Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Bean Causes Trouble Again

Frances Bean Cobain hasn't reached the Courtney Love level of disaster, and honestly do you ever really expect her to? Courtney Love is an elite f**kup. You really don't meet that many people in your life who have taken as many drugs as Courtney and somehow remained alive. The fact that Courtney manages to use technology, albeit poorly is a testament to the medical advances in the past 30 years.

Anyway, According to the NY Post, The Bean wanted to take a train from Boston to New York on Sunday but no one could find her reservation. Not a good idea. The Bean went into a tirade and berated the clerk and kept saying "Don't you know who I am?" Wow, seriously does that work for the kids of rock stars who have been dead for fifteen years? You don't seriously think she was running around saying she was Courtney Love's kid do you?

Plus, she refused to pay for the ticket and wanted the clerk to pay for her ticket. I don't know it is rather confusing and this quote from a passenger doesn't clear everything up. "She caused a huge backup on the line because she refused to pay herself. She was causing a scene and saying her name loudly to the guy behind the counter, but he had no idea who she was. Finally, she got out of line to call her business manager, who paid for her ticket."

Last month we had The Bean going of on Ali Lohan and this month she goes ballistic in a train station. These are not good signs at all. The next thing you know she will be crank calling Madonna and trying to get a date with Ed Norton.


  1. Bean is 17 now and I doubt Courtney does much in the way of supervision.

    By the way, ever notice that these teenage celebspawn are never in school or at the mansion doing homework?

  2. someone mentioned on the last tirade that something maybe going on with ole gal.

  3. has she a bussiness manager at 17 years old?

  4. Ha. Honestly, I love this kid. Short of going down the Lohan or Spears road, there's not too much she could do to make me stop liking her.

  5. Further proving I don't think there's any difference between her and the rest of the entitled celebuspawn, short of lip and hair color. Meh.

  6. pass. maybe she had her period. at 17, that can be brutal lol.

  7. Or a resistant pimple, perhaps?

  8. hint to a blind about a guy that dates barely legal or not legal girls. ed norton. although i think everyone solved it already

  9. Once they go down the "Don't you know who I am?" road, I am through with them. Obviously, her wack job mother never taught her any manners.

  10. ...and here is another celebrity spawn that isn't much to look at.

  11. I had such high hopes for this one, too. She seemed like a good kid until recently. Damn.

  12. I had high hopes too but she didn't stand a chance. I remember an interview with Court when Bean started school. She said that she couldn't get anyone to come over for playdates because the other moms didn't want their kids to play with a druggie's kid.

    I also heard that Bean had lots of learning disabilities and had emotional issues. Not surprising, but it must have been difficult for her.

  13. Both her mother and father did drugs when she was conceived, and I'm sure that they smoked and drank everything under the sun. Still, to me, she gets a pass. I love her.

  14. This picture reminded me to reapply my lipstick :-) Thanks Bean!

  15. HA! I knew it, she is no better than Ali Lohan.

  16. Hi, pot (Frances)? This is kettle (Ali Lohan). You're black.

  17. Oh my God, her father is rolling in his grave. This is exactly the kind of behavior he despised -- from the me-ism to the consumerism to using his name and fame for ... anything! much less a fricken seat on a train. Oh this is an awful legacy for him. For shame on Courtney, who raised Bean to be this way.

  18. LOL at selenakyle.

    So if she married Sean Bean would her name be Bean Bean? or I guess THE Bean Bean?

  19. Hi. LOVED this post! That was hilarious about her having to have been talking about "she is the daughter of Cobain" opposed to Love. I would never claim Courtney as my mother if she was, I'd say my mother died at birth.

  20. She reminds me of Kelly Osborne in this picture (face anyway). I'm with pomme - wth is she doing with a business manager at her age, and what her business exactly?

  21. Business manager? Because she can't pay for her ticket herself.
    She sounds useless and cantankerous, which is so charming in spoiled rich kids.

  22. I would assume she has a business manager to take care of her money. Does anyone really want Courtney Love controlling their finances? Unless, of course, they want to wind up broke.

  23. bwahaha, Courtney Love is the absolute last person I'd want handling my finances. In all seriousness I feel bad for her, I really do. She can't be happy being that way, I know I wouldn't. I acknowledge though that she is the only one who can change things for herself. Best of luck to her.
