Kirsten Dunst & Jake Gyllenhaal Are Not Good Friends
I have to give some kudos to Kirsten Dunst. In an interview with Allure this month she didn't try and make the world believe her by saying that she and Jake Gyllenhaal are still close or care for each other or the million other platitudes that celebrities use to avoid ever being seen as anything other than happy go lucky and perfect human beings.
She says, "If I saw him it would be nice to see him, but we're not good friends." I wonder why that is? It is one line and there is no context to the quote other than her talking about a picture of the two of them taken back in 2004. Do you get the feeling though that this was not a very happy break up? Yeah, me too.
Here is a link to pictures of her throughout the years and her comments on them for Allure. She has a great comment about one from her Maxim cover shoot. I have to say they have some really good pictures in the selection. The one below is from the collection and the one above is from her cover shoot. Click here for the rest of those.