Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I Don't Like Nicole Kidman

There, I said it. I came right out in the headline and said I don't like her. I have tried. I have really, really tried. There is just something about her that resonates evil and heartlessness with me. I don't know if she was always like that or if she picked it up by being married to Napoleon for so long, but she just always seems to be looking out for herself and will do or say anything to make sure the focus remains on her.

She has somehow taken a very mediocre career as an actress and made a fortune by convincing people she is a star and good at what she does. She isn't. The only movie she was halfway decent in was The Others and the only reason she was good in that was because she got to play someone who was dead. She manipulates and pokes and I have no doubt that Keith Urban is probably terrified of her. I feel like she uses her child as a prop and used her children with Tom as props and has no time for them. I don't think she is particularly nice and has much warmth as an ice cream truck.

Nicole gave an interview to British GQ this month and in one breath says she doesn't want to talk about any past relationships and in the next breath says, "My life has been about exploring types of love," she says. "I've explored obsession, I've explored loss and love in terms of being in a grief-stricken place, I've explored strange sexual fetish stuff, I've explored the mundane aspect of marriage, and monogamy. But I'm still on that journey."

Do you get the feeling here that she thinks Keith is pretty boring? I think she just keeps him around until she has sucked every last drop of something out of him and then she will move on.

Also in the interview she says she doesn't want to talk about Tom Cruise or her marriage and then says that people are wrong when they say they started to drift during Eyes Wide Shut. "[W]e were pretty happily married throughout that period. People will always watch the movie in hindsight and go, 'Oh no, that must be where it all went wrong.' I don't want to say whether anything is or isn't true any more."

Conveniently for her she says she also burned all her diaries that she wrote during her marriage to Cruise. Why? Because they were filled with nothing but bad things. Uh huh. I think that when Nicole is desperately seeking attention in a few years some of those diaries will magically appear.


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