Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Matthew Perry Turned Down A Monica & Chandler Reunion - Kind Of

Courteney Cox is doing her best impression of staging a Friends reunion one cast member at a time. On her show Cougar Town, Courteney has already convinced Lisa Kudrow to star and she is just working her way down the list of former castmates. She said recently that she had asked Matthew Perry to come on the show and play her boyfriend. Apparently it was too close to a Monica & Chandler thing though so Matthew took a pass. What I think she should do is have an episode kind of like Larry David did during Curb Your Enthusiasm. Just have the rest of the cast reunited on Cougar Town. Courteney could walk in one them while they are filming a reunion show and she could run around asking everyone where Monica was because she was her favorite character and really wants to meet her. This way we can get the whole reunion thing done and over with forever.


  1. I think that's a wonderful idea, Enty!Cougar Town & Modern Family are two of my most fav shows - Courteney is high-larious!!!

  2. Sorry to those that like it. I can't stand the show - her angry frozen face and forced acting are grating.

  3. enty, that's a mondo-fab idea! i'd so tune in to an episode like that.

  4. I watch the show. Don't know why because it is terrible.

  5. Even if they do the reunion on that show, I still don't think it'll be done forever. I'm sure they'll try to plan another one somewhere down the road.

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    The first show was hilarious the rest have been so-so. I still watch it.

    Modern family kind of dysfunctional lol.

  7. I like the show. I don't love it, but it's humorous!

    On topic, I'm glad that Matthew Perry turned it down. I do think it would've been weird with the Monica/Chandler thing and trying to jump to Jules/whomever. Monica and Chandler were too iconic.


  8. Love Modern Family! Cougar Town, agree with the poster that said the first one was good - it's been downhill from there. And her altered face just freaks me out now.

  9. I couldn't have gotten past the Monica/Chandler thing.

  10. Her altered face is nothing new. It even changes from season to season on Friends.

  11. Speaking of changing from season to season on Friends, remember how Chandler lost/gained something like 50 pounds from the end of one season to the next?

    And the episodes were supposed to be "the day he proposes to Monica" and next season "the day after." Except in one he was ematiated and in the next he was chunky.

    But at this point you'd think he'd take any work he could get.

  12. this show is so bad it makes me long for 'dirt.'

    'modern family' on the other hand is a treasure. if you haven't seen it, you can also watch the episodes on abc.com.

  13. Love Modern Family.

    I wish they had someone else starring in Cougar Town. Cox is the worst thing on it. Otherwise, it has some very funny moments and lots of potential. Overall, the men on their are funnier than the women who all play it a bit over the top, but no one as miserably as CC.
