Do I think Samantha Burke is an opportunistic greedy fame seeker who got incredibly lucky? Absolutely. Do I like her? Not so much. However, despite my feelings for her personally I know that if for some reason we had a child together that I would see that child. If I couldn't make it for the birth of the baby I would be there right after. Apparently though Jude Law doesn't feel the same way. While Jude is in New York getting to know Sienna Miller again and all her charms, Jude's baby Sophia has spent the first six weeks of her life wondering where daddy is and how come daddy doesn't love her.
Yes, Jude is playing Hamlet in New York, but he could spring for a plane ticket. He could fly down one night and come back the next day. It is just Florida, it isn't like he has to go to the far corners of the globe.
I understand Jude feels like he was probably set up and tricked and deceived. I have a feeling that is how Sadie Frost or the nanny felt when Jude cheated on them. Jude had unprotected sex. People get pregnant. He made a choice and now he is taking out his anger for Samantha on a darling six week old little girl who probably will never see her dad. Oh, I think he will show up once a year or so or whenever the press asks him when he saw her last, but he doesn't care about her.
Jude was more than willing to have the sex to make the baby but not be a man and be a father to the baby. Oh he will pay child support and the child will be financially secure, but all Sophia will know is that her dad couldn't take a few hours to come see her but has time for his other legitimate kids.
The baby is an innocent victim. She shouldn't be punished because of the actions of her mother or her father. It's sad that the child's voice always seems to get lost.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Caroline said, but want to add that at least she has her mom. Some kids don't even have that.
ReplyDeleteSamantha Burke had to have known this would be the outcome.
ReplyDeleteAw, man. That is really sad.
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. This poor girl is going to grow up knowing her mother probably tricked a famous man who wants nothing to do with her.
ReplyDeleteWhen is Jude going to use a freakin' condom? Not just for birth control, but for all the possible STIs. And with a 1-night stand yet!
ReplyDeleteOf course, the STI danger would be much greater with Sienna, but still...
Agree with figgy. Why don't guys just use a condom? It's so simple. So many kids are harmed because of this.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Jude Law should wrap it up but I agree strongly with RocketQueen who nailed it. This woman thought she won the lottery. Financially she'll be okay but I'm not surprised he hasn't seen this child. It was a one night stand, she got pregnant. He's supposed to feel something? Nope. It's only his DNA. It was n't his dream or desire to ahve a child. Damn straight he should have worn a condom. Damn straight she should have insisted on one. They both are responsible and now mommy has to raise the baby on her own. If she really wanted a stable life for her child she would have given her up for adoption. But she didn't because no baby ='s no payout. They are both deplorable people. I hope that baby has someone stable in her life.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she loves her kid? Is that a possibility?
ReplyDeleteWell said, littleoldme.
ReplyDeleteI agree he should step up, but wasn't the story that it was a 30-some-odd hour "relationship" conducted while he was on blurry on flu meds? If he sees this woman as a predator (in that the sex might not have been entirely consensual? maybe they did use birth control, but he suspects her of deliberately sabotaging it?), and seeing the baby means seeing the mom... maybe that's part of the avoidance? By all appearances he's devoted to his other kids.
ReplyDeleteI hope the little girl doesn't grow up thinking her mom "tricked" her dad - no one got tricked here, folks. People were irresponsible and opportunistic, but no one was tricked. Jude Law better learn the difference between being pissed at the mother and not having a relationship with his adorable baby girl. Really, really fast.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Jude Law, but how many other famous people have done the same thing? Even Bill Cosby had a child he supported & I think never saw.
ReplyDeleteSad sad sad ! The poor little innocent is the one who'll pay ! I dont think the mother gives a hoot she just wants the fleeting fame and a paycheck. As for Jude - the man's a loser !
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the mother's actions, he is responsible for his own. Did she slip him a f-ing roofie or something?? Predator...whatever, he was happy enough with the hunt with he was getting laid and a nursemaid out of it. He is a self-absorbed TOOL if he can't get over himself enough to stop seeing himself as the victim here.
ReplyDeleteThis child will most likely be better supported financially than a LOT of other kids in this world. And when she grows up, she can either parlay her paternity into a career in show business, or as a writer of a tell-all about her lack of relationship with her father.
ReplyDeleteJude Law most definitely owes financial support, but the hell he owes the ho mother anything else. She could have used birth control, too. In not doing so, with a man she'd just met, she ran the very high risk of having a child she'd have to raise alone.
Aside from the fact that 1) Jude Law is a douche and 2) it does take two to tango, friends - I HATE, HATE, HATE sleeping baby pictures. In my mind, sleeping baby pictures = DEAD baby pictures, and they creep me out.
ReplyDeleteWho knows what happened between them? The one thing that seems clear is she wanted the baby and he did not. Beyond that who really knows who deceived who, although odds would seem to point to her. If that is what happened, seems about even odds to me that his staying away may ultimately be to the child's benefit. So, I humbly disagree EL.
ReplyDeleteWonder if this will affect his career? Sad for the baby.
ReplyDeleteditto Babs. sooooo my thoughts exactly.
ReplyDeletealso...i think regardless of whether or not the baby momma is a complete skank, i hope she finds someone that'll love her and be a good daddy to that innocent little baby. it's obvious jude law isn't stepping into the role.
sleeping baby pics = dead baby?? WTF? I have never read anything so bizarre on CDAN!! You folks must not actually have children because newborns sleep about 80% of the day. Oh, and I'm gonna also guess that you have never actually seen a dead human being because they don't have rosy cheeks. What a disturbing observation to make about a beautiful sleeping baby, WOW.
ReplyDeleteGot that off my chest, LOL. As for Jude Law (loser) and this baby's mother (loser), if you play with fire your gonna get burned. No victim here but the child, and I feel sorry for her growing up without a father. Money is not a replacement.
". . .but wasn't the story that it was a 30-some-odd hour "relationship" conducted while he was on blurry on flu meds?" (anonanon)
ReplyDeleteJust speaking for me, but who feels like wanting sex when you're flu-ey.
to quote the great Beyonce....if you f-cked it, then you shoulda put a rubber on it.
ReplyDeleteEnty you would see the baby because you are a class act. Jude wouldn't know about being a class act if it bit him in the ass. (Just look at whom he is currently "dating".)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I'm not the only person out there who sees sleeping baby photos and thinks "quick someone put a mirror under it's nose, make sure it's breathing!"
ReplyDeleteThat aside... I respectfully disagree that Jude needs to see this kid. In my humble opinion, he had sex with some chick because sex is neat, BUT, he obviously didn't want to have a baby/life with her. Regardless, she got knocked up, saw magical dollar signs floating around her head and popped a kid out. So, why should he feel like he needs to see it? To make people happy? To pretend to love this kid that he clearly didn't want? Harsh? Sure. Honest? Yup. Some babies aren't wanted and the women who pop 'em out for money or to trap a man are deplorable human beings who put zero thought into their future offspring's emotional well being. It's sad, but if the guy said all along he didn't want a baby, then why should he suddenly have to pretend it's a lil' blessing to appease people. I sure as heck wouldn't. Let him pay his one night stand tax and move on.
I'm torn on this one. Part of me (actually most of me) thinks he should go see the baby and try to develop some relationship with her when she's older, independent of the mother. He's wealthy enough that a baby nurse/caregiver could handle the baby "handoff".
ReplyDeleteThe rest of me, however, feels that he is in no way morally obligated to have a relationship with a child he clearly did not want. If he's going to harbor resentment toward the mother and child her entire life, then he should have *nothing* to do with her, other than supporting her financially. It's better for her not to have a father than to have a jackass in her life.
Samantha made a personal choice to go through with her pregnancy, presumably without consulting Jude. If she had decided to terminate the pregnancy, she could/would have done so with consulting Jude. The man has no legal right in deciding the fate of a pregnancy. He is however held financially responsible if the pregnancy results in a baby. If a woman has the right to choose not to have to live with the permanent reminder of a fling, why doesn't a man?
ReplyDeleteI agree with littlesunshine. Both Jude and Samantha made a decision to have sex, but only Samantha was involved in the decision to have this baby. She was 7 months along before she even told him about the baby.
ReplyDeleteHe has a financial obligation to support this child, but unless he is committed to being a father to her, everyone is better off if he stays away. Putting in an appearance to satisfy the public would be a much bigger mistake than simply sending a check because she is a child, not a PR prop. She already has one parent that couldn't wait to slap a price tag on her butt and sell her to the highest bidder.
Well shame on that skank for bringing a child into this situation. Seriously what did she expect?
ReplyDeleteThe child isn't an innocent victim. Its a means to an end for its mother. She should have consider the fact that, when a man says he doesn't want a child, maybe he's telling the truth.
...then that MAN should wear a condom.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but the mother didn't care if her baby was going to have a loving father, she wanted a paycheck from a wealthy man she barely knew and she was such an impressive woman he didn't remember her name or recognize the mother's photo. Booty call pick up in a bar between consenting adults & not a relationship. It's like fathering the child of a prostitute. It's not like you are going to want to spend time publicly with the mother and your connection to the child is biological and financial.
ReplyDeleteI think she chose to have the baby of a stranger and you can bet if he wasn't Jude Law that would not have probably been a pregnancy that ended with a child.
Some men would embrace the child but many more would never acknowledge or have the child in their life. If the mother is ever upset about the situation she might want to consider she never really knew the girl's father.
It does seem slightly fucked up that there are all these pics of him frolicking with his legitimate children so we know he likes being a dad and yet he has this innocent baby girl that has to suffer due to her mom having her. I am actually an advocate for the pro-reproductive rights slogan 'not every ejaculation deserves a name' but still, the fact that he flaunts his calvalier attitudes about condoms around and that he has time for his other kids means that he should man up and find room in his heart to love the kid, since she is here now and not going anywhere anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteand believe me I m sure he has consequences in his future, you just cant screw around without condoms on forever without there being some kind of penalty. I think its something like 1 in every 5 people have herpes in N.America now or something...
ReplyDelete1st-It is assumed that a condom was not worn.
ReplyDelete2nd-Woman do trap men. It's the oldest trick in the book. And men are so stupid for sex, they keep falling for it.
3rd-Jude must not have offered enough hush money because there was no reason for baby mama to go public.
For the record, yeahwhatever, I DO have a child and loved to watch her sleep when she was a baby. I didn't say that I don't like to watch sleeping babies. I said I don't like PICTURES of sleeping babies. There's a difference.
ReplyDeleteI've seen dead humans, too. Get a grip.
I hope he never sees this little bastard. Its whore mother had it all plotted out--she tried getting knocked up by several other celebrities, including Jeremy Piven (okay, not really a celebrity, but...) and any other rich famous guy she could get her cunt on. Anyway, Jude got stuck with the bill and now has to send an extortion fee every month for the next 18 years---he doesn't deserve that. He's a great dad. He's with his REAL kids all the time---this slag screwed him over. She's a pig and her and the kid can both ROT. At least now she doesn't have to work at the titty bar any more, which was her plan all along. I hope I NEVER hear about this whore and her little bastard ever again, and I hope Jude doesn't feel any obligation to see it either.