Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Courtney Love Says Britney Spears Was Molested By Her Father

Wow. Umm, Courtney Love has taken her rantings to a whole new level. She is off Twitter now which I am thankful for because trying to piece her 140 character ramblings into a thought was very tough. Lucky for all of us though she has discovered Facebook and I am shocked I have not added her as a friend. Anyway, this is probably the craziest thing she has ever said, but can you imagine if it is true? Blow the walls off the world. It sounds similar to a blind item I had a few years ago. I need to dig that one out again. Nothing like the holidays to bring out your child molesting stories.

Anyway, Courtney said, "britneys dad molested her , imagine the father that molested you owning you for slavery while your forced to sing songs picked for thier sexual content every night, insane right? i have it on First had authority, and fight as hard as she is and does she still didnt pull that card, its a pride thing i can relate to, However they want to play dirty, lets go, Im SO not affraid of the little trolls who hit this when i was fucked up who are called lawyers. lets GO."

Courtney also took shots at Edward Norton who she accuses of stealing money from Kurt's sister. I was a little confused about that whole rant so if you want to read it, you can go to Courtney's Facebook page and read it yourself. She only has 1,669 fans? Really? Her rants alone are worth way more than that many people. Oh, she also talks about dating Gavin Rossdale and how she is scared of strip clubs now and how she made homemade mustard gas. This stuff is priceless.


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