Claire Danes Thinks She Is All That
I have been nice to Claire Danes lately right? I mean ever since Hugh Dancy started dating her Claire started thawing and when they got married I even thought I glimpsed a smile or two. Sure, it could have been something she ate, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm trying to rack my mind when Claire actually had a hit movie. Anyone? It seems like it has been one bomb after the other. So, after the premiere for her new movie (above) Claire went back to her hotel and was sitting there in the lobby doing absolutely nothing. Then, in what surely must be remembered as the shockers of the century, someone walking through the lobby recognized Claire. I know, I know. Well, the fan immediately went up to the sitting doing nothing Claire and asked for her autograph.
"I haven't got time to sign autographs."
Claire then went back to doing nothing and a disappointed fan walked away. So, now instead of ten people going to her movies Claire can expect nine.