Sandra Bullock Says Janine Is To Blame For Sandra Not Having Kids
Have you seen the letter Sandra Bullock sent to the court describing this whole Jesse James and Janine custody fight? It is good stuff. Of course it isn't signed under penalty of perjury so it could all be full of crap. It was used in the sentencing phase after Janine's conviction for tax evasion.
Here is the link to the full letter, but here are some highlights.
"I am aware that Janine has claimed many times that my desire to have Sunny was because I could not have children of my own. As difficult as that is for me to hear, and write, it couldn't be farther from the truth."
Sandra says they can't have kids because they are too busy raising Janine's child and that it would be wrong to bring another child into the mess that Janine created. Also, they are caring for Jesse's two other kids and that is why she hasn't had kids with Jesse.
Sandra says that she has cut way back on her work schedule because of Janine and the responsibilities of taking care of Sunny.
"I myself have stopped working like I used to in order to be here with Jesse and the kids because we are on constant high alert, never knowing what condition Janine will be in, and even more concerning, the condition Sunny will be in. While in Janine's care, sometimes Sunny is left alone during the day, while her mother is asleep from drug use."
Sandra also complains about Janine's new husband who sounds like a real winner of a guy. His name is Jeremy Aikman and he has been convicted by various state governments as well as the federal government for crimes involving alcohol, drugs, manufacture of drugs, and guns. Yeah, why don't you keep your 5 year old child around him and the porn star who uses drugs. Wow, that does not sound like a good environment for anyone, let alone a kid.
Janine for her part says she has made horrible decisions in the past, but is the best mom ever now.