Monday, November 02, 2009

Sony Screws With Michael Jackson Fans

When the plans were announced for This Is It and its limited run, I shouted from the rooftops that Sony was not going to limit the movie to a few weeks and that it was all a scam to get their money back as quickly as possible. Sony scared all of Michael Jackson's fans into thinking that if they didn't go see the movie in the two weeks it was in theatres they would never get a chance to see it again.

Well, now that Sony made all their money back this weekend they have decided to extend the run by a month until right before Thanksgiving. I'm also guessing that on the Friday after Thanksgiving there will be brand new DVD's of the movie with bonus footage not shown in theatres just in time for the holiday gift giving season.

Plays extend runs all the time. I understand that. However, I think what Sony did comes very close to fraud. They made people think it would only be a two week run and after that the movie would be gone forever. They made people think that because that is what they said. They wanted their money back as fast as possible and they didn't care what they said or did to make sure they got it back.

They didn't need to do that. I have heard the movie is really good and that Sony didn't need to screw over the fans like they did and which they will continue to do. I think we can count on new rehearsal footage being discovered for many years to come with a new round of DVD's each time.