Friday, November 20, 2009

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today. I also want to announce that it is that time of the year again. We are just about six weeks away from reveals and as a part of the lead up into reveals day I love posting photos of you in the random photos. So, beginning next week and for the next four weeks I will post your photos daily and then on reveal day put all of them into one big post. If you would like your photo in the photos send an e-mail to

I don't know if I have ever seen Julia Roberts jogging before. I have seen her walking briskly and pushing a stroller. I think I have seen her swimming, but never jogging.
Kathleen Turner has a name tag so everyone knows who she is. Don't worry Kathleen I won't forget who you are.
You know you need a sandwich when your head appears to be twice as big as the rest of your body. So, Lydia Hearst, eat a sandwich.
Do you think Michael Bolton has ever watched Office Space? Do you think he laughs?
A couple is convinced the sonogram picture of their baby shows Michael Jackson.
I know that producers have cast Bebe Neuwirth as Morticia Addams for Broadway but I really think they should also keep in mind Michelle Trachtenberg. She is so pale. Here she is with Matthew Settle.
I'm sure D&G thought a black backdrop would be great. I think what they failed to account for is that most people have black coats. Here is Natalie Portman or at least her face and hands.
So, this isn't Tom Cruise's boyfriend or anything, but it is probably something he loves. Instead of having to wear Spanx he can now get this t-shirt from some company that says it will make you look like you always have a six pack. A review I read from a man said all he got was a heat rash when he wore it when it was hot outside and that no one noticed until he said something.
Selma Blair and Ginnifer Goodwin. I feel like I am watching some kind of changing of the guard or at least a possible SWF situation.
Is Matt Lauer patting Susan on the head?
Suri crosses the finish line first. She wins a free e-meter!!!
Sharon Stone in Japan. She then started singing Mr. Robato.
Taylor Momsen took the whole vampire movie opening way too literally.
The Pixies - Chicago
And then Victoria Beckham fell down the rest of the stairs because she couldn't see.


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