Is Michael Lohan Putting All This In The Offering Plate?
Yesterday I saw that Jon Gosselin had made stupid remarks in a recording about his kids and TLC and I couldn't be bothered. The one post I wrote about Jon & Kate was enough. Well, perhaps I should have read the story a little more closely. I had no idea that Michael Lohan was the one who sold the recording to Radar. Oh yeah, of course he probably didn't sell the recording. He is selling his interview later. Whatever.
I know we are all the most cynical people on the planet. But wasn't there just this tiny sliver of hopefulness that you had that when Michael was releasing the tapes about Lindsay Lohan and Dina that he had the best interest of his daughter at heart? It wasn't much, but I thought that maybe his coal black heart had a little CZ diamond in it somewhere. I was wrong. It was all about the money. If he is recording and selling Jon Gosselin then he was recording and planning to sell his kids his ex and he might even have naked tapes of Lindsay when he really needs to put up a new wall in the church or something.
Is this how he is going to make his living? Recording people and then selling the tapes? Well, at least maybe he can afford some new mesh shirts because the black has got to be getting stale now. No, no I wouldn't give you the mesh shirt before the holidays. You get Michael as Joseph during the holidays. Who knew Joseph had leather gloves?