Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Prince Of Persia Trailer

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time in HD

Trailer Park | MySpace Video


  1. i'll see anything with Ben Kingsley in it. he's the shit.

  2. It looks better than I thought it would. His hair looks just as greasy as it did during filming but I guess he is supposed to running around getting in fights not taking shampooing, rinsing, and repeating.

    Kind of reminds me of the mummy movies.

  3. ugh ignore my typo.

    I wonder if this means that Kristen's wig will look just as terrible in the movie as it did when she was filming.

  4. My first thought, too, Alice D.: God, he looks greasy in this movie!

  5. Um, I'll go see it.

  6. The videogame is the shit

  7. I wish it was like the Mummy movies because then it would have Oded Fehr.

  8. I think the movie looks like a hit.
    My only question is, when did Jake become a Disney property?
    I know, I know, one movie does not a Disney property make, however I'm willing to bet it's the case.

  9. Dude, take your shirt off!!!

    (Can anyone say Franchise?)

  10. oh ben kingsley, how do i love thee...

  11. ah sunnyside, I was just coming on to say the same thing re franchise. I used to go to Saturday afternoon matinées when I was a kid to see, among other movies, the Sinbad series. If Sinbad was made today, this is what it would look like.

    If this movie is a hit (not just due to cgi), I can see it spawning a series of films.

    I might actually buy popcorn for this flick!
