Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Jude Law Doesn't Want To See His Baby

Do I think Samantha Burke is an opportunistic greedy fame seeker who got incredibly lucky? Absolutely. Do I like her? Not so much. However, despite my feelings for her personally I know that if for some reason we had a child together that I would see that child. If I couldn't make it for the birth of the baby I would be there right after. Apparently though Jude Law doesn't feel the same way. While Jude is in New York getting to know Sienna Miller again and all her charms, Jude's baby Sophia has spent the first six weeks of her life wondering where daddy is and how come daddy doesn't love her.

Yes, Jude is playing Hamlet in New York, but he could spring for a plane ticket. He could fly down one night and come back the next day. It is just Florida, it isn't like he has to go to the far corners of the globe.

I understand Jude feels like he was probably set up and tricked and deceived. I have a feeling that is how Sadie Frost or the nanny felt when Jude cheated on them. Jude had unprotected sex. People get pregnant. He made a choice and now he is taking out his anger for Samantha on a darling six week old little girl who probably will never see her dad. Oh, I think he will show up once a year or so or whenever the press asks him when he saw her last, but he doesn't care about her.

Jude was more than willing to have the sex to make the baby but not be a man and be a father to the baby. Oh he will pay child support and the child will be financially secure, but all Sophia will know is that her dad couldn't take a few hours to come see her but has time for his other legitimate kids.


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