list chef based in L.A. like Enty is.

    Giada ftw.

  16. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I thought Giada, too, but Rachael Ray is very gabby.

    I just can't think why anyone would have sex with Rachael, though. She's so damn obnoxious and she has that irritating voice and Betty Rubble giggle.


  17. I thought about Nigella too, but isn't she supposed to be the sexy chef or something so she wouldn't be that shocking. Personally, I don't get the attraction.

    What about Martha Stewart and that rapper she was friends with?

    It can't be Ina, she's too into Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey.

    Giada seems to be crazy about her husband, Todd too.

    Rachael says she's a cook, not a chef. I'm not sure about Paula Deen being a chef either.

    But, Paula might be a good guess. On a show recently Michael said to her "...when you used to like me" and I thought that was strange. Paula has lots of celebs on the party show and she is a HUGE flirt.

    I'm going with Paula and Willie Nelson.

  18. Rachel Ray is very loud. I can see her yacking it up loud enough for people to overhear.

  19. I like the Rachael Ray guess. I think Giada has to much class to be discussing a one night stand with someone within earshot of the general public. She also has a baby so I don't think she would go there. Rachael on the other hand.........

  20. Rachel ray and Nick Lachey

  21. I'm wondering if "Spectacular" is a clue - in fact, I'm thinking now that it's something one of them might say on the regular?

  22. Does anyone remember when Lionel Richie was a host of some music awards show -- Grammys, maybe? -- at the height of his career in the '80s? He used one word over and over and over during that show. I recall that it was "spectacular," although I could be way off. He would be considered B-list with A-list recognition, no? Plus, he's recently divorced.

  23. Rachel Ray. None of the ones listed would discuss it, even if they would do it.

    Rachel Ray, and it was over in 30 minutes.


  24. Julia Child & Barry Manilow for the win

  25. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Padma is not a celebrity chef. She is a model, actress, host and lover of food. She did put out a 2 books but that's bc she was on Top Chef and not because she is know for cooking.


  27. I was going to argue about there being no way on God's green Earth Rachel Ray could be considered a chef, however my standards for that title are probably higher than everyone elses.
    So, I'm going to attribute the title "chef" to Enty trying to throw a red herring into the blind.
    Given that the description was "explicit and graphic", I'll agree Rachel Ray.
    Giada, too classy.
    Paula, too Southern.
    Martha, gimme the bleach.

    As for the singer, Enrique Iglesias?

  28. I agree that there is only one A-List Female Celebrity chef and it's Rachel Ray. I also thought of John Mayer for the guy...not really sure why. How do you have an A-List reputation and name recognition but aren't A-List yourself? I think John Mayer fits this. He's not headlining any world tours or topping the charts and is kind of known for being a famewhore (B-List) but he does have talent (A-List reputation) and name recognition (A-list as well).

  29. Anonymous3:29 PM

    First time posting, love reading the blog and everyone's comments!
    Rachel Ray with Michael Buble. Saw him on her show the other day (2nd time he's been a guest) and she was flirting with him like crazy and laughing at everything he said...

  30. Giada does regular segments for Today in NY. If anyone cared, they could research which singers have happened to appear on the show the same day as her. Today doesn't have music that often.
    I only mention it because I hope it's Giada; her diction grates on my last nerve.

    BUT my guess is actually Rachel Ray, just because she is so loud and crass and shameless in general. It would be very easy to pick out her voice in a crowded restaurant.

    RR also does Today and other shows like that. She definitely gets around and would run into a wide variety of famous people.

  31. Lionel Richie's word that night was, "Outrageous!" And for the record, it drove me nuts.

  32. Anonymous3:35 PM

    i'll bet anything the chef is giada de laurentiis and the guy is john mayer. my wife has a cookbook of big tits and she writes about loving his shit music and she listens to this douche everyday. god why?

  33. PLEASE God, no more John Mayer.

    And especially no John Mayer banging Rachel Ray - that's just cruel and unusual punishment, putting that vision in my head...

  34. SPILL ON paula deen's affair. who did she bunk?

    john mayer is supposed to be well hung.

  35. Enty...I love the site but youre killing me.

    How can they be B list with A list recognition? Can I also be chubby with a Six pack?

    Could you please stop throwing in your own personal view of where they stand on the Hollywood Food Chart?

    If they are A say A if they are B say B...If we know them so well then they are A. Just because they arent releasing chart toppers doesnt drop them down the food chain. An A musician is an A musician.

  36. My immediate thought was Giada and Enrique....Because Giada seems so wholesome....

    BUT... It probably is Loud-Mouth Ray....
    And, I think, I can even picture her saying..
    "This is going to taste SPECTACULAR"

  37. Rocket Queen - Love your tag (GnR) but Padma doesn't cook.

    She stands near food...but she never touches it unless shes picking it up to eat.

  38. QS, read Paula's autobiography, it's really good. Reminds me, a friend borrowed my book and never returned it.

    Paula never named the married man, but he was a shit to her and even stole money from her.

    Why she stayed in such a crappy relationship for so long was beyond me.

    But, I guess we've all been there at one time or another.

  39. Nigella Swallows-Lawson. That's what they call her & she pretty much felates the damn camera. Rachel Ray is too obvious.

  40. I've met Giada and Nigella and I don't think it's either of them. Definitely not Giada---it's not her personality. Also, both women have at least one child and Enty would have mentioned that.
    Rachael Ray on the other hand doesn't have any children...

  41. Rachael Ray and Harry Connick Jr.

  42. First he rubbed down my whole body with EVOO...

  43. @HelloIt'sMe - thanks :) I had heard Padma had cookbooks, so assumed...

    With regards to the seemingly contradictory tags, I get what Enty means. For example, Parasite Hilton is obviously C or D list, but she's A list for name recognition.

    I actually think Bump_Draft's guess was great - Rachael Ray with Buble - he's a known man-whore (suspected of cheating on Emily Blunt and I once flat-out asked a local comedian who toured with him about it and refused to "confirm nor deny") and has admitted it himself. Would Buble be A-list for name recognition?

  44. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I've never heard of Giada, so I don't think she's A-list.

    I'm going with Rachel Ray and John Mayer.

  45. @.robert - your comment just made me spit water on my screen. Fecking hilarious.

  46. Can't stand either Giada or John Mayer, so I hope it's them.

  47. Rachael Ray and after having a look at her talk show's past guest list I'd say: Michael Buble (my best guess), Harry Connick, Jr. (doubtful), or Michael Bolton.

  48. Rachael Ray is not a chef, and constantly reminds others that she is a cook, so maybe it isnt her.

  49. paula deen ftw!

    ok, i got nothin'.

  50. Bump_Draft, I think you got it. Bublé is not A-List like Justin or Bono, but everyone knows who he is. Rachael Ray seems like she has John Madden syndrome. Way too chatty. Maybe they used E-V-O-O making it extra yummo. rofl

  51. Based on the last line: "but this is totally not what you expect from our chef and the image she tries to portray to the public.", I gotta go with RR.

  52. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I hope it is Rachael Ray- I cannot and never have been able to stand her annoying ass.

  53. Robert- thanks for the laugh!

  54. I personally think Enty interchanges chef and cook, the way many people use prison and jail, or robbed and burglarized. Unless you are in the respective industries, you won't care what the technical differences are with the terminology.

    He just wants to describe this blind as someone who cooks.

    I'm on the Rachael Ray bandwagon, myself. She's loud enough for people on the other side of the street to hear her.

  55. So... My roomies are telling me that Giada apparently say's SPECTACULAR a lot.

    Just thought I'd share...

    I'm jumping on the Giada Train...Not sure who the guy is..I think it would be hilarious if it was Mayer.. :)

  56. Remember that rumor that Rachael Ray (my dad calls her Cod Cheeks -- heh) was loudly trashing Oprah while drunk in a restaurant?

    My first thought was her and Michael Buble.

  57. I like the Rachel Ray guess...her husband is in a band and they throw a massive party in Austin every year during the SXSW festival. She'd seem to have a very conducive environment to cozy up to the singer with that...

  58. Regarding Padma, the first time I ever saw her was when she had a cooking show on the Food Network. This was years ago and I don't think that people associate her with actually cooking but she was one of my favorites.

    I don't think this is her so I am going with RR and Buble.

  59. The word "Spectacular" made me think of the Seinfeld epi where Teri Hatcher is Jerry's love interest and her boobs - whether they are real or fake - are discussed thoroughly. Upon dumping Jerry, Teri Thatcher says, "They're real and they're SPECTACULAR."

    Therefore, I believe the gal in question is Giada, because lets be real, girlfriend lets the girls hang out ALL THE TIME. And it would totally go against her image. I guess it is questionable if she is A-list.

    The guy in question, I have no idea.

  60. .robert: Rub me down with EVOO! God, that's f**king hilarious. I'll bet she keeps her cabinet well stocked.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  61. I thought is was common knowledge that Giadi was having a long term affair with Matt Lauer. I know for a fact thyey were together before she was pregnant and assumed they just picked back up.

  62. Giada and Matt! - Do tell!!!!

  63. I'm on the Rachael Ray and Harry Connick Jr Train. He totally has A list Name Recognition because of his father and was recently a "surprise" guest on her show.

  64. Anonymous8:30 PM

    It is Rachael Ray and Michael Buble. No doubt. People are reading too much into the "chef" or "cook" title, I think.

  65. Rachael Ray....and Nick Lachey. They were together for a charity thing not even 10 days ago. Look:


  66. Ina Garten and Kenny Rogers.
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  67. My first thought was Paula Deen. Ever watch Paula's Party where she flirts with her guests? That and she tends to be TMI

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was bugged by Lionel Richie and his overuse of "Outrageous" all those years ago

  68. My first thought was Rachel Ray and John Meyer. She is always going on about her "sweetie" and "honey" on her shows and even has her husband featured in some of them. Why John? Don't know, maybe because he is rumored to like golden showers (graphic part).

    Giada doesn't go on and on about her marriage.

  69. Giada and Matt! - More info, please!!

    My friend's MIL read a Paula Deen bio that she said was quite graphic; Paula apparently is a big fan of the hot beef injections (MIL is 70 and Catholic, so who knows just how graphic it really was, LOL).

    I would like to think it's not RR only because she's a cook not a chef, but calling her a cook would be a dead giveaway. She does have a big friggin' mouth, so I do think it's her. She pretty much think's she's untouchable at this point. I didn't realize her husband was rumored to be a kink; anyone have anymore intel on that?
    Inquiring minds gotta know!

  70. Im thinking John Mayer. might be a long shot, but he played at "spectacular, spectacular" on his mayercraft carrier show


  71. Giada, totally. She's married for one, and two, the "strain our ears" here refers to pasta, hence giada.

  72. my first thought was John Mayer "A list reputation" and Rachel Ray, but I love the Giada guess....

  73. In 2008 Rachel Ray had a radio city Christmas Spectacular DVD sweepstakes. She's my guess. For the dude....Nick Lachey.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Rachel Ray.

    I don't know if Nick Lachey can even be counted as B list. I mean, the only thing he's done to give him a "reputation" would be divorcing Jessica Simpson.

    I have no idea who the singer is... but nice job, Enty! This is a really juicy one. :]

  76. .robert HAHA EVOO...

    Rachael Ray's show:
    "Spectacular Wedding Proposals"
    "Radio City Christmas Spectacular"
    "Summer Entertaining Spectacular"

    Bet it was yummo.

  77. Mango said...I didn't realize her husband was rumored to be a kink; anyone have anymore intel on that?
    Inquiring minds gotta know!

    Rachael Ray's Husband Pays For Saliva

    I'd swear I also read somewhere that he frequents a NY dungeon, but google didn't come through for me on that. btw, This msnbc item, about a National Enquirer story that her marriage is over, refers to RR as "celeb chef."

  78. Here is a link:



  79. Nigella is divorced and was dating rather quickly. This is old news and happened a few years ago. Plus her show never really caught on with food network.

    The first year for RR yack fest lots of rumors were swirling about the chemistry between her and the guy from Survivor. And then BAM.. he was no longer on her show.

    I am going with Rachel Ray on this, because I do not like being yelled at while watching TV. And she may not be a true *A* lister, but everyone knows who she is.

    And I really hope it isn't Giadia. I love her and Todd and the baby together.

  80. Nigella isn't divorced, she was widowed. She is now married to Charles Saatchi and is papped with him almost every day, stuffing their faces together at Scott's in Mayfair. It's not her.

  81. You're all forgetting that Rachel Ray is NOT a "chef", in the proper sense. She's a television personality originally from a cooking show, at best she's a "cook". A chef is the head of a kitchen at restaurant, she never worked in the food industry in that capacity and as far as I know is not a formally trained chef. "Chef" is not just a term to refer to someone who cooks.

  82. Gotta be Rachael Ray. Her husband is in a band called The Cringe.

  83. giada de laurentis and Mayer.



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