Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ken Ober Deserves His Own Post

Right after I finished posting yesterday I started hearing about Ken Ober passing and I thought about rushing together something quickly, but he deserved more than that. Was he a big star? No, not really, but for a few years there he had one of the best shows on television. In the late 1980's he hosted a show called Remote Control. It was the first place the world got to see Adam Sandler and Kari Wuhrer. Colin Quinn perfected his act there and Ken Ober presided over the whole thing while at the same time hosting a game show that seemed almost incidental to everything else that came along.

I don't even remember the last time I thought about the show. I usually think about it when I see Colin Quinn on something, but I have never stopped to Google Ken to see what he was doing or what he was working on. Remote Control was also the show that turned MTV from music 24 hours a day into what it is now. He was their experiment into alternative programming. Real World followed shortly thereafter along with Spring Breaks and Jerry Springer.

Below is an entire episode of the show seen from the perspective of one of the contestants. It is in two parts. There is also a commercial for the special MTV gave him.


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