Friday, November 27, 2009

People Magazine Hits A New Low

I don't know what Kneepads Magazine owed the Lohan family but whatever it was it must have been huge. They interviewed Dina Lohan and I have never seen such crap journalism. If you were a reporter and you had the chance to ask Dina Lohan questions what would you ask her? Well, keep that in mind as you see what Kneepads asked her. Oh, and the picture above is one they used. Pre lip injections and during a stage where she was not coked out of her mind.

People - What do you have Lindsay doing in the kitchen this Thanksgiving?
Dina - "Lindsay is making the garlic mashed potatoes. They are amazing!"

(If she is doing anything amazing she must spike them with something)

People - How is Lindsay doing?
Dina - "Lindsay is doing great right now. She's happy and very busy working. She works a lot and so we're excited to have her home for Thanksgiving."

(How does she find the time to work between her stealing and clubbing and drugging? Is it hard for her to organize? Is there a time management system you prefer?)

People - What are you and your other kids doing in the kitchen to help?
Dina - "Ali is doing the stuffing and I'm doing the turkey and making sure nothing burns."

(Ali is now her only other child apparently.)

People - Do you have any special traditions?
Dina - "We go around the table and say what we are thankful for. I grew up with it and it's just a Thanksgiving tradition we have going on at our house that we grabbed onto … We are so blessed and it's important to share what we are thankful for, and not to take things for granted."

Like kiss ass magazines and drug dealers that give discounts. This is the biggest piece of crap I have read in awhile. People should be ashamed.


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