My Favorite Quote Of The Day
I know I usually end things with the blind item, but this made me laugh and so I had to share. Apparently there is a very graphic sex tape involving two former Miss Universe contestants and a photographer. The two women in question were contestants in the 2008 Miss Universe pageant and are Miss Japan and Miss Trinidad & Tobago. TMZ was offered the tape and although they didn't buy the tape, they called the Miss Universe people for a comment. Presumably Donald Trump was too busy watching the DVD on a loop, but their spokesperson said, "This was apparently eight months after the pageant and neither were the reigning titleholder. The photographer is NOT a Miss Universe staffer so we have nothing to say or any involvement ... thank goodness."
Translation. "I have to go home early tonight and this would have ruined my day and week if we had been involved somehow."
As for me, I love it when spokespeople are honest and you can read the relief in their statements.