Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guess I Won't Be Living In Japan

Have you heard about this Japanese law which sets a maximum waist size for each person in the country? If you are over it then you are breaking the law and will also probably get fired from your job. Companies are required to reduce the number of overweight people in their companies by 10 percent in 2012 and 25% in 2015. If you don't measure up, then you will be fired because the company doesn't want to pay huge government fines.

It isn't exactly like Japan was swimming in fat people anyway. With the exception of sumo wrestlers Japan is already the slimmest industrialized nation and home to Ralph Lauren orgasms all day long.

So, would you like to know if you are breaking the law? Well, if you are 40 years old an a woman your waist can not be any larger than 35.4 inches and if you are a man it is 33.5 inches. So, by my calculations I am about 20 inches over that magical number. In the article I read they don't mention guidelines for younger people so presumably they can be as fat as they want until they reach a certain age.

One woman highlighted in the story was so scared about the 4 pounds she gained last year that in the week prior to her exam she only ate vegetable soup and exercised for 30 minutes a day. Presumably she burned off those 4.5 pounds and probably binged like crazy the day after her exam.


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