Friday, November 20, 2009

Brad Pitt - Truth Or Fiction?

Do you remember the pictures above? They were taken on Halloween when Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie took the kids out for some trick or treating. It was a very family thing to do and it probably won't happen very often. Well, according to Life & Style, Brad Pitt passed up $5M to go trick or treating that night.

Brad had been scheduled to appear that night in Abu Dhabi at a Grand Prix ball and was being paid $5M to show up for the event. A spokesperson for the event said, "We were told he would be attending as the guest of the Tourism Development and Investment Company. But he was a no-show, and nobody seemed to know why."

My guess is that he wasn't scheduled to show up because if he was then he would be getting sued right about now. Do you think Brad would pass up $5M to spend Halloween with his kids? That is a lot of money for one night to just say no to. I don't know whether to believe the story or not. It makes Brad sound like the father of the year which is why I am suspicious of it. I'm sure he is a fine dad, but it is almost too fatherly to be true.


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