Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean Is An Idiot

I am trying to think of one person in the history of Larry King Live who has threatened to walk off his show before. I can't think of anyone. Larry throws up the most softball questions on the planet and is watched by millions of people. To leave a cozy setup like that is inexplicable. All of that being said, Carrie Prejean threatened to do just that.

I haven't really posted about Carrie because, I didn't want to have people fighting in the comments and she is a very divisive person. However, what she did last night was beyond bitchy. She was evil and manipulative and a liar.

The clip below is just a couple of minutes long and is well worth your time. For those of you who might not be able to see it, let me describe what happens.

Larry comes back from a break with Anderson Cooper and plugs Carrie Prejean's book. She smiles and then holds up her book and starts waving it for the cameras. Then Larry asks her why she was so willing to give up on her principles and settle the lawsuit. Carrie says she couldn't discuss it. Larry then said, I don't really care what the settlement is, I want to know why you settled and didn't stick to your beliefs. She said she couldn't talk about it. He then made one last valiant effort and said basically what the hell are you talking about? Everyone can discuss why they settled something or the motivation behind it. Carrie then told Larry he was being inappropriate.

No, no, no. Inappropriate is saying something wrong. What she was pissed about is that all she wanted to do was come on the show and plug her book and get some money and not have to answer anything. You can tell by looking at this interview that she is probably not a laugh a minute at parties. She has discussed why she settled to other shows so I am presuming she signed some exclusive deal with that other show in return for some compensation or other goodies. She could have said that instead of lying to Larry. She is one of those people who was not quite prepared for the crush of publicity so when she started telling lies and half-truths she didn't realize that reporters would investigate all of them. I guess she still hasn't learned.

Watch Larry when he takes a phone call. Hilarious. He must have taken his meds yesterday because he was sharp.


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