The Kardashians Keep It Klassy
Yes, I know how you spell classy, but for this post it just made more sense to use it with a K. You do realize of course that the Kardashian clan makes more in a year then most of us will earn in a lifetime right? I just wanted that nice cheerful thought in your head for a minute. Oh yeah, I'm drinking. It is 930am on a Wednesday but the booze machine is fired up. And by fired up I mean that the coffee maker is going and I am combining a shot of whiskey to each glass. Hello Thanksgiving.
Anyway, some TMZ camera guy who was probably hoping to have sex with a porn star asked Lisa Ann if she was seeing anyone. You know the guy was hoping she would say no and then fall madly in love with him or at least give him a quickie in the TMZ van while Harvey watched and cheered them on.
But she said she was seeing someone. Who? Robert Kardashian. Yes, the same Robert Kardashian who used to have a squeaky clean image and then went through the Cheetah Girls and now is Joe Francis' wingman. How is that for moving down the respect for women ladder. "Rob treats me like his little teacher and we have a fun sexual relationship that is simple and carefree. He brings out the total cougar in me and I just like to teach him things."
Lisa Ann is best known for portraying Sarah Palin in Who's Nailin' Paylin? After the Thanksgiving meal the family can sit around and watch Kim in her porno and then watch the newest member of their family Lisa Ann in hers. I love the holidays.