Monday, November 23, 2009

Candy Spelling Is A Waste Of Space

In what seems to be now a weekly feature I have found another person in Hollywood is really a waste of space. This week's waste is Candy Spelling. You may know Candy better as Tori's mom and the widow of Aaron Spelling who created a vast wasteland of mindless television but was not a waste of space. We need mindless television. I fear what my Saturday nights would have been like were it not for Love Boat and Fantasy Island.

Anyway, you may recall that Candy was sued by a former maid. The maid alleged that Candy was a very cheap employer and that Wal-Mart would send out executives to her house to take tips from her.

The lawsuit was settled last week and apparently the maid didn't get a lot of money, but Candy or one of her people had the following statement.

"Maybe in maid money it's a lot."

Really? I was literally f**king speechless when I read that. Maid money? Whether this was Candy or one of her friends who said this, they probably all believe it. You married a guy and got rich. The end. That makes you better than everyone else? If you work hard and make your own money then unless you are Joe Francis I think that is a great accomplishment. If your only claim to money is by marrying someone or being born to money then you are lucky and in no way gives you right to talk smack about anyone. Maid money? Wait until the maids read this and see how well you sleep at night or how good your food tastes or any other way they can make your life miserable. You make me f**kin sick and you or your blue haired friend need to apologize.



  2. I hope for this bitch's sake we are reincarnated and she comes back as someone treated that way all her life.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I'm sure the maid also pays maid rent and utilities, and buys maid food and clothing. This kind of rich person is disgusting.

  4. I hate to say it but it probably is a lot for Ms. Cool money. That's how broke we are.

    I love the new weekly feature. We should be able to nominate people. I start with Lindsay Lohan.

  5. For F**k's sake, really Lady? Why don't people like THIS bitch ever have their whole life's savings stolen from them? I believe in Karma, but dammit, when will it bite THIS BITCH IN THE ASS? I hope every maid she ever hires usus her toothbrush to clean the toilet rim, and spits in her food.

  6. If any maids ever work for her after this they better make damn sure that they get richly paid with her thankless-bitch-cant-do-shit-for-myself-lookin-like-I-gave-birth-to-gordon-ramseys-wrinkles-money.

    Todays a hyphen day

  7. Shame on you, Candy.

  8. see you next tuesday, bitch.

  9. That maid probably works harder than Candy ever has in her entire life.

  10. Oh no she din't!

  11. i'm so glad candy spelling is the latest inductee into the Waste of Space. rightly so. unbelievable the lack of heart and compassion. not surprising her own family doesn't want her.

  12. Whoooa there Enty. Careful, or you might have a coronary

  13. The fact that the maid got a settlement when she is probably paid about minimum wage and the maid was talking about 20 unpaid minutes a day is pretty good. Think about it - $4 a day is what the maid sued over. So if it's "chump change" and is like $10,000 grand or so - she so did it!

  14. Boo !! Arrogant c*nt !!!

  15. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I have to say I like the idea of this being a weekly feature. Maybe since we ran out of material for Full Frontal Fridays, we could compensate with Waste of Space Mondays. The material is endless, you have the various Lohans, Hiltons, Kardashians, etc. etc. etc.

  16. Dear Candy,

    Eat shit and die, you fucking cow.

  17. Well~technically karma IS getting to her considering she looks like her face is slowly melting off into her neck and beyond. With all that money you think the see you next tuesday could afford a decent facelift

  18. She's an ugly, hateful old hag.

    Just remember Cunty-I mean Candy, you can't take it with you...

  19. That is something only a COMPLETE ASSHOLE would say.

  20. I second what RocketQueen said.

    May this ASSHOLE be re-born as a maid and be treated EXACTLY the way she treats her OWN maids.


  21. What the hell did she do that is so great... mmmm She married a very ugly but very successful, rich man. Sort of makes her a whore/gold digger which in my book is below maid.. Sit on that for sec Candy..

  22. Poor woman also had to have s-e-x
    with Aaron at least twice.
    Poor Aaron too.
    Double the poor Aaron part.

  23. Jesus! What a bitch! I hate that sense of entitlement some of these people have. As if their money makes them better people when clearly, we can see that this very rich woman is an absolutely horrid person.

  24. Ms. Spelling, please go play Candy Land by yourself. Until you learn humility and compassion, you're really not wanted in our reindeer games.

  25. Way late here, but damn! Can't the woman afford a properly-fitted pair of eyeglasses? Sheesh.

  26. Narcissism is such an ugly trait, Candy.

    If I was her maid, and that comment got back to me (which it'd be bound to) I'd find whole new ways to fuck with her and her life that she never imagined. What an utter waste of space.
