Thursday, November 19, 2009

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

I think this is a first time appearance for Luke Evans.
Laura Prepon looks thrilled to be spotted.
Do you think anything permanently disfiguring would happen to you if you saw Latoya Jackson without her makeup and wig on?
I really didn't want to include the picture of Mel B and her husband but it looks like he is wearing velvet so I have to stick to the rules.
I think they should make a new version of Grumpy Old Men starring this pair.
So, was this a sleepover or something because it looks like the kid in front is wearing pajamas.
Nic Cage in Kenya. Did you know Nic is the UN representative for drugs and crime. Yeah, so anyway, as part of his duties he went and spoke with Somali pirates who had been captured. He probably wants a piece of the action because he has his eye on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was once touched by Elvis and will only cost him $250,000.
Does Neil Patrick Harris ever take a bad picture?
Monaco Day. Princess Stephanie on the far left has changed a great deal. Before the internet she sold a whole lot of tabloids.
I think Russell reminds Quentin that he is sleeping with Katy Perry.
Meanwhile over on the other side of town, Katy prepared to perform for a cell phone company.
Robert Pattinson at some morning show program today.
Has anyone seen Reese with Jake in awhile? I guess the bag belongs to Reese huh?
Shakira - New York City
Shakira's parents - New York City.
Tom Cruise in Vienna. Lots of creepy looking bodyguards.
The always impeccable Tom Ford.
Contrast Tom with Levi Johnston who was a pariah last night. It was a tossup who was ignored more he or Lindsay Lohan.


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