Monday, November 16, 2009

Bill Gates & Strippers - Who Knew

When I think of Bill Gates I somehow don't picture him heading over to Scores and getting lap dances all night. I guess I was wrong though because Bill loves the strippers and is a really big tipper. Good for him. The former owner of Scores strip club is in the process of writing a book and in it he gives some scoop about some of the clients who have walked through the doors of the strip club. Besides Bill Gates he says that Madonna was a visitor and stiffed the staff. I guess she didn't have a good time. He also says that Russell Crowe almost got into a fight with an Irish waiter and that Michael Lohan only wanted strippers that looked like Lindsay Lohan. For his part, Michael only remembers going to Scores but doesn't remember what kind of strippers he liked. Uh huh.


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