Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shocker!! Not Everyone On The Face Of The Earth Recognizes Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus got a welcome shock back to reality this past week in New York. According to The NY Post, Miley and a friend walked into a burger place and ordered some food. The guy taking the order asked Miley for her name and she said, "Are you serious? You don't recognize me? I'm Miley Cyrus."

Now why should some old guy behind a counter recognize Miley Cyrus? True, he could love child porn and have seen her almost porn web images. Even if the guy has kids that are in Miley's demographic why on earth should he be able to recognize her. Sure, if she came in wearing hardly any clothing while carrying a portable stripper pole, and smacking on some gum, the rest of us might know, but why should he?

Note to celebrities or people who think they are famous. Umm, you are not the center of the universe. Just because you have 1 billion fans still leaves about 75% of the world clueless to who you are or what you look like.

I want you to read what Miley wrote and imagine her smacking the gum with that southern accent of hers. I can see her saying it. There would have been four or five likes, but this is close.


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