Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ryan Reynolds & Anna Faris - Again

Apparently Ryan Reynolds and Anna Faris are going to be the Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks of this generation or maybe just the next 15 years, I don't know. What I do know is that Just Friends was not just a one off thing and now Ryan and Anna are set to star together in a movie called TMI. I'm assuming it stands for Too Much Information which would be their equivalent to You've Got Mail. When do we get their remake of Joe vs The Volcano?

I can't believe someone actually gave Anna Faris another movie. With all of that said, I did find Just Friends enjoyable and because Anna didn't have to do any actual acting it worked out well. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.


  1. And he's executive producer, so it seems as if he might have had a voice in determining his leading lady.

    Guess he doesn't have much more taste professionally than he does personally.

  2. Why all the hate for Anna? I liked her in the House Bunny...actually the only decent thing about the entire movie....(oops...I take that back...Emma Stone ROCKS!!!)

  3. I can't tell her and Taylor Momsen apart. I've tried to like him, but I just can't.

  4. I have to say I thought Just Friends was hilarious, even though I didn't expect to like it at all.

    I didn't even recognize Anna in The House Bunny, all that plastic surgery made her look completely different.

  5. i dislike stupid romcom,i dislike Anna Faris acting and i HATE Ryan Reynolds acting! even Affleck acts better and looks less empty than him!

  6. I like Anna Faris, she is a one trick pony who doesn't attempt to prove otherwise.

  7. i loved Just Friends,but only because I saw her character like Britney Spears..funny stuff.

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    They were also in the movie "Waiting" together.

    Before Anna had all her unnecessary plastic surgery, I think she was pretty cute. And why so much hate for her acting? She's good at what she does, and that's cheap laughs. She's not a serious actress nor does she claim to be.

  9. she's the goldie hawn of our day,except after goldie left Laugh In, she actually had more than 1 act.
    Anna does not.

  10. @whole-lotto - Taylor Momsen looks like she's on heavy drugs all the time with dark eye makeup. At least Anna always looks clean.

    Ryan Reynolds is rapidly becoming rom-com guy. Yech.

  11. I like Anna. She was great in 'Just Friends'. She really made that movie. Also liked her in 'Lost in Translation' trying to play Cameron Diaz. She was also funny in 'The Hot Chick'. And one more, she was good in 'May', too. She's a funny girl. I don't get the hate either...?

  12. yeah, that plastic surgery really f-d her face up.

    also, i hade no idea she was supposed to be cam diaz in that movie... you live, you learn

  13. i don't get why people hate her. she's funny. i loved her in 'lost in translation.' what's the problem?

  14. Anna Faris was much better as a pre-plastic surgery brunette.

    wasn't she in scary movie?

  15. Awww, I like Joe Versus the Volcano. That move is clever and underrated. I think I'm going to watch it right now.

  16. Ryan is so rude to his fans. I just can't like him any more.

  17. I don't get the Anna Faris hate either unless it's something personal with enty. I think she was hilarious in those Scary Movie parodies. She was also good in Lost In Translation. OK, she's good at playing stupid blondes, but that's something, right?

  18. i thought just friends was hysterical - the part where he is fat and singing boyz 2 men or whatever. i died. then again i was probably stoned...

  19. That makes me sad that she had plastic surgery - any pics anyone?
    My 14 yo son would watch any movies she's in. Maybe that's their target audience?

  20. I think Anna has got to be the subject of a bad blind, because didn't Enty used to like her? Or was House Bunny just that bad? LOL

  21. Just Friends was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I'm sorry, but I could not get enough of the two brother characters beating the crap out of each other. Anaa Faris was good in that role, but those kinds of roles get old fast.

  22. why the hate, enty? is she a jerk?

  23. I don't get the hysteria over Ryan Reynolds. He is very ordinary looking. I like Anna Faris. The Scary Movie franchise was hilarious!

  24. I always heard she was friendly with fans...maybe that's changed since she's been in more movies?
