Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Martha Stewart Trashes Rachael Ray

Martha Stewart gave her first television interview in about five years to Nightline. In the interview she takes lots of shots at Rachael Ray about what Rachael implies that she does and what Rachael actually does.

"Well, to me, she professed that she could -- cannot bake She -- just did a new cookbook which is just a re-edit of a lot of her old recipes. She -- and that's not good enough for me."

Martha says that Rachael can't cook and is an entertainer even though Rachael implies she is a chef and a cook.

"Ray is more of an entertainer ... with her bubbly personality, than she is a teacher, like me. That's not what she's professing to be."

So, what does Rachael have to say about all of this? She totally agrees with Martha and would rather eat Martha's food than her own.

"Her skill set is far beyond mine. That's simply the reality of it. Ray adds that "that doesn't mean that what I do isn't important too... I don't consider it needling. I really just think she's being honest. She does have a better skill set than I do when it comes to producing a beautiful, perfect, high-quality meal. I'd rather eat Martha's than mine, too."

I'm sure that last sentence just warms the hearts of people who decided to drop $35 on your new cookbook.


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