Have you seen the letter Sandra Bullock sent to the court describing this whole Jesse James and Janine custody fight? It is good stuff. Of course it isn't signed under penalty of perjury so it could all be full of crap. It was used in the sentencing phase after Janine's conviction for tax evasion.
Here is the link to the full letter, but here are some highlights.
"I am aware that Janine has claimed many times that my desire to have Sunny was because I could not have children of my own. As difficult as that is for me to hear, and write, it couldn't be farther from the truth."
Sandra says they can't have kids because they are too busy raising Janine's child and that it would be wrong to bring another child into the mess that Janine created. Also, they are caring for Jesse's two other kids and that is why she hasn't had kids with Jesse.
Sandra says that she has cut way back on her work schedule because of Janine and the responsibilities of taking care of Sunny.
"I myself have stopped working like I used to in order to be here with Jesse and the kids because we are on constant high alert, never knowing what condition Janine will be in, and even more concerning, the condition Sunny will be in. While in Janine's care, sometimes Sunny is left alone during the day, while her mother is asleep from drug use."
Sandra also complains about Janine's new husband who sounds like a real winner of a guy. His name is Jeremy Aikman and he has been convicted by various state governments as well as the federal government for crimes involving alcohol, drugs, manufacture of drugs, and guns. Yeah, why don't you keep your 5 year old child around him and the porn star who uses drugs. Wow, that does not sound like a good environment for anyone, let alone a kid.
Janine for her part says she has made horrible decisions in the past, but is the best mom ever now.
Being that the woman who gave birth to me is a drug addict, and has sold her body for money, and also been to prison, this is my little bit of insight. They ALL come out the other side and always say they're the best they can be now, as they are stealing your wallet. Granted this is not true for everyone, but I think for most it is.
ReplyDeleteI read earlier comments on another site that stated Sandra needs to mind her own business. To that I have to say, bullshit! A child is a child and it is EVERYONES responsibility to make sure they grow up healthy and happy. You marry someone with children, it becomes your responsibility as well. Besides the fact that it isn't as though this was released by Sandra to the public.
ReplyDeleteoverdramatized for public consumption
ReplyDeleteJesse James married a porn star and then had a child.
ReplyDeleteJesse James is covered in tattoos and before becoming a motorcycle/restauranter- he was a body guard for speed metal bands.
This story is making Sandra and Jesse look bad- becasue the porn star is a very well spoken lady- on GMA I was shocked by her ability to stand up forherself/defend herself- vs what I thought she'd say.
Porn stars new husband LOOKS like a criminal- but since he never spoke- I can only judge by the cover.
Sandra and Jesse are trying to do the right thing, and I am sure they are motivated by trying to do the best by this little girl.......but, what was Jesse thinking by marrying and then having a baby with a porn star if he was going to turn around and call her a porn star????
I hope, for this little girl, it all works out. Porn star said on GMA she has never even spoken with Sandra- and hopes that they can sit down one day and talk- she even went to so far to say Sandra has been wonderful to Sunny.
"Sandra also complains about Janine's new husband who sounds like a real winner of a guy. His name is Jeremy Aikman and he has been convicted by various state governments as well as the federal government for crimes involving alcohol, drugs, manufacture of drugs, and guns. Yeah, why don't you keep your 5 year old child around him and the porn star who uses drugs. Wow, that does not sound like a good environment for anyone, let alone a kid."
ReplyDeleteI'm with Sandra on this one for exactly the reasons stated above. For SB to do anything less than fight tooth-and-nail to get that 5 year-old girl OUT of that environment would be shameful so more power to her and to Jesse. One need only to look at the Lohan family to see what can happen with two totally screwed up *biological* parents and they're not nearly as dangerous as what it sounds like Janine and Jeremy Aikman have the very real potential to be.
If if if...if the queen had balls, she'd be king.
ReplyDeleteThe past is over and done with, there's a child's future at stake here. Jesse and Sandra seem to be trying to do what's right for the child and I applaud them for it. Jesse made a mistake marrying and impregnating Janine...what can he do about it? Nothing. He should thank his lucky stars he found someone as understanding as Sandra.
you go ,Sandra. good for her.
ReplyDeleteGood for Sandra for caring. She seems like she is a good parent.
ReplyDeleteI think Sandra and Jesse are doing the right thing by fighting for the child but what I'm reading here makes it sound like it's all about her and the sacrifices she has made.
ReplyDeleteI cut had to cut back on work, We can't have children right now...boo hoo.
Astonishingly sensitive and caring for Sandra to put aside what desires she may have had for her "own" biological child, in order to focus on Sunny.
ReplyDeleteI've heard good things about Sandra, and this would seem to support that.
Sandra is a lying, homewrecking whore and a baby stealing bitch. "I don't have a baby so i can raise Jesse's previous babies"? Bitch please.
ReplyDeleteI hope Sandra and Jesse have primary custody with supervised visitation to the Mother.
ReplyDeleteStacy, take a xanex and chill out.
ReplyDeleteI agree with califblondy. I don't think the Mother should be denied seeing her child.
ReplyDeleteWow, Stacy. Tell us what you REALLY think.
ReplyDeletei don't think the child should be around a mother who's passed out from drugs and a new stepdad who's a dope and gun dealer. good lord. so if porn star sees her kid, i hope it's supervised now, or some judge is out of his fucking mind.
ReplyDeletei see no reason anyone should insult sandra bullock about this situation. she's trying to give this child some stability. what the hell is wrong with that?
Isn't Sandra Bullock the revealed kindness about the actress who donated her whole salary from a movie to a charity?
ReplyDeleteThis seems in line with that. Good for her for trying to do what's best for her stepdaughter. No one should criticize her for that.
@Babs hahaha.
ReplyDeleteThe mother should be allowed to see the child maybe start with supervised visits a couple times a week and then go from there.
You said Bullcok. Heh heh heh.
ReplyDeleteSandra isn't trying to keep a child from her mother. She's trying to stabilize a child who's been brought up by a drug-addicted mother. Sandra has every right to try and protect that child. You go girl!
ReplyDeleteI admire what Sandra is doing, but is it possble that she is also slightly past her prime in Hollywood, & doesn't have as many offers pouring in?
ReplyDeleteLast week we watched "Thw Proposal", & my husband, who NEVER criticizes anyone like I do, said she was getting slightly long in the tooth to be playing the role that she was.
I like her very much, but she is at that "inbetween" stage in Hollywood right now.
I'd say the real mom has to prove that she is clean and willing to make the changes in her life to raise her child. In the mean time she is where she needs to be.
ReplyDeleteSandra is stepping up to take a child out of a dangerous situation. Better to do this now instead of 10yrs from now crying and wondering what went wrong with Sunny.
ReplyDelete1. Jesse didn't even want to see the child until she was almost 3 years old.
ReplyDelete2. The mother will alwyas be 'tainted' becuse she is a porn star and makes any allegations Sandra wants to make about her seem more plausible. They have accused the mother of abuse/neglect before and those accusations were determined to be unfounded.
3. I 100% disagree that just because she was in the porn industry that automatically makes her a bad mother, i am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.
4. Sandra is a KNOWN liar, believe that "America's Sweetheart' crap all you want.
5. The mother went to jail for tax reasons, not drugs or anything else, so why are you all just assuming that she's some horrible person?
6. This all seems to me like baby-stealing and Sandra using her baseless rep as a good girl to her advantage.
Man, the punctuation in that letter is out of control. Is it too much trouble to edit (or get someone to edit) a letter that you're sending TO A JUDGE?
ReplyDeleteStacy, what has Sandra lied about? Just curious...
ReplyDeleteThis story is great just because it's opened up a whole conversation about blended families and custody.
ReplyDeleteI have been a step mother to my ex husbands first child and he has now remarried so our kids together have a step mother in his new wife.
No one ever wins in this sort of battle, especially the kids. Being a step mother is a sucky job and not one I ever want to volunteer for again.
Trust me, no one ever thanks you for the all the heartache you go through, least of all your partner. As much as Sandra wants to support her husband and his children she should keep her thoughts and opinions to herself, I'm sure she means well. The majority of step mothers do, and therein lies the rub.
Just remember the way he treats his ex, is (if you break up) the wau he will treat you. A lesson I had to learn the hard way.
Stacy, I think you're taking this a wee bit too personally. Former/current porn star perhaps? Because, actually working in that industry *does* make you unfit to be a parent and having your current boyfriend, whom you've shacked up with upon being recently been released FROM JAIL, bein a convicted felon for drug-related offenses is pretty fucking damning. So go Sandra. Take the kid, give her a decent home. End of story.
ReplyDeleteUm, no. Paralegal, have beeen since I started working. And I totally disagree that someone's job makes them unfit, no matter how distasteful it may be.
ReplyDeleteANd so Janine's new husband is a former convict...well so is Jesse James. He has a long record, so if that's your criteria for who is the better parent, your argument is seriously lacking.
Plus, I don't find a homewrecker of any higher moral standing than a porn star, they're both effed up, especially considering how many so-called "good" celeb kids are drugged up losers anyway (hello, Farah Fawcett's son). Thank gawd the court's will decide the chid's fate and not the minivan majority.
Regsardless of anyone's career in this situation it is only about the child.
ReplyDeleteIf the mother is cleaned up then she should get some, supervised, visitation.
As far as if a step mother should have a say in her step children's upbringing, of course she should, within reason.
In this case the mother was unfit and the step mother filled her roll. I think that gives her equal rights as the mother. It is almost like a foster situation but it is not "within the system" and so, frankly, should work out better for the child.
It is about the little girl and giving her a stable, supportive, happy home life and the tools that she needs to have a stable and happy adult life.
Well thanks, Stacy.
ReplyDeleteBased on your own very special opinion, blended families shouldn't even exist...especially if there's a 'homewrecker.'
The fuck. We're talking about a child.
Not an adult with issues....and I won't even go any further with you.
For once...I'd like to see a comment stream online that isn't diverted by the ultra perfect perwon like you who never has a past they have to account for or any strange issue to explain.
Funny how you home in on Sandy and Jesse and not the neglect part of the equation.
No...not funny...STRANGE.
Or some sort of troll just transferring him/her/it's past trauma on everyone else.
Seriously: would you AS A PARALEGAL...ask about a previous owner's HOMEWRECKER status if someone brought you an abandoned puppy to care for?
YOU would, being so perfect,and a Paralegal. Right? Right?
What Homewrecker? Jessie jumped off the pornslut long before Sandy entered the picture. What's the matter Stacy, someone do you wrong? Tired of constantly getting kicked to the curb. Or can you identify with Janine a little too much? Because you certainly don't seem to care one ounce for the Child here. By the way I wonder where Janine's other child is? Why doesn't she have custody of him? And why isn't she screaming about not having custody of him? Could it be because her ex-husband can't get her publicity like fighting over this child with Sandra Bullock will. Janine's remarks are about Sandy and not Jessie.... The bitch is looking for publicity not parenthood.
ReplyDeleteWow Alystar, think you said it all there. good job.
ReplyDeleteJump off Stacie people. She said her opinion just like everyone else here. Bet ya didn't know Stacie that SB sprouted wings out her arse. She's a lovely angel. Right up there for mother of the year with Kate Gossline or whatever her name is. She's not having kids because Janine made such a mess, bitch please! :)
ReplyDeleteShe took her husband, hell why not the kid too. Nice!
Yes, the grammar in that letter to the judge is atrocious, but I don't buy Sandra's sugar coating. Maybe I am cynical, but this sounds like a play for publicity and Sandy has a new movie coming out. Sandy did not have kids, because she did not want to. It is that simple. She just does not want to tell the public that.
ReplyDeleteI'm Team Sandra on this one. I don't care that the woman is a porn slut but that certainly doesn't help her case. WTF are people (Stacy) getting so bent out of shape about it?
ReplyDeleteImagine if you found out your parent was a porn star. You would feel embarrassed and screwed up. It's best for all concerned if the girl is raised by Sandra. Otherwise that kid will grow up thinking that drug taking and being in blue movies is the norm. It's not! Janine may have been jailed for tax evasion, but she looks like a sleazy cow with all those tattoos right up her arms. Not good role model material. Act like a mum if you want to be a mum Janine!!!
ReplyDeletestacy slut u better shut ur mouth up, sandra isnt home wrecker, she met jeese way after he left that stupid slut janine, he might considered marrying stupid shit who fucked with lot mens is not a good idea.....and fortunately he meet sandra ( poor sandra, she deserves a better guy than this man )..but love is all blind.....and about the kid....this bitch even promote her porn site and down her panties while intervied abiout this case in radio....she even dont sounds sad and keep laughing hard in whole interview why howard keep making a dirty joke about her....so my question is what is that inside her brain? probbaly nothing except cock and money....if she wants to be good mother, prove it, quit being porn shit, drugs and hooked up with that felony.....but until now she never showed anything that make her looks like a good mother, she is keep busy fucked for her porn