Friday, October 30, 2009

Your Turn

It is the day before Halloween so what I want today are either real life ghost stories, or worst candy you have had or best Halloween ever, favorite costume or the costume you wore two years in a row thinking that no one would notice, or anything that is Halloween related or scary, like me at a buffet.


  1. This ghost story happened a few years back while I was sitting in the empty quad of my grad school at 6 am, no one but me and some pigeons roaming around.

    Quiet, and then a voice ... "Help me, I'm dying. Hello? Hello? Help me, Help me. I'm dying."

    Eeriest feeling ever.

    Years later I learned this school is notorious for having "jumpers".

  2. For a few years in college, I worked at some of those Haunted Houses events to earn money. One time I was playing a fortune teller, and a drunk guest pushed me against a wall and started fondling me. While the manager look on. Jerks.

    Another time, I was playing Jason's victim. I was screaming "save me, save me" when a girl about 9 years old (and too young to be going through it) grabbed me and pulled me across the floor in an attempt to "save me". This tiny adrenaline charged girl pulled me thru 3 rooms before someone could stop her. I had some seriously bruised ribs, lol.

    My favorite memory involves my younger son, when he was almost 2 years old. I talked him into trick or treating, but he was very reluctant. We step outside to go, when these huge high schoolers with "Scream" masks came up the driveway. It was an hour before I could calm the poor kid down.

  3. Lived in a haunted house for 2 years & even visitors were scared in broad daylight, had 'visitations' from people/spirits as a teenager at night (you could really SEE them), cousins lived on a farm that was haunted by previous 2 dead owners, then she also committed suicide unexpectedly. I'm a believer!

  4. This really happened. Back in college five of my girlfriends and I were going to Mexico for spring break. We were flying out of Philly for some reason. One of the girl’s fathers had a house outside of Wilmington, which is reasonably close to the airport in Philly. (Back story: she had a sad childhood – both her mother and grandmother had committed suicide. She was a little girl when her mom overdosed. Her mom came in to say good night to her and my friend acted like she was asleep. She went downstairs and took a bunch of pills and died.) We arrive at the house and I learn that both suicides occurred at the house (her grandmother hung herself in the spare room downstairs). It is exactly the same from when her mother died – the father hasn’t changed a thing. Well, there were five bedrooms upstairs and a spare room downstairs (yes, the same room). All of the girls slept upstairs but me. In retrospect, I know, who would want to stay in that room? But I was 19 and invincible and I didn’t believe in ghosts anyway. In my room there were stacks of old family photos, newspapers from the early 1900s, all sorts of antiquities. I leafed through the photos (seeing her family over the many years). Then I fell asleep. Some time in the evening I felt like someone kept trying to pull the covers off of me… They were pulling really, really hard, and I felt so cold. I eventually woke up – when I did, I was standing on the bed pulling the curtains off of a wrought iron pole… Literally breaking the clasps. I was so freaked out – I didn’t get back to sleep and I certainly began to rethink how I felt about ghosts!! The story of my college friend didn’t end well either, most unfortunately.

  5. For a company contest one year back when I was the IT dept for a small manufacturing company I was a blue screen of death. No one got it so it was fail on my end. The BSoD is scary to me. Here's a pic:

  6. "she"= aunt. Sorry, this shit makes me edgy.

  7. runswithscissors12:35 PM

    My favorite was going to my mom's house, she always made ham potato salad and baked beans. Everytime the doorbell would ring I would answer it with the huge pot of baked beans in my arms and a big ladle, the kids would hold out thier bags and say trick or treat and I would act like I was going to put a big spponful of beans in their candy bag. The looks of revulsion was priceless!! they would say What is that? and I would day baked beans, my mom made em,

  8. wore an S&M type costume, whip, feather duster and leather 9 years ago....threw my whip back to play smack someone and ended up knocking down that fake cobweb and all the decorations on the mantle! But still....the best costume and Halloween party I've ever been to.

  9. When I was about 5 years old, my brother (1 year younger) and I stayed at our grandparents' house for the night because our parents had gone out. We stayed up watching tv and playing with toys on our grandparents' bed. I remember looking up and seeing transparent figures of many people (both tall and short) standing around the bed. I was too young to be afraid or even realize what they were, so I probably just went back to playing with my toys.
    I never mentioned this to anyone, but many years later during a dinner time conversation, I brought it up. My brother then said he had seen them too.

  10. annie cat- I looked at your costume and still don't get it. what is a blue screen of death? sorries

    One Halloween my friends and I dressed up and went to the Georgetown Bar crawl. My friend's boyfriend caught two losers trying to takes pictures up my girl's peter pan costume (btw her boyfriend was tinkerbell-hilarious!) and proceeded to kick the shit out of one of them after we yelled back and forth with them for a while. Then, the other one punched me in the face. ME! I'm a chick!! So I punched him back in the face and he fell back into the road and almost got hit by a cab. It was awesome. I totally kicked a dude's ass!

  11. There was a ghost in the house I grew up in. Possibly even more than one. My brother, my parents and I all heard it at various times during the years that we lived there. My uncle claimed to have seen it once. It used to scare the hell out of me to hear it walking around.

    I think there is a ghost in the house that I live in now too. It lives in my kitchen and doesn't like Soundgarden...I am not making this up! It only seems to show up when my husband is out of town though. My dogs have also sensed it. Nothing scary. It just seems to not like loud noises.

  12. Well I guess I have one real ghost story. Back in 8th grade we were having a slumber party in my friends basement, which had been remade into a really nice den type of thing. We were all just goofing around when someone saw a character in a poster move (some Disney person). We all freaked out and then we would all look away and look back and then the person had slightly changed positions. The person who lived there grabbed the poster and shoved it into the furnace, which had a handle that locked it. As soon as it was locked, it souned like someone was pounding on it trying to get out, and the handle was slightly moving to the unlocked position. Then all of a sudden, it all stopped and nothing else happened for the rest of the night. Very weird...

    Something that is funny I guess though is that when I was younger, I was so shy that when I went trick r treating I had to have my mom say it at the door because I was too afraid/shy.

  13. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Love the ghost stories 'cuz I believe.

    I grew up next door to the house I've lived in now for over 20 years. Growing up there was an old crusty man (with a heart of gold) who lived in my house and I've been the only person to live here right after he died. I have heard his voice say my name many, many times.

  14. @NotSoAnonMom - MIT? Lots of jumpers there.

    @klm - I'm involved in the story now - what happened to your friend? Part II, please.

  15. Kellyb12:48 PM

    My best friends parents had been killed in a car accident and were buried on her 16th birthday. A short while later she was at my house and we were talking about it and she said "I just wish God would give me a sign that there is a heaven and they are there" and, as soon as the words were out of her mouth, the ceiling above us came crashing down. Scared the crap out of both of us. That was almost 30 years ago and we still talk about it

  16. Probably the most fun I had on Halloween was during grad school when I had the big department part at my place. I turned my walk-in pantry into the “sexy underwear closet” where people came in, shut the door, and flashed me so I could take a Polaroid of their undies. I tacked up the pix to a big board in the kitchen where everyone could try to guess who belonged to what undies. And then craziness ensued.

  17. Anonymous12:51 PM

    This was when I was freshly divorced and trying to get by with three kids in a two bedroom apartment. I slept on a fold-out couch in the living room. We were actually in the basement of the apartment building, but the ends of the living room and my son's bedroom were all glass, opening out onto a nice patio with flowers and a privacy fence. There was a door into the inner hallway of the building which we kept locked except to run down the hall and do laundry. Almost everyone in the complex was a senior citizen, which was really sort of nice as my kids had all these adopted grandmas and cookie bakers, and the people looked out for the kids too.

    One night I was asleep on my fold-out and sort of woke up, being vaguely aware that it was not as dark in the room as usual. I opened my eyes and there was a figure standing beside my bed, wearing a cloak, with no face visible. I felt comforted by it instead of afraid, though. When I finally became fully awake and spoke to it, it vanished. Then I realized that the door to the inner hallway (which had lights burning 24/7) was standing wide open, yet the dead bolt was still in the locked position.

    I firmly believe in ghosts, and occasionally catch glimpses of them here and there.

  18. I saw my first ghost as a transparent person walking across the living room when I was 3. I have lived in a couple of haunted houses and seen some historic ghosts including the Light at Frogmore,SC. My ex was stationed at Parris Island and 4 of us went out to see the "light". In about 10 minutes a singe light came over the hill. We all started screaming and my girlfriend ran to jump in the car. She slammed the door on her hand and we all turned to help her. When we turned back the light was gone.

    By the way, Sherman burned the nearby church on his March to the Sea. It was later rebuilt.

  19. ANONMOM...What's a jumper?

    I lived in a house where we would see those little balls of light flying low around the rooms. And my mom saw a guy standing at the end of the hall one night. A guest and her little girl were too scared to get out of bed one night because the little girl told her mom she was seeing that same man in her room (they weren't told before of any of these occurences). I heard two girls and a guy talking about me in whispers. The chicks didn't like me. Oh, we my mom and brother would also get hit nightly after they'd gone to sleep. I was amused until they hit me! lol. Lastly, as teenagers, my brother an I were standing in the kitchen making sandwiches for our selves and telling my disbelieving boyfriend of these occurences, when for some reason, both my brother and I both glanced into the living room where two window almost met in a corner, we saw a total black Rottwieler type dog leap through mid-air from one window and out the other without landing! We both looked at each other and at the same time said "Did you see THAT?!" "The dog?" "It was black?" "Went through the window?" "YEAH!" The boyfriend was freaked out.

  20. @Mikey... She killed herself a few years ago in a really violent way that left us all really shaken. She had tried several times before, I knew it was going to happen, I just prayed she would get help first. She tried medicine, therapy, lots of things... But she was unhappy and she thought it was her fate. So she made it become her fate. Ent wanted entertained, not saddened, so I didn't think I would include that part. But I empathize with wanting to know, so that's why I am telling you.

  21. Jumper is a person who jumps off a building (cliff, etc) to their death.

  22. I don't know if I would necessarily say this was the "best costume", but it was memorable. One year my husband and I dressed up as a naughty school girl, perverted professor combination for a party we went to every year. We actually threw this costume together at the last minute and didn't spend any money. This one girl I didn't know at the party was wearing a costume I couldn't figure out. She kind of looked like a witch, but she didn't have a pointy hat or anything like that. Apparently she didn't like our costume and and yelled at me about how horrible and tasteless the costume was, etc. She actually kind of ruined the rest of my night because I am not big on yelling at strangers or having strangers yell at me. Well, the next year's party comes along and there were at least five couples wearing the exact same costume we wore and most of the couples were friends with this girl. She didn't dare yell at them.

  23. I'll never forget the Halloween Blizzard of '91. I was in college and remember it being one of the best years yet. I was the Wolf dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. Goofy I know, but fun. I handed out smarties all night long.

    And I kissed the cutest guy in the world that night....well the cutest guy even with my beer goggles on!

  24. Jumpers, meaning they jump off of high buildings to commit suicide -- it was Cal State Fullerton. :(

    The voice I heard was clear as day, and I looked in various places to see if it was someone playing a prank, but no one was to be found nearby.

    One happened just a couple of years ago, but it's happened at regular intervals over several years.

    That school has a scary history, actually. In the '70's, a janitor killed several people in the library.

  25. klm, sorry. I have issues with not knowing how things end. Thanks for understanding.

  26. Pamela S.: You caught me; I'm the one haunting your kitchen! Bwahahahaha!

  27. @mikey: I hear you. Same here...

  28. My husband is a custodian for the local school board. One of the schools (almost 100 years old) has a reputation for being haunted. He didn't believe it until he had to work there one morning. He said it sounded as though there were a bunch of kids running around on the upper floor, laughing - he was the only one in the building. He went upstairs, turned on the lights, and stayed downstairs until the teachers got in.

    My own spooky story: My first apartment on my own, I later learned was once occupied by an older woman and her mother. The mother passed away (in the apartment) and the woman was later moved to a long-term care facility. I always had a 'weird' feeling for the 4 years(!) I lived there, but the major turning point for me was when I woke up in the middle of the night, turned over and I swear there was someone kneeling by my bed and went "Shhhhh...". I screamed, blinked and they were gone.

    I didn't sleep much after that...

  29. Anonymous1:09 PM

    When I was a senior in high school, my grandmother died. I remember going to bed that night, and I had quite a few stuffed animals that I put on my bed every morning when I made my bed. Anyway, that night, after I found out about my grandmother's passing, I was removing the stuffed animals from my bed, and there was a little stuffed mouse that I had never seen before. The next day, I asked everyone in my house if they had given me that mouse, and no one had. I really think it was from my grandmother.

    Fast forward to when I was 30...I was up nursing my newborn son in the middle of the night. He was maybe 2-3 weeks old. As I was feeding him, and enjoying the quiet, sweet moment, I suddently could smell White Linen perfume. It's the perfume my grandmother always wore. I said, "Hi Grandma..." and I knew she was there to see her great-grandson.

  30. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "The Blue Screen of Death is a colloquialism used for the error screen displayed by some operating systems, most notably Microsoft Windows, after encountering a critical system error which can cause the system to shut down to prevent irreversible damage." All you have is a blue screen with white words. It's not good.

  31. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I lived in an apartment where a former tenant had been murdered, no one told me when I signed the lease, I found out after some weird things began happening, one day I came home from work and the television turned on without me using the remote..a few nights later I woke up and heard loud noises in my living-room, all I did was shut my bedroom door and hope for the best, I got a dog and he would stare at the clock on the wall, sometimes he would night I heard a man's voice clearly say my name, one Friday night my ATM card disappeared from my purse, I looked everywhere, I even climbed inside the dumpster to dig through my garbage bag, I had to go to the bank on Monday to get a replacement card. Finally one night I was walking down the street and was certain someone was behind me and I had a horrible feeling that someone was trying to grab me and when I got to my friends house I had a burning sensation around my chest I pulled up my sweater and there was scratches on my upper ribs..the dog and I decided it was time to move out. The day I left, I finished packing and I climbed on a chair to make sure everything was off the shelves in my closet, my missing ATM card was sitting on the empty top shelf.

  32. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I am a believer and don't know whether to be jealous or not that some people can see these visions and others cannot. I wonder why that is.

    I had to put my 16 year old dog down a few years ago. The night before, I sat on the floor with her for a little while. She soon began staring at something at the top of the stairs. I saw nothing, but at that moment I knew she was seeing my family on the other side who was letting my baby know who to look for when she passed.

  33. A friend of mine is a professional photographer. I went to help her with a big wedding she was doing in a big old mansion. We took a little break in one of rooms of the mansion and we both felt like someone was in the room with us. My friend took a few pictures in there. Later I was with her when she developed the film and the ones she took in the "spooky" room showed a white, shadowy thing.
    Also I lived in an old apartment house one year when I was in college. My cat would not go in the kitchen. She would hiss and her hair would stand up on her back. I later found out that back in the 1930's a woman fell to her death from the stairway and landed in the kitchen.

  34. All the women in my family tend to have some of these abilities but one that really sticks out in my mind is one that happened to my Mom. She had 10 children so sleep was very precious to her so she was disturbed on night when she was awakened by someone pulling on her toe. She assumed it was one of us kids with a bad dream or such but when she was able to focus she realized the figure of the young blonde boy at the foot of her bed was her younger brother who had died very young. He said, Sis, go check on Momma cause she is really sick. She needs you." We lived in the sticks and didn't have a car so my mom sent us kids to the neighbors house 11 miles away and he brought his truck. We drove to my Grandmas house and found her almost dead from some kind of flu. Of course, there were no phones then so she was laying there dying. We ran to town and got the doctor who was able to give her medication and she recovered. Just one of many family stories like this.

  35. This isn't a ghost story but a zombie story, and absolutely true. Many years ago I was riding my bicycle on the sidewalk toward home. I looked up to see someone walking on the sidewalk coming toward me. As I got closer I could see that the man was dragging one of his legs. One of his arms was bent at the elbow and across his body, while the other arm was hanging down by his side. As I got closer still, I could see that his clothes were covered with dirt and his mouth was frozen in a sort of demonic smile. Luckily the sidewalk was so wide that I could ride past him, even though I was beyond terrified at this point. As I kept riding I looked behind me and he was still walking the opposite way. I rode farther, looked back again, and he was gone. I rode farther, looked back again, and there he was, only this time he was turned around and now following me! I rode as fast as I possibly could, got home, raced inside the house, and hid in the bedroom under the bed for around the next three hours. Thankfully, I never saw him again. It wasn't until much later that it occurred to me that there was a cemetery approximately five miles east of where I lived.

  36. Awww, Dulcinea, you made me cry with that story :) My sister-in-law had something similar happen with my niece. My mom died before she had any grandchildren (wanted them desperately, lol). My SIL was standing at her 8 month old's crib with the baby facing her,but looking up and beyond my SIL, smiling and cooing. My SIL said there was no one there that she saw, but obviously the baby did. :-)

    Oh, thank you all for the jumper explanation.

  37. @Dulcinea - awww - your story actually choked me up!

  38. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Anon 1:13 - biggest goose pimple prize to you so far.

  39. Lisa (original) -- I really believe that babies have the ability to "see" things that adults usually can't. When my son was an infant (and even sometimes now as a toddler), he would coo and stare at things in the air, giggle and smile at things that were invisible to me.

  40. I've had several encounters with ghosts, most notable at a Walgreens store, where a manager had been murdered for a few bucks by a former employee.


    My mother-in-law is staying the weekend. Wish me luck!

  41. Dulcinea, your story made me cry sweet tears...thanks for sharing :)

  42. Opppppps....the nearby Old Sheldon Church was burned down in the Revolutionary War and rebuilt. Sherman burned it and it was never rebuilt. Sorry.

  43. When I was a teenager, I lived way out in the boonies, where we had to travel 25 miles to do any shopping or even to get fast food. My friend borrowed her parents' car and we went to town. We got back to the sticks just about dusk. I lived a mile further down our road than my friend did, and because it was about this time of year it was a little cool in the evenings, so she was driving me all the way to my house. As we approached the railroad tracks, we saw this guy, Greg, who we'd known from grade school. He often hung out at the tracks waiting for someone to come along and party with him (we occasionally did). He waved, and we waved back. After the car crossed the tracks, my friend stopped talking suddenly and asked, "who did we just wave to?" I told her I thought it was Greg. We'd forgotten that Greg had been killed in a car accident a few weeks earlier. After dropping me off my friend took the long way home, about 10 miles, in order to avoid going past the tracks alone.

    I've seen others, but this incident was the only one where someone else saw it, too.

    My nephew, when a toddler, told his mother where to plant certain plants she was putting in the yard. When she asked why, he said "Aunt Grace says that needs to go there." His mother didn't have an aunt Grace, but when her husband got home and she told him about it, he said he'd had an aunt grace that died when *he* was a child, and she was a gardener.

    And anniecat, I remember the blue screen of death! Cute costume.

    Momster, I LOVE your story about the heroic 9 year old girl.

  44. scary story -

    i was on vacation in nantucket with my mom and dad. i was probably 8 or 9. we were staying at an older inn that had 2 beds and a tv. my parents went out for breakfast one morning and i decided to stay and watch some cartoons.

    suddenly the tv turned all fuzzy and i got very, very cold. then i felt pressure at the end of the end as if a person had sat on and put weight on it. needless to say it scared the SHIT out of me and i ran out of there like a bat out of hell.

    also, when i was about 11, my neighbor died in the early morning after a long battle with breast cancer. my mom later told me she saw her in my mom's room. my mom said it had to have been immediatley after she passed and she told my mom to tell her children she was sorry she wouldnt get to see then go to their first day of school that year...

    we later found out that she had been trying desperately to hold on until she could see her kids go to the school.

  45. This is totally not a scary story, just a pathetic one.

    So, the last time I went trick or treating was three years ago ... when I was 24. I'd dressed up as a dead girl for work and on my way home, I figured I'd hit some houses to see if I could get away with it. I had a whole back story prepared (my imaginary son was sick at home with Imaginary Dad while Mom went trick or treating). Only one person asked me how old I was; everyone else just gave me candy without a comment!

    I may have to try that out again this year :)

  46. my parents house when i was in junior high was haunted. we lived on a street with 2 retired cops, 1 high school principal and 1 retired teacher. they were all pretty close to the couple that lived in the house before us. anyway the husband was really into cb radios and turned my beadroom into a cb radio room: outlets and wiring everywhere.i think he was electrocuted or his death had something to do with them because they found him dead in that converted room. the funny thing is, EVERY time i would sneak out, mouth off to my parents, fight with my brother, etc. the lights in the house would turn on and off in various rooms, doors would slam, and one of those random neighbors would pop in for a "just wanted to check on ya" visit.

    and the best costume i ever wore was last year- i had a multicolored feather skirt, brown leather bikini top, feather necklace and headress and an obnoxious gold chain with a JIVE pendant...nobody got that i was a jive turkey...i thought it was hilarious.

  47. Anon 1:15: Pets can come back too. I had a beloved cat that I lost a few years ago. I missed her terribly. Soon after, I would lay down to sleep and I would feel her take her usual place to sleep at my feet. I would feel the little paws walk across the bed and turn around twice and settle in. I would smile, say goodnight to my now invisible cat, and go to sleep. She hasn't come around in a long while now.

  48. I was a punk rocker for so many years in a row. It was my fave costume.

    Funniest little sister was 13 or 14 this year, and my mom had made a scarecrow man out of clothes and newspaper, put a scary mask and hat on him and had him in a lawnchair on the front porch. My mom put on a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt (what hte scarecrow was wearing) and sat down in the chair with the mask on. When my sister and her friend came up to the door she jumped up and scared the living crap out of them :) It was hilarious.

    I'm excited for this Halloween, my mom and sister are coming to my house with my neice and nephew to trick or treat here with our kids :) It will be a fun year. We live 3 hours apart so don't do this often.

  49. Anonymous1:37 PM

    We moved in an old house close to the university, we suspect there were two different ghosts one upstairs and one on the main floor my little girl had a large room to herself, one day the light fixture fell and shattered on the floor it missed her head by a few inches. It was held up by a brass decorative screw, somehow it loosened on its own and we searched the room and it simply disappeared. My little girl began wetting the bed, she said the dark man wouldn't let her go to the bathroom, he hated her and wanted to kill her. Finally out of frustration and anger, when she was at daycare, I went upstairs and in a very loud voice I told it that if a hair was harmed on her head I would come back for it. The ghost who resided on the on the ground floor made its' presence known by their perfume, a very old fashion perfume would suddenly be next to one of us or we would walk through a room and there it was the linger scent of perfume. Every time I showered the door would open and the bathroom window would be raised an inch or two. We suddenly had a mice infestation and the landlord gave us a break and allowed us to move out without paying a penalty I joked about his other tenants, I could tell by his expression he knew who or what I was talking about.

  50. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I read this blog all the time, but have never written. I love all the ghost stories!! I have never experienced anything myself, but my parents did. When my Mom was a kid, my Grandmother got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. The master bedroom was across the bottom of the stairs from the bathroom. As she was passing the stairs she saw what she thought was my Mom in a white nightgown at the top of the stairs. She told her to go back to bed. When she got up in the morning she realized that my Mom was wearing a red nightgown and that she had gone to bed in a red night gown, not a white one. My Mom said she had not gotten up that night. Also, their dog would refuse to go into the bedroom that was right at the top of the stairs.

    When my parents first got married my Dad was in the army stationed in Germany. My parents lived in an old apartment building that had been bombed in WW2. My Dad was on night duty and he came home early one morning to find my Mom wide awake totally freaked out. There was an old armoire in the bedroom, my mom was in there folding clothes and she heard a knocking coming from inside the armoire. She walked up to it and knocked back and it answered, she knocked again in a pattern and it answered in the same exact pattern. Freaky!

    Then one night they were in bed. My Dad was almost asleep and my Mom was reading. My Dad went to roll over to his side, he brought his arm up across his necj and chest as he was rolling, something grabbed his arm and was pulling on it. He sat straight up and my Mom was looking at him like he was nuts! They also would find the sugar bowl in the frigde a lot and the toilet flushed itself. They had friends there who had lived in the exact same apt the year before. My parents asked them if they had experienced any strange things there. they told my parents they had. Most notably they were having sex one night and the woman looked up to see a slightly glowing figure of an old man at the end of the bed. He was watching them and smiling. She screamed and the figure disappeared.

  51. haha @Momster...that *is* scary!

  52. bflogurl1:56 PM

    My parents house is haunted. We don't know any back story of whether anyone has died in there or not, but there are most certainly presences there. ALl 5 of us on one occasion or another have seen white flashes turning corners, doors opening and closing, and one room that is ALWAYS at least 10 degrees colder than the rest.

    Apparently I am the one he likes to tease the most because I have 2 very memorable encounters with him.

    The first was when I was a teenager. The head of my bed shared a common wall with our living room, and that wall housed the TV. When I would go to bed, my parents would still be up watching the news (and usually fell asleep in from t of the TV), so I would bang on the wall to get them to turn it down/off. One night, I woke up to symphony music playing loudly. Now this was back in the late 80s, so I figured the station went "off air" and that was the back ground music. I knocked on the wall. Nothing. Knocked again. Nothing. SO I got out of bed to turn the TV off myself and the room was black. My parents were in their beds fast asleep. I went back to my room, no sooner did I put my head on the pillow and the music started again. Got up. Nothing. Layed down, music. Finally I said "I need to get up early tomorrow, please cut the shit", and it abruptly stopped.

    The 2nd encounter was when I was in my 20s and had a boyfriend over. We were sharing a recliner watching some TV. Randomly, I glance through the kitchen to where our side door entrance was. Clear as day, I saw a man standing there. He was wearing a flannel, jeans and a baseball cap. I quickly looked back towards the TV, shocked at what I had just seen, and slowly glanced back over. He was gone. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me until my boyfriend whispered, "You saw him, too?"

    Freaky shit.

  53. Millie Bee2:00 PM

    annie cat - BSOD is a great costume, I went as the BSOD to a party last year, had a screen shot printed on a tshirt and blue wig, lipstick, nails etc ! Went down really well!

    Im from England, when I was a teenager my family and I lived for 7 years in a house built in the 1600's, so it was creepy anyway but it acquired a Poltergeist - a girl who had hung herself in the attic. We never saw any figures but there was a constant feeling of not being alone, we would hear footsteps walking "on floorboards" along a carpeted hallway, scratching in the walls, clothing and ornaments would move rooms, credit cards would line up along the middle of the dining room table during the night, mirrors would fly across rooms and smash, the volume on stereos would increase and decrease, I would hear noises all night of items being rolled across my bedroom floorboards - but nothing visible when the lights went on...

    One day in my room I saw a pile of stacked folders fly slowly across my bedroom and then a pile of cassette tapes move from a shelf one by one and re stack on the floor. It also 'imprinted' its emotional energy onto me. I spent years not only terrifed to sleep but also in a dark hole emotionally.

  54. Anonymous2:00 PM

    @momster LOL! And peace be with you.

    My dad died when I was 18. I inherited his car. It was a very rough time for me and my family. Nevertheless, I endeavored to cope. Including changing all of my dad's pre-programmed radio stations, all 5 of them, to MY stations.

    A week went by. I was incredibly sad. I missed him and so much left unsaid, you know? I just kept wishing he knew how much I loved him and that I had said so much more. I wished he was with me again, even for just a little bit.

    I went out to get in the car, and turned the key in the ignition.

    All of the radio stations were back to HIS stations. All.Of.Them.

    I figured it was my dad letting me know he hadn't left completely.

  55. This is my kind of "Your Turn"...
    First, a little background...I've been a practicing Witch for over 35 years now - so I've got stories out the wazoo, but I'll limit this to a couple of the better ones.
    There was the time that my boyfriend (at the time) and I were looking to rent a house...we found one near where we were living at the time, and were checking out the exterior while waiting for the owner to show up to let us in to see the inside. BF was around the side of the house, and I went onto the porch to try and see the inside of the house through the windows. Due to the curtains being closed, I could hardly see anything of detail but could get a basic idea of the space. I went around to get him to show him what could be seen and when we got back to the porch, the curtains had been opened.
    The house was vacant and had been for months according to the owner - and the look on her face when I asked directly about a possible death in the house was priceless. She looked at me and asked how I knew, that in fact it was her mother-in-law's house and she had indeed died there, and the house had been vacant since.
    The other experience is extremely personal, and I have detailed it on my blog, ( however I'll condense it here.
    Some years ago, my best friend and her husband were moving back to Atlanta from TN, and in need of some serious space. Knowing the area well, I took her apartment hunting, and we ended up at the complex I grew up in.
    My parents had lived in their apartment there for over 25 years, and my father had died in his bedroom about 15 years before.
    We got to talking with the leasing agent about the complex, and that I'd grown up there, and she then asked if I knew anything about an old man who was apparently haunting their apartment. As we continued to talk, she mentioned that she believed that the man was Jewish, since he would quiet down when they left Jewish memorabilia out (no idea why they had it, she was 7th Day Adventist), however the spirit had an annoying habit of turning the A/C down. I wondered about this, and asked which apartment she and her roommates had. Turned out that their apartment backed directly up on my old unit, at which point I knew who the ghost was. My father.
    What was the telling point aside from the Jewish memorabilia?
    The A/C trick. Not to put too fine a point on it, however I'm sure the female readers can figure out why a man would like cold temperatures around women.
    My father was a HS teacher, and utterly notorious for his habit of "pencil dropping" in class.
    It seems some things apparently transcend the physical.

  56. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Another one (just because I don't feel like working). This was in the 1960s, I was pretty newly married and living in my husband's home town. Memorial Day came around. In those days it was often referred to as "Decoration Day" because that's what you did, you decorated graves. I didn't have anyone buried close by, but he had his mother, grandmother, uncle, and his recently deceased father, whom nobody had liked and we didn't really have much to do with him while he was alive, he'd been guilty often of spousal abuse, and my husband loved his mom a lot.

    So I went out and picked all the flowers in the yard - roses, peonies, iris, daisies, lilies - and put them in a washtub, also took a large container of water, and stopped quickly at the dime store to buy the cone-shaped things with spikes on them meant to be used as vases on graves. I drove to the cemetery and stuck spiked vases in front of each tombstone, then carefully divided the flowers into four almost identical bouquets, and filled the vases with water and went home. Later that evening after dinner, when we were putting the babies in the car to go for the usual evening ride to make them drowsy, I mentioned I did his family's graves, so he decided to swing by and look at them.

    The bouquets on his grandmother's, uncle's and mother's graves were fresh as when I put them out there. The ones on his father's grave were dead, black, dried to paper. I even checked, and the water level was still full.

    I just figured that he rejected our flowers in death as we rejected him in life.

  57. Miranda-Kudos to you! I always give treats to anyone that is in some sort of costume, no matter the age. I actually enjoy seeing groups of 15-18 y/o's if they take the time to dress up, more than the little squirts!

  58. Favorite costume: Carmen Sandiego. Yes, I know, I'm a tool.

  59. Anonymous2:53 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Anonymous2:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I used to go partying in San Antonio with some friends. One time one of the guys had mentioned the railroad tracks I believe on the South side. Anyway I had forgotten about them so we were at a club dancing away and having fun. My friend said you still want to go to the tracks and I said sure why not. Well I didn't know that where we were going was an abandoned area and it was kind of spooky at night. The street signs I notice had kids name. The story is that many years ago a school bus got stuck on the tracks and the train ran over them the bus was full of kids. So the deal is that you go over the tracks put your car in neutral and the car will be push over the tracks. Supposedly it's the kids pushing you to safety.

  62. this is a good one ent

  63. thanks for the scare everybody! i'm off to sneak a 40oz into the theater and see Paranormal Activity. If I have nightmares 50% is your fault. :)

  64. One of my favorite Halloween memories was dressing up as "The Blue Beetle" in college, complete with iridescent blue sunglasses and blue sparkly pom-pom antennae. That costume was a huge hit. ;)

    I've never seen or heard a ghost, but my daughter felt one. Something touched her shoulder when we went to Gettysburg earlier this month. There was absolutely no one anywhere near her. It didn't scare her 'cause she's seen too many Ghost Hunters episodes.

  65. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I was once alone at work on a Saturday afternoon and listening to music on my Walkman (this was a long time ago) when I thought I heard a party going on. I thought that was odd since this was a government building and you had to sign in and show your badge to security to get in. Anyway, I just shrugged it off but the party was so loud that I could hear them over my music. At one point, I took my headphones off to see from exactly where the sounds were coming and when I removed my headphones the noise stopped. I did this a couple of times, finally decided that it was a part of the song and shrugged it off. Until the next song came on and I could still hear it! When I took my headphones off again this time the party kept going. I was all alone on my floor so this kinda creeped me out. It was so weird because I could hear certain things with precision like glasses clinking, a woman's laugh and I think music in the background. And lots of people talking. At some point it occurred to me that this was on some sort of weird repeating loop: the glasses would clink, the woman would laugh and some other stuff would follow like a guy calling out to someone, someone saying "Heeeeeey!" and that sort of thing (can't remember all of the details now - this happened a long time ago) and it would just repeat itself over and over again. I was young and kinda fearless, I had work to do and had NEVER had any kind of ghost experience so eventually I just went back to work and let them do their thing noting that there was some strange repetitions going on but whatever. When I left the office that afternoon, as I signed out I noted that there were only a couple of people who'd signed in that day so I commented to the security guard that the people on that floor were having a really loud party. He gives me a funny look and then says that only three or four people had come in that day, none at the same time and none of them on that floor. He reminded me also that he had to do regular floor checks so he was sure that no one had a party and no one was on that floor. Weird. That whole experience was just so weird. I get the heebie jeebies just remembering the whole thing.

  66. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Sylvia - I was born in San Antonio and know exactly what tracks you are talking about! My parents took us a few times as did my aunt and uncle. It always worked for us and we would be freaked out all night!

    And Miranda - I was 21 and a senior in college the last time I went door to door trick or treating 6 years ago. My two friends could pass for younger - one was the Cat in the Hat and the other friend was a witch and I was the "mom" dressed as a hippie. We were the only ones who could drive ourselves to the nice area of town to get candy. No one said a word to us and I pretended to watch my kids go up to the doors knowing I would get a cut of the candy later. Good times, good times. :)

  67. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Well now that I am done work, I can give a bit more detail. The ghost in my kitchen doesn't seem to like any loud noises. I've had several instances where weird stuff has happened. The first time was when we had just moved in and I was vacuuming the kitchen. Something threw a nickel at me. I had no idea where it had come from and had not thought anything of it until I had a friend telling me about ghosts throwing coins to get the attention of people. Twice I have been playing music loudly and had the music just switch off for no apparent reason. I give my Yorkies a bath in the kitchen sink and I've had the plug to the blow dryer literally fly out of the outlet once. The most recent thing that happened was last month. The tv in the kitchen was on and suddenly the sound went off. I was nowhere near the remote but somehow the mute button had been pressed. The weird thing about the last incident was that just a second before the tv went mute my dogs started barking in the direction of the tv. My dogs have also acted upset before the music was cut off as well. It only happens when my husband is out of town though. I'm not scared of it. Just wondering what's up with the situation...

  68. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I can't login for some reason but the ghost in the kitchen part deux is from Pam S.

  69. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Not a ghost story but it is creepy.

    Back a very long time ago when my grandmother was a teenager she was out with a friend and a couple guys.

    They went driving out in the country one night just having fun, my grandma and her guy were in the rumble seat with the other couple up front.

    They pulled over on some road to kiss and just hang out when all of a sudden a car happened to come by and shine its lights as it passed. Just then someone in the car saw a man in the woods next to the car swing a sledge hammer at my grandma's head and miss. The timing of the other car passing scared the guy off.

    My grandma said that was the scariest thing ever in her life.

  70. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I can't login for some reason but the ghost in the kitchen part deux is from Pam S.

  71. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I lived in this old apartment building in the run down section of my city back in the late 80s that was full of dregs, druggies, and me.

    One night after partying late with my bf we stumbled back to my place where we found two drunkies locked out of the building. Their place was on the first floor but not at ground level.

    My very drunk bf climbed the bricks to reach their window, crawled in, unlocked the front door.

    Fine they are all happy.

    A few months later I moved out and shortly after read in the paper where that husband smothered the wife for having bad breath and hid her body in the basement behind the boiler.

    My studio apt was directly above that boiler.

  72. Anonymous4:33 PM

    When I was about 10 I was home one night with my brother and 2 sister's. Our mother worked a night shift that night so my oldest teenage sister made dinner for us and we watched tv. While sitting there we hear a loud thump on our basement stairs, we all looked at each other and ran to see what was going on. We saw a piece of luggage that is usually stored away at the bottom of the stairs.

    We were scared but it didn't make sense to us. My brave sis led the way and we checked out the basement. Nobody down there and rest of luggage stowed away, the one door leading to outside near the top of the stairs was shut and locked.

    We shut the door and went back to the tv room to call our mom at work when we heard a very loud thump at the basement door. My brother led the way as we went to check it out, this time we found the suitcase on the landing mid way up the stairs where the door leading outside is and it was still locked.

    We screamed and ran to our neighbors house. We came back with our neighbor who sat with us until my mom got home.

    To this day we all wonder about that since no one besides us was in our house.

  73. i love ghost stories. if you do to you should check out the ghost stories on the site. they have a really good thread going on with experiences in the hospital.
    my only experience was when i was in catholic school we were sitting in church doing our weekly prayer thing. it was just my class there. there was a lady crying and kneeling below a statue praying really hard. i was bored and looking around etc and was watching her because it was weird seeing an adult cry at that age. all of asudden it looked like the statues hand moved ina way that a priest does when he is blessing you. it was the creepiest thing ever! it was like a so fast and instantaneous and the lady didnt even notice. i was like looking around too seeing if anyone else saw it but no one did. the hand was the statues and it was like engulfed in like ablack/purplish shadow. sooo weird! im still confused!

  74. The worst "candy" I got trick-or-treating was a lady who gave out mini bibles and crosses. She thought we were going to hell for celebrating a PAGAN holiday. I was all of seven years old & thought "even apples are better then this."

  75. Five years ago in October we were in Charleston for a wedding. I am a believe in the paranormal..always have been.

    day1: My son was nagging me about wanting to go to Fort Sumpter. I told him we would go in a few days if we had any money left. I wasn't sure how much food and entertainment would cost. He got mad and said something about his granddaddy (who had died 6 months prior) said he would take him one day and he HAD to go. I told him it cost $20 and he could go on Saturday if we had the money left. At that moment a large burst of wind came along and a $20 bill blew onto my husbands leg. I told my husband to take our son directly to the Fort.

    Day 2: I told the front desk that we had to change our room because of the awful cigarette smoke smell. My husband could not smell it at all. It had kept me up all night. They told me it was a non=smoking facility and that there was no smoke smell. We argured and I just left and sat in the courtyard with my sister. We talked about our Aunt Grace and how we needed to sent her a gift. I told her that my room smelled just as bad as Aunt Graces house. She said her room smelled too. My mom told us that night that Aunt Grace had died the day before.

    Day 3: My brother's wedding was the next night and the weather went unexpectedly cold. I had a sleeveless dress and wanted to go to the Gap to get a cardigan to wear over my dress. We went on a Ghost Tour and afterwards were sitting on a park bench. When we got up to leave, I stepped on something. I looked down and it was a bag from The Gap. in it was a black cardigan with pearl buttons.

    We sat around for an hour for someone to come back and claim it and they never did.

  76. When I was a teenager, my friend and I played with Ouija boards (don't do it - you're just opening doors - we were lucky) We got the spirit of this young man named David Duryea that was killed in the Revolutionary war. I believe he was 15 when he died...To try and prove his existence, we asked where he was our surprise, it was at the Old North Church not five minutes from where we lived. We asked for more detail...the date of his death...what did it say on his gravestone, and where exactly was it? He gave us all that information.

    Being the foolish youth we were...we went to the graveyard...followed his instructions, back of church, third grave from the left, not expecting to find a tombstone there with his name...but it was there. What he said was ON his gravestone...was also there...the date he died? yup...there. His age? correct.

    That was freaky. If anyone lives near Tappan NY, go to the Old Reformed Church and have a look at the graves around the church itself. You'll find David there.

  77. My best friend died when we were both nine. The day after she passed, the TV in my room clicked on by itself twice. I sort of shrugged it off (I was too depressed to think much about it) but had a dream that night in which my friend came to me, dressed in a long nightgown with a mobcap, carrying a Mrs Beasley doll (a doll from a TV show back in antiquity -- I am old) and said, "That was me." The oddest part is though I wasn't allowed to attend her funeral (my mother didn't believe in kids attending funerals) someone we knew brought back photos and showed them to me (I had asked - I guess to help cope) and I clearly saw my friend in her casket in the same nightgown and mobcap as in my dream. She was also buried with her favorite Mrs Beasley doll.

    Beyond that, I have a funny link I love -- the world's worst Halloween costumes.

    Have fun, y'all.

  78. Enty, thanks so much for this great gift today! I'm thoroughly enjoying this & hope they keep coming all weekend.

  79. Anonymous6:17 PM

    When I was in my early twenties I worked as a waitress in a district of my downtown that is historic. One night before the evening shift started I sat down to fold napkins with my back towards the kitchen. As I was sitting there I felt a hand press against my back like someone was getting my attention. I turned to around to find nobody there.

    I went to the kitchen to ask the only other two people in the place what one of them wanted but both were in the very back room and said they had not been my way.

    Later that night I had a very vivid dream that I was in there and the windows were all foggy, my little cat was there and hissing at something I couldn't see so I ran for the door. I actually made it to the door and outside. This is why I remember the dream 20 years later because I never make it to the door in a nightmare.

    Anyway, the next day at work I was talking to an elderly gentleman that worked across the street as a tour guide for an old theater. He started telling me about the area and the hauntings. He had even just completed a tv special for our local news about the area and paranormal happenings.

    I had a few other things happen, but I know that night I folded napkins I was touched by something unseen.

  80. My whole life is a ghost story. I'm a ghost-magnet, they like me for some reason. I can't always 'hear' them, but I most definitely feel them (the cold air, always), and smell them, and on occasion, have seen them as well.
    I'm what they call an 'Empath', with Clairvoyant, Clairsentient tendencies.

    My husband and I bought our first house last year. Upon our first visit to it, I asked the agent if 'the old man had died in it', he gave me a look and quickly said "no, no, nobody died in the house... Mr. Jones died a few years ago, but not in the house". Hubby just looked at me knowingly (he's witnessed way too many 'unexplainable' things around me to question it any more).
    Anyway, when we got back to our apartment, he asked me what that was all about. I told him the old man was still in the house, and I knew, 'cause I could feel him. He then asked my impression of him (I have an uncanny way of feeling people's personalities, dead or alive...), so I told him he was a pervert. Of course, he asked how I knew this, and I said it was just a 'feeling' I had (you just know when a man is a perv, you know?). I did mention that he liked me, and wanted me to live in his house, 'cause I sort of reminded him of his wife when she was younger (I later found a photo of Mrs Jones, and noticed that we both had the same white 'skunk stripe' in our hair, though I mostly wear my hair so mine is hidden...)

    Two months later, we're in the house, and I'm alone in the basement, busying myself with the demolition of a partition wall that housed adjacent closets. We'd always wondered why Mr. Jones had a lock on his office door. When I got to his office closet, and was ripping out the shelves, I noticed that the bottom shelf was quite thick. Too thick. I couldn't find any screws, nails, anything to indicate how I could tear it down. Finally, I figure out that the top of the shelf is actually a lid. I pop it open, and 'lo and behold, Mr. Jones' whole collection of vintage porn (we're talking 'pre-landscaping' here folks)... vibrator included...
    Hubby's words when I told him? "Well, you nailed THAT one on the head..." But he wasn't surprised. LOL!

    I finally had to smudge(**) the house to get rid of him, as I was showering one day, and he made his presence known (towels started moving, yet, there are no windows or vents in the bathroom), which pissed me off. So, goodbye old Mr. Jones... ;)

    ** Burning dried clary sage in a fire-proof bowl-type of container while 'smudging' the house with the smoke will usually dispel any disruptive/negative energies/spirits.

  81. Melody and Chris, both your stories gave me goosebumps!

    Anon 1:15 and Lisa (original) I echo your sentiment about pets. About 15 years ago I had a cat named Moses who was the absolute love of my life. I was in my early 20’s and had just moved back in with my parents after a series of bad life experiences. Moses was a stray I picked up while I was working a weekend job at a canoe rental. He had been through a pretty rough ordeal, so there was no question he was coming home with me, despite the battle I was going to have with my parents. He came from the water, so the name Moses seemed to fit. He quickly became my best friend and eventually won over the rest of my family, even though he wasn’t really welcome at first. He was my shadow every minute of the day, and I couldn’t wait to see him every evening when I got home from work. He sat on my lap at dinner, he slept with me, he laid in the sun with me while I was trying to get a tan. Most people thought I rescued him, but I had been through a pretty rough ordeal too, and the truth is that he actually rescued me. I only had him for a year and a half or so when he escaped from the house and wandered onto the road. I was so devastated I couldn’t talk to anyone, eat, sleep, go to work, move. I cried for two days straight. The second night, I was asleep in my room when I woke up to a very loud, huge, BANG! This bang was in my room. It couldn’t have been more than five feet from me. I was so scared I couldn’t move, so I laid in bed and continued to listen for any other noises. After about ten minutes of silence I finally got the nerve to get out of bed and turn the light on. There in the middle of my bedroom floor was a straw hat that usually hung from my art easel in the other corner of the room. Somehow it had flown off the easel, sailed about eight feet across the room, and landed in the middle of the floor with a noise loud enough to shake the room. It made no sense, so I decided maybe one of my parents or my brother had come in for some reason while I was sleeping. The next morning at breakfast I asked who had come in to my room, threw my hat, and stomped out loud enough to wake me up. Everyone looked around at everyone else, shook their heads, and sincerely had no idea what I was talking about. When I told them what had happened, everyone was completely silent and had no explanation. My mom finally said “you know, sometimes energy hangs around.” That was explanation enough for me, whether my mom was right or she was just giving me a gift. But that hat never moved again, and to this day I’m convinced it was Moses telling me he was ok.

  82. Anonymous7:18 PM

    About 5 years ago, I was at a new job on the old Presidio in San Francisco and one day I had decided to stay late to catch up on some work. I worked in the main part of the building but had some additional offices outside the main building and they were attached to my office by a glass enclosed ramp and these big glass doors that were always left open I had to get some files from that office so I go down the ramp and I start hearing what sounds like heavy boot footsteps behind me. The first two times I stopped and the footsteps stopped so I thought at first it was just an echo of my own feet. I start walking down the ramp again and this time I hear the footstops louder and this time they are running. I stop and this time they didn't stop so I absolutely freaked out and ran up the ramp as fast as my legs could carry me. I get to the doors leading to my office and they are closed and locked. I freaked out so bad that I started banging on the doors and after a few minutes started actually crying. Finally my new boss comes and opens the door and he sees me crying and asked me how come the doors were locked since they are never locked let alone closed. I went home that night terrified but somehow managed to get my butt there the next day. I told my coworkers what had happened and they were not even surprised. They told me that our building used to be big military hospital and that the ramp that I walked down was actually the walkway to the old morgue and that is why they never go down there. That is my only ghostly experience and honestly, I would probably die a happy women if that never happened to me again.

  83. Karmen, where in the world were you?? LOL LOL

    Love the ghost stories. Wish we were all sitting around a fire drinking. . .

    Well, hell, I'd rather be anywhere than here with gum-smacking MIL.

  84. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Halloween used to be my all-time favorite holiday! I loved everything about it! Then my asshole ex proposed to me on Halloween and left me at the altar, and ever since then, it just makes me really, really sad.

  85. This was a great post. Sometimes creepy, sometimes touching and sometimes funny. Nice.

  86. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I second the Ouija board statement. Freaky, freaky shit.

    In high school, my friend and I were in her room, messing around with one. The doodad started moving around the board, so we asked who it was. It spelled out SEW. We were confused, but after thinking about it, my friend said, "Oh! The old woman who used to live in other part of this house was a seamstress!"

    Well, we freaked the shit out, and I've never touched one since. I'm tensing up just writing about it.

  87. Anonymous7:56 PM

    When I was married my husband and I rented one side of a double house. This place was down right freaky negative energy. From the day I moved in with him I always felt run down like I was coming down with a cold. The couple next door with their young daughter and new baby always fought.

    I would hear what sounded like someone walking the upstairs hallway in heavy boots. I would hear what sounded like cat claws screeching down the kitchen walls.

    I wanted a divorce so I went to see a spiritual healer because I felt so emotionally off balance. The guy was also a clairvoyant of some sort and out of the blue he totally described my whole upstairs and the energy moving around.

    Before I made a move to file for divorce I needed to have surgery and recovery would be about 3 weeks. I had the surgery and was home daily by myself and never got up because I was heavily medicated on oxycodone and lorazepam.

    One day I was feeling pretty good so I went to my front porch for some fresh air and my neighbor came out a little irritated and wanted to chat about me wearing loud shoes and running up and down my stairs. I told her I had been bed ridden and nobody else was there during the day. She didn't believe me of course.

    I moved out about a month later and felt better almost instantly.

  88. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Circa 1980, when I was about 7, I had a big crush on John Schneider. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was popular at that point, and I insisted that my mom get me a Bo Duke costume. I wonder what she thought about her daughter dressing up as a grown man for Halloween...

  89. Just the other day, I was woken up by heavy footsteps and rambling in the hallway. I assumed it was my brother, he's the only guy living here so I didn't think anything of it, until I remembered he was in missouri for the mizzou texas game. I then proceeded to freak out and call my mom at work lol

  90. Got to go with this one, Enty. I don't care who thinks I'm craZy. I talk to dead people.
    My father died (police say 'suicide by gunshot to the chest,' PI's and some MA state police officers say, 'homicide.' Either way, he died when I was 1 year, 5 months, & 11 days; September 11, 1979. Since then I have had "imaginary friends" whom I don't recall since age 3, interpretive dreams with information which had NEVER been disclosed to me, dreams where I see future happenings when it relates to family members closest to my father and I, and various other experiences which my children can vouch for due to their own experiences.
    PS- I also suffer from sleep paralysis and have dreams that supernatural beings are poking/touching me all over and I can't even move enough to utter the most silent scream...

  91. Oh another one, on my vaca to liverpool last november, me and my brother were walking down the street towards the museums and away from the center, I forgot what building it was but it was being completely remodeled so was empty. We were about to turn the corner when I something blurry caught my eye in front of us and I concentrated on it then I was violently shoved from behind. I loled, told my brother what happened and we went on our way, it was awesome lol

  92. In our culture, when babies smile at things that aren't there (which happens very often with babies), we say they are smiling with the angels.. Interpret that any way you wish :-)

    My ghost story is a bit strange, like most of the stories here.. When i was 10, i had a best friend, we were friends since we were 2 1/2 years old. One night, i was counting flowers on the wallpaper to sleep and suddenly i saw 'people dancing' on the wall next to my bed. It was so strange, i recall not even being able to talk. Then one figure 'came out' of the wall and started talking to me.. i asked who are you, and she replied, cant you recognize me, i am your friend.. and i didnt believe it because she looked so different.. much older and much skinnier.. and she just said, i am now 16 and i will get very sick, please promise to take care of me.. and of course, i swore i would..

    a few months later, her mum and dad moved abroad.. time passed and eventually she and i lost touch and i was 16. One random day, i got a letter from her mother telling me that my friend had anorexia and she is in hospital unconscious. But she keeps saying she told me, she would get sick and for me to come to see her and take care of her. Her mum was asking me how come i knew about this and never told anyone..

    i know i didnt know, i didnt know she would get anorexia and when my friend's mum sent some pictures, i swear she looked just like the image i saw before...

  93. Anonymous9:24 PM

    My mother once went to buy an electrical gadget from the store and the sales clerk told her it was already paid for. She asked by whom and was told my cousin paid for it.

    My cousin was dead about a year before the purchase.

    Next her brother in law kept waving to her in a dream. She told me he made her angry and wanted him to leave her alone.

    My mom died that same year.

    I learned that sometimes if a person is dead you may not want them to contact you because it means your number is coming up pretty soon.

  94. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I really believe I've been reincarnated and it's a creepy feeling.

  95. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Worst treat I've ever had those d**n popcorn balls!

    Best treat TAFFY APPLES! Yum Yum

  96. All the stories make me want to start believing in ghosts! At least for the next 24 hours.

    I've had tons of strange stuff happen around me, but I write it off to self-fulfilling prophecy. If I expect something weird to happen, then everything that happens is weird. I know, no fun at all.

  97. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Karmen, I love that you were Carmen Sandiego! That was one of my favourite shows when I was younger.

  98. This is pretty tame, but I thought I'd share anyway.

    The backstory is that my dad died in Vietnam when my mom was pregnant with me. I am named for my dad, not the same name, but very similar; I am a daughter.

    My dad's father--my grandpa--did not deal with my dad's death well. Very cold, very distant. He would leave the room if my dad's name was mentioned. As I said, I was named for my dad, we have virtually the same name. I am sure you can understand that as a child this was hard. I really craved my grandpa's love, it was not forthcoming. I think I reminded him of what he lost. That never changed; he died when I was 16.

    Fast forward to when I was 33, I was living in Phoenix, a long way from my hometown, a single mom with an 8 year old son (named for my dad). Hadn't thought of my grandpa for years. Too busy trying to do all the right things,no time for looking back. That's how life goes,you know?

    I was washing dishes, and I felt a and on my shoulder. A real hand. It was my grandpa. It WAS him. I know this to my bones. I've never felt more sure about anything that was intangible in my life. Why he was there in my kitchen in Phoenix, I don't know. He hasn't been back.

    That's it.

  99. Anonymous11:43 PM

    When I was young, my parents and I used to drive over to the cemetery where my grandfather was buried to put flowers on his and my grandmother's graves. There was a grave that was situated not too far from theirs, that was -- for lack of a better phrase -- totally fascinating. The headstone was not your traditional headstone. It was small aluminum (I think) obelisk, that glinted in the sun. The story was that the man who had died (at a fairly young age) had designed his headstone himself, and on it the inscription said, "Here lies an artist." Maybe because it was shiny, or maybe for more complicated reasons, I was always fascinated by that headstone and that grave. It seemed to be visited pretty often, and people would leave small trinkets and messages. I would always try to steal away while my parents were planting, and I would just go and stare at that headstone.

    One day, as I was standing there, contemplating who this man could have been, who had died so young, I heard, very distinctly, someone laugh. It was clear as a bell, a young man's laugh. I looked around, and there was no one, I mean NO ONE in sight, except for my parents, who had wandered hundreds of yards away. I knew instinctively that it was him.

    I never forgot about that grave, or that man, but I went away to school and many years passed before I was able to go back to visit my grandfather's grave. I hadn't been back to town in over ten years, when I happened to be in town two summers ago with my new fiance. I had regaled him with this story many times, and while he isn't a believer, he believed that I felt something had happened to me. I took him to the cemetery to "meet" my grandparents. It was pouring down rain, so we hopped out of the car and hopped back on. As we passed the obelisk, I told him to stop the car. I hopped out and used a paper towel to wipe off the accumulated dead leaves and sap that the rain had deposited on the shiny finish. As I rubbed the towel over his name, I heard, one more time, a man's voice.

    I somehow knew he was glad I hadn't forgotten him.

  100. I love these stories! Our current apartment is haunted. All my life, I've been able to hear things, but I've never seen anything. It seems to be a man and a woman, although they don't come around nearly as often now as they did when we first moved in. At first they only seemed to come when I was home alone. I would be in the kitchen washing dishes and I could hear them talking to each other in the bedroom. Once, I was sitting on the couch in the living room while my boyfriend was in the bathroom taking a shower. I could hear someone whistling (he sometimes whistles in the shower) but it sounded like it was coming from the hallway and was (honestly) much better and more lyrical than his usual tune. It went on for so long (minutes and minutes) I finally went into the bathroom and asked him what he was doing. He hadn't been whistling at all. And one night, when we were both in bed (I was reading and my boyfriend had just fallen asleep) I heard a muffled man's voice in the room. It sounded like he was telling me to go to sleep.

    So I did.

    Lately, however, they've started to mess with my boyfriend as well. A couple of times I've been in the bathroom in the shower or getting dressed, and he's come bursting in like the house is on fire. When I ask him what he's doing, he said he heard me call for him and it sounded like I needed help. After the second and third times, I just said, "Have you figured it out yet?"

    I don't mind them being here -- and they don't seem to mind us. They can stay as far as I'm concerned.

  101. Last night, I put a bottle of Wild Turkey and some Zingers on my dining table and went to play FIFA 10 on the xbox. I kept hearing footsteps, like someone wearing flip flops in the dining room. Then I heard what sounded like someone gagging and then sounds of glass on wood. I thought it was my brother.

    So after I finish my game, I went to his room to gloat and realize he's not in there. His keys are gone, so I go to the window and see his car isn't home either.

    So then I go to get a Zinger and a shot and ALL the Wild Turkey and the Zingers are GONE!!!1!11! at first, I kept thinking, what kind of asshole ghost drinks all your Wild Turkey AND eats your Zingers? Then I realized it would be a drunk and mean spirited ghost so I freaked the hell out.

    I ran to my couch, arms flailing, and fell asleep sobbing like a little girl. My brother woke me up in the morning and I was telling him what happened. As I'm talking, I feel something on my feet and when I move the blanket back, the ghost had put his flip flops on my feet!!!11!!111 And even worse he smeared Zingers all over my face and gave me a terrible headache!!.
    I am truly terrified. What a horrible ghost. I guess I gotta burn sage now. =(

    Happy Halloween everybody!!
    Be safe and please share your Wild Turkey and Zingers with your ghost.

  102. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Lisa (original and Rosie -

    Thanks for your pet stories.

    p.s. My dog's name was Rosie. Hmmm.

  103. Story One:

    Early 1960s - My uncle’s best friend was murdered in Vancouver during a mugging. He was hit too hard on his head and died a couple of hours later. He was in his early 20s. My grandmother was like his second mother. He was always at the house with my uncle. On the night of his murder, around 1am, my grandmother woke up to his voice calling her, “Agnes, Agnes” and saw him standing at the foot of her bed. He told her that he was okay, not to worry and that he loved her. Then he vanished. She was quite shaken by this and stayed up for the rest of the night. At 6am, she learned of his murder.

  104. Another thing that happened to me was I used to babysit for my friend's parents - who swore they had a ghost in their old house that played their piano. I think it followed them, because my friend had a small wooden cane hanging from her door that would sway back and forth when you asked it to move.

    One night I put the two kids to bed upstairs, and was reading downstairs. As the clock struck midnight (yes they had a chiming clock) I heard someone coming down the stairs - it was a heavy tread, not one the kids (who were 2 and 4 at the time) would make. The footsteps continued to the bottom of the stairs. The cats jumped and ran, and I didn't know what to do. I grabbed a sofa cushion, and dove under it praying LOL

    After I wasn't brutally murdered by some psycho killer, I got up and knew I had to go and check on the kids...I was SO SCARED. I went up the stairs, they were fine. House check? no one. Doors locked? yup. I never babysat for them again, unless it was in the daytime.

  105. Story Two

    My brother had a séance with two friends, Wally and Mike. They contacted a spirit who had been through several lifetimes with Wally and my brother. The spirit kept asking about my Mom and said she missed her. So a séance was conducted in the basement of our house. Wally, Mike, my brother, my mom and me. The spirit was contacted and she was overjoyed to see my mom.

    Turns out it was the first lifetime they had been separated. My mom, brother, Wally and the spirit had gone through several lifetimes together. Mike and I had not known any of them in previous lives. The spirit warned us to be careful when contacting her because another spirit could masquerade as her. I was there, but didn’t believe what was happening, and kept accusing everyone else of moving the glass. So finally, none of us touched the glass. Our fingers hovered over it, but did not touch it. The glass continued to move. Freaked me out. Still, I trouble accepting that there was a spirit communicating with us. So I asked her to prove herself. The flames of the candle bent down sideways and shot out about 12 inches and stayed that way for a few seconds. It was February, we were in the basement and there was no air movement whatsoever. I didn’t say a word for the rest of the session.

    (continued in next post)

  106. continued

    We had several more sessions and Wally brought a friend over to see it. He didn’t believe and Wally wanted to prove it to him. The guy was very negative and kept saying, “this is garbage.” etc. We spent 40 minutes trying to contact the spirit and nothing. Finally my mom said, “please just come and prove you exist. You don’t have to stay and talk to us.” She appeared and said she couldn’t talk to us. We asked why. No response. Wally said, “Is it because of someone here?” Spirit said yes. Wally told his friend to leave. That friend was pissed. He stormed out of the house and immediately, the spirit told us that she just couldn’t communicate in the presence of such hostility.

    We had one more session after that. It was never intended to be our last session, but it worked out that way. Wally went on tour with his band…every time we tried to get together again, someone wasn’t available. We wanted to do it as a group.

    Here’s what I gleaned from the sessions.
    1 – the spirit wasn’t interested in me. at all. She just wanted to talk to my mom, brother and Wally. She answered all of Mike’s questions, though. I had pissed her off by asking her to prove herself to us. After that, she basically ignored me unless my mom asked her to answer my question(s)
    2 – My last life was in the mid-1800s. I died giving birth to my eighth child while travelling west with a wagon train.
    3 – my dad hadn’t been part of any of our previous lives either.
    4- It’s frowned upon in the spirit world to show themselves or make themselves known without being called. Apparently, it’s considered showing off.
    5 – spirits keep being reborn with the intention of getting it right and progressing to being a perfect being. Essentially, we keep being reborn until we have learned all the lessons we need to learn. She said some spirits are reborn and screw up. That sets them back (think of school) and they have to repeat it until they get it right. She said there is some choice as to what we come back as. If we choose to come back into difficult circumstances and we rise above it, we progress faster with our life lessons. She also said that spirits do try to find each other when they come back to earth.

    Once they’ve learned everything, they don’t have to be reborn. You know the expression, life is hell on earth? Well, according to the spirit, that’s essentially it. The other plane, heaven, whatever it is called, is ‘home’. Life on earth is ‘school’. When we die, we go home. She said the spirits don’t really want to come back to earth because it’s hard.

    6 - I asked if there was a god or higher power. She said yes. My mom, brother and I had been atheists. With this experience with the spirit, we had to accept all of it or reject all of it. No cherry picking. We now all believe in a higher power. It isn’t an active part of our lives (organized religion etc.), but, it’s acceptance

  107. Story three

    1988 - A hockey-loving ghost resided at one of my apartments. He didn’t make an appearance until my last year there. I was watching TV and the channel suddenly changed to the hockey game. I thought it was a glitch in the TV. I changed it back to my program. It flipped back to hockey. This happened several more times. Then the bathroom door closed and opened again. At his point I was quite unnerved, but didn’t show it. I wondered it was all a coincidence or if there was a spirit in the apt. So I said, “Look, you’re welcome to stay and watch TV and whatever. But I’m watching this program and I was here first. You can watch the game during commercial breaks.” I felt rather foolish saying this out loud because I wasn’t convinced there was a spirit. Until my program went to a commercial break and the TV changed to the hockey game. After three minutes I said, “The commercials are probably over, please change it back.” The TV changed back. Now I was convinced that there was a spirit in the apt. and was rather unsettled by the experience.

    I told my roommate about it the next morning and he thought I had a vivid imagination. Until it happened to him, LOL. My roommate and I decided the spirit wasn’t harmful and to just relax and accept we had another roommate. The spirit let us know every few weeks that he was still there and didn’t force hockey on us again.

    Several months later, my former roommate visited me (along with Paul, a friend from high school). Margot had lived in this apartment too and thought I was full of it when informed of the new roommate. Paul was very skeptical as well. Until the suddenly TV turned on. I said, “Great, you’re here. Please change the channel to 17.” The channel changed to 17. I did this a few more times. Margot and Paul were convinced this was an elaborate practical joke. So I told them to ask the spirit to change the channel, turn the TV off etc. They did and the spirit followed their instructions. Again, they thought I was doing something to make this happen. So I went out into the yard so they were alone in the house. A minute later, Margot and Paul fled from the apartment. What convinced them was the bathroom door opening and closing as well as the kitchen cupboards doing the same thing. They refused to go back into the apt. I went back in to get Margot’s purse. We continued our visit for another hour or so in the backyard, the only topic of conversation was the spirit. I told them he was friendly, but they were too freaked out. They left because they had to use the bathroom and would not re-enter my apartment to use the toilet.

  108. Story four

    Louise, my elderly neighbour, died almost 10 years ago. She was obsessed with keeping her walkway clean and swept it a couple times a day/night. A few days after she died, I heard sweeping at 11pm. I looked outside and saw nothing, but continued to hear the sweeping. I knew it was Louise. I found it comforting rather than scary. After a week of hearing Louise sweeping, I finally mentioned to one of the neighbours on the other side of Louise’s house that I heard sweeping. Turns out that neighbour did too – at 11pm. We spoke with others in the immediate vicinity and it turns out they too heard it every night and also felt it was Louise. This went on four about four weeks.

  109. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I had a wonderful grandaunt named Alice, the day she died I was 600 miles away. I was standing in an empty room and I smelt roses, the deep rich warm smell of roses, I was amazed because there was no possible reason why..and then someone hugged me from behind. I wasn't afraid in the least it was a comfortable, loving hug and then my cell rang and my sister told me our lovely Auntie Alice had passed away.

  110. Love all the stories!

    I think I've already posted my story of when I was miscarrying and our resident ghost kept running up and down the stairs. And when my grandmother came after she died.

    Once in a while the 3 of us do hear someone calling our names. My husband thinks I'm calling him, I think he's calling me, our son thinks one of us (usually me) is calling him, but we never hear each other's names - only our own.

    I dream about my dead uncle quite often. I don't get scared. I just think he's trying to tell me something but I'm too stupid to figure out what.

    I dreamt about my grandfather's funeral months before it happened. I had never been to a funeral before then. In my dream someone was standing on my right and holding my hand as I walked up the steps in the funeral home, my brother on my left. I felt like it was my grandfather in my dream. In real life, I asked my brother to hold my hand because I was scared. As we came closer to the steps I realized I had dreamed all this before. No one was standing on my right, but I remember hoping that my grandfather was there all the same.

    Also fainted when I was 13. Dreamt my great-aunt's face (I only met her once) was travelling backwards in a black tunnel with images spinning around quickly, like what we saw in the old Batman show when the screen would spin just as the music started. 2 weeks later we got a letter from my mother's cousin saying Mabel died. The day I fainted.

    One night my mother heard her mother scream her name out. She knew immediately something was wrong with me. Had debilitating menstrual cramps - I was in a lot of pain. Even if I had called out to her she wouldn't have heard because my bedroom door and her bedroom door were both closed.

  111. Shakey- I've had the 'spinning faces' thing before too. I used to get these creepy visits in my bedroom as a teenager. Once, just after my grandpa died, I woke to an old man's face & a baby's face, whirling around in unison, in a white ball of energy at the end of my bed. They both looked peaceful enough & they seemed to hover for quite some time. Many nights I could feel 'stuff' in my room & I would be too scared to welcome it, so I'd say out loud, "Go away, I have a test 2mrw & need some sleep."

    About a week after my gramma died I had a visit from something not so nice. I kept my eyes closed & tried not to blink or breath for what seemed like 10 minutes. I could feel it staring at me, like 2inches away from my face. I knew 'it' knew I was aware of it's presence, like it was a stare off & it really felt like if I opened my eyes I was going to be seriously hurt. In a few moments, it was gone, out the window above my bed, which was closed & locked due to winter. As soon as I felt safe & alone, I let out a big exhale & burst out crying. What/who ever it was, was an ugly energy for sure.

    I wonder this though, do ghosts hang around & watch people having sex? THAT creeps me out.

  112. My Grandparents lived with my Aunt's family on a farm. The whole farm was clearly haunted with something sinister. The chicken coup felt like giant eyes, something evil was closing in on you, several people working in the main barn would get kicked in the ass, hard, look around & nothing was there. The main house was chilling and evil. Even in broad daylight, we would go in pairs to the bathroom if everyone was out on the patio. The weekend before my Aunt committed suicide, we were having a family bbq. My other Uncle, who was not a psychic guy at all, came out from using the bathroom and started talking what we thought was jibberish. His girlfriend at the time burst out crying and yelled at him to "Stop it!" She was hysterical. The rest of us didn't know what the hell was going on. It turned out, he was reading her mind and answering all her questions before she asked them. My Aunt hung herself in that house. They bought the farm 2 years earlier from a family who's perfectly happy 21 y/o son also hung himself. The original owners of the farm (60 years before)had experienced a brutal murder in the barn according to the oldtimers from the area. My Aunt had a lot of sadness in her life, but I truly believe that house put her over the edge.

  113. OMG I am so freaked out! Love the stories though.

    I have an odd story that I just realized might actually be one, big, related tale over a few years instead of several isolated incidents.

    I lived in the suburbs when I was 15, and I did well in school and was/am a good person, but I was very rebellious, hung out with questionable people and allowed myself to be pulled into some questionable things.

    My grown neighbor had issues and she and I became friends and she was my "cool" adult friend. I had another friend who was very smart and in honors classes with me, but he had issues and had started becoming interested in darker things. He and my neighbor became friends through me, and when the neighbor claimed that a man she had been dating raped her, they decided to kill him. My friend made fire bombs somehow (all I could catch was using dish washing liquid for something) and they planned to go to his house and throw the fire bombs through the window, which would surely burn down the house and kill anyone in it. My neighbor went one way to make sure he stayed in the house, and my friend borrowed a car and took me along to do the bombing. On the way, the car spun around and hit a concrete telephone pole backwards. We and the car came out of that without a scratch, but I got freaked out and told my friend I couldn't go and do this - that the wreck was a bad omen. He dropped me off at a nearby McDonald's.

    Several hours later, my neighbor came to pick me up and told me that none of the bombs had been successfully been thrown through the windows, but burned on the outside of the stone house. They were never caught.

    However, several years later I was telling the counselor I was seeing at the time that there was something wrong in my head about my friend, who I had stopped hanging out with shortly after the original incident because he got heavily into crime. I wasn't able to interpret the exact feeling, other than thinking of him and feeling a very negative and dark energy. A week later I got a call from my neighbor telling me that my friend had been found violently murdered in the woods and that they thought he had died the day I was at my counselor's.

    The same year, about three years after the original incident, I was in my apartment, heard the phone ring and immediately thought "Something's wrong". I picked up the the phone and answered with "What happened?". My dad was on the other end and he told me that my neighbor had been arrested for murdering her ex-husband. She spent almost a decade in prison. When that phone rang, I had felt that same dark and negative energy, but recognized it immediately and knew that something very bad had happened.

    I think it's possible that the two of them pissed something off. And I feel like I was lucky that I chickened out of going to that house with them that night.

  114. When my daughter was four or five she was really into Batman. So, for Halloween she naturally wanted to dress up as Batman. We went to some local Halloween event and she told me I had to dress up as Robin -- a 40 year old dad in tights and cod piece isn't the best look. When we get their she runs and jumps off a bench shouting "c'mon dad, let's go fight some crime." You had to be there to appreciate it, but it's one of my favorite memories.

  115. I've enjoyed reading the stories and want to thank everyone for posting! I think this is the best Your Turn Friday that I've ever read on this site.

    Happy Halloween =]

  116. mygeorgie said...
    I wonder this though, do ghosts hang around & watch people having sex? THAT creeps me out.

    ITA that it's creepy!

    There's a book by a medium named Concetta Bertoldo called " Do Dead People Watch You Shower?"

    She says: Yes, the dead certainly do see us in the shower or making love, but in their eyes it's just ordinary human behavior. They don't judge us.

  117. This was a great Your Turn! I loved reading all these stories and am completely creeped out. I wish there were more to read! I would also like to read an Enty one!
    @Terri - What hotel was it? I used to live there?

  118. Went to see a psychic June 2008 with the girls as a sort of goofy fun thing to do, and she immediately started off telling me that my father was worried and very concerned about me and was watching over me “from the other side”. First of all, I had never met this woman before, she didn’t know me, didn’t know my last name or anything about me, so couldn’t possibly know that my father had passed away 16 years ago. The reading continues, but the first part is about my father “watching over me, sending me love”. I had had several major personal and health issues recently, so the concern part did sort of make sense. I have to note here that the friend who booked the appointment swears that she did not tell this psychic anything about me other than my first name when she blocked the time for me. I have known this friend for 19 years and I believe her; her integrity is without doubt.

    Flash forward to early October 2009. One of my friends had moved to Florida earlier in the year and had mentioned that she wanted to visit a funky little spiritualist town called Cassadaga, which is north of Orlando and west of Daytona. We finally get the chance to go. Friend knows someone at work who has been, and gets the name and number of a medium/psychic that this person has been to and recommends. My friend calls and books us each an appointment using just our first names and her (out of state) cell number as contact info. We get there, meet him and I have my reading first. We sit down and after a few minutes of small talk, this psychic tells me that my father loves me and is worried about me and is watching over me. He even described my father down to his hair color (which is different than mine) as well as his occupation. How (what word should I use) odd, coincidental, AMAZING is it that two different self-proclaimed psychics who live in towns away from mine (and very far from each other) immediately zeroed in on the fact that my father was deceased?

  119. A few months ago my husband, our three young daughters and myself were staying at his parents house while they were away. I've always been kinda jumpy when I've been by myself in their house, for no specific reason (it's not old or anything) other than it seeming kinda spooky. Anyways, we went to bed around 11ish on a Saturday night, he fell asleep first and I finished a book I was reading about midnight and then went to bed. I woke up about 2 or 3 hours later and felt a presence in the room, heavy and dark, so I looked over to the other side of the bed by the closet and there was a dark, hooded figure staring at me. In a split second my mind thought it was an actual person but I couldn't make out a face at all, it was just black nothingness where the face would be. Normally, if this were a dream I would try to scream and no sound would come out of my mouth but this was no dream and I started screaming at the top of all lungs "Get out! Get out of here now!" My husband woke up completely freaked out while I continued to scream, and he asked me what was wrong. I told him there was someone in the room but then it just vanished out into the hallway and out of the house. It was a very dark and sinister presence and I have honestly never been so terrified and scared in my life. It took going through the entire house with the lights on, making sure all doors and windows were locked (check!) to be convinced that it was not a human I saw, but a spirit of some kind. We stayed up talking for awhile and actually had an amazing, honest conversation. After awhile we were still so freaked out but exhausted that we went and slept on the floor of the room our girls were sleeping in (who, thankfully, had not woken up throughout the whole ordeal), blocking the door with our blow up mattress and locking the door.

    To this day, it is the most terrifying experience I have ever had and I don't know why exactly that spirit was there or what kind of harm it might have meant, but it definitely made my husband and I even more committed to each other and helped us be more honest with each other, even about things we weren't proud of. That might sound stupid, but for us, that spirit really represented something not being dealt with and it was that fear we felt which caused us to put pride aside, be honest and deal. Haven't had an encounter since and would be very glad to never have one again!

  120. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Wow, quite a few of you have stories.

    First of all, I grew up in a haunted house in a tiny town in Maine. I always felt a presence, especially when I was alone, which was quite a bit since I was shy as a child and there were not too many children in the town to hang out with. My mom and step father both have their own tales of things that they heard and saw in that house, but here are mine: 1) when I was about twelve or so, I remember letting two of my friends sleep on my queen-sized bed while I slept on the floor. In the middle of the night, I awoke because I felt a woman's hand pressing down on my upper back. It was a firm pressure, but not menacing, and I just knew it was the hand of an elderly lady. I also remember hearing someone call my name whenever I was alone in the house. I slept in my brother's room until I was old enough to go to boarding school; it was on one of my visits back home that my step father told me he and my mother knew the house was haunted, but didn't want to admit it to me growing up... so I pretty much spent my childhood thinking I was crazy for hearing and feeling things. Oddly, the presences (I know there was an older woman as well as a heavy-set man from the footsteps) never affected my brother, which is why I slept in his room.

    I could go on forever about that house but this is something that happened to me only a couple of months ago: I was working for a doctor in Southern California, and, because of the long, 15 plus hour shifts, would oftentimes nap in one of the x-ray rooms during my lunch because the x-ray rooms are totally pitch black. One afternoon, I awoke from a mini-nap to notice that one of the walls was aglow with this weird sort of iradescent glow. I continued to stare at the silvery-greenish glow until it started to differentiate itself as the form of an eldery woman with a stern sort of energy coming towards the examination table. I couldn't move or talk, but was sort of in this transfixed state and I could not tear my eyes away from the figure. It was terrifying, but the next thing I knew, the room was once again pitch black, save for what seemed to be a brief flash of light on the ceiling. I know I was awake, I don't know how I can prove it, I just am certain with one hundred percent of my being that I was, and that something had happened to someone in my family. Before even turning on the lights, I reached for my cell phone, called my mother, and asked if my grandmother was ok. She said yes, why, and I said that I would call her when I stepped out to get something to eat. When I did, just a few minutes later, I told her that I had just seen a ghost in the x-ray room. She said, "Oh, I know who that was, it was your great Aunt Margie who just passed away yesterday." I'll never forget the feeling of hearing those words as I spoke with my mother on the phone as I stood in line at Starbucks. I didn't really remember Marguerite, or Margie, other than the fact that I know I met her once or twice. The initial feeling of "Oh my God, I just saw a ghost" dissipated a bit and I didn't think too much of it until I read Margie's obituary, which my mother sent to me later that week. My jaw dropped as a read about her life: Margie was a recovering alcoholic who was a very active member in Alcoholics Anonomous, and who became a certified drug and alcohol counselor. I myself am a recovering addict, and I had been having cravings and drinking at the time of Margie's visit. After I read the obituary, it all made sense... weird and I still get tinglings thinking about it. It's so crazy how energy never dies... and can make it's way from Bethesda, Maryland to heaven and back to Los Angeles, California all within a 24-hour time span.

  121. My parents lived in an old haunted house when I came along (I’m the youngest of four). As a small child I saw a lot of things that later in life I just chalked up to my imagination. When my siblings and I became adults I began to realize that we all saw things that we were just dismissing as “imagined”. My parents are strict Catholics, and so whenever we told them about what we saw they would tell us it was Satan showing himself to us because we were bad. One thing I remember to this day, almost 35 years later, is when I was sitting on the floor in front of an archway that led into the livingroom. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and watched a dark-haired young man wearing a sleeveless yellow button-up shirt and grey slacks walk into and through the wall right in front of me.

    Several years later, after a bad fight with my mom, I was kicked out of the house and went to live with the friend of a friend, who was renting a room out in her house. She warned me it was haunted but I didn’t believe her. I should have. She and her son, who also lived there, both worked at night. After I’d get home from work I’d be in my room watching t.v. and would hear noises, like someone in the kitchen (which was adjacent to my room) banging the cupboards. I always chalked it up to my roommates coming home early and rummaging through the cupboards for something to eat. Sometimes it would wake me up. Finally I wrote them a note to be quieter when they got home late, please…they both told me they didn’t know what I was talking about, since neither one of them would get home until 4:00 a.m., at the earliest.

    Very often in this house, lights would come on by themselves. And by come on, I don’t just mean the bulb, I mean the light switch flicking on. They had an old antique mirror in the living room that would have a figure appear in it from time to time to the person looking in it (thankfully I never saw it). Shapes would pop up under the floor-to-ceiling drapes and walk from one end of the room to the other, as if someone were really under there, but there was no one. Once that happened when a large group of people were with me; we took off for the night after that.

    During the next-door-neighbor’s party, the neighbors asked me who was at the house (no one was). I asked why- they said a woman wearing a white dress was staring at them through the window. I believe this to be the same woman we would hear singing from the back of the house from time to time.

    I finally couldn’t take this anymore after 6 months, and left to live with my now ex-husband. A few years later I did some research and found out that the area the house was built on used to be the area the indigenous Native Americans would hold and torture, and sometimes kill, their prisoners of war.

  122. Here's another one that happened a few years after I left the haunted house; my ex and I had acquired a little kitten that was very rambunctious (more so than most kittens) and would always take a running jump onto our bed and onto our backs if we were face-down (that's how I usually sleep). The poor thing got injured in an accident and died. That night, I was crying myself to sleep about it, my ex was working so I was all alone, and I heard the scuttling of nails and then the thump on the bed, just like it used to do when it was alive. I wasn't scared though, I felt that it was just saying it was okay and goodbye. :(

  123. For some reason known only to my mother, she rented a house when I was a kid that was one of the oldest, creepiest houses I have ever been in before we moved in, and since we moved out some ten years ago. The house was well over 100 years old, and it was the oldest in the town.
    Even though this is sort of extraneous information, we lived in a town where a school filled with children had been blow up, and the whole town is/was kind of creepy and a lot of ghost hunters would come through with their ghost hunting equipment trying to contact the spirits of the children who had died in the bombing.

    At any rate, it was because I knew the history of the place that I may have been paranoid about ghosts. And it was because of my paranoia that I became a hard nosed skeptic, always making sure to investigate anything that seemed even slightly paranormal—mostly so that I might avoid appearing like one of the idiots who you found hanging out ghost hunting where the school blew up—but also just to cope with the fact that the house I lived in was really, really creepy.

    Even though I like to think I don’t believe in things that are not real, I still have two ghost stories that occurred within the confines of that retched rental house I was forced to live in during my youth. These are ghost stories that I cannot find good explanations for; other then the fact that maybe there really was a ghost:

    1: I remember, once while standing in the living room of the house my mother had rented, I could smell cigar smoke. There was no one smoking a cigar in the entire house, of course, and the weird thing about this smoke was that I could only smell it when I stood in a certain spot in the room. I can’t explain this exactly, but the cigar smell didn’t just have an odor, you could also feel it hanging in the air like a blob. What I mean is that the air where the cigar smoke could be smelled felt different—like it was thicker. I know this sounds crazy but my friend was over at the time and he smelled and felt the exact same thing, so I don’t think I was hallucinating. My mother, who claims she can see and communicate with ghosts, told me that on several occasions she had seen an old man wearing a top hat and smoking a cigar while standing in various rooms of the rental house. I never believed her, but the weird cigar smoke incident kind of changed my mind a bit about the possibility of her actually having seen a real ghost.

    2: The same creepy rental property that we lived in also had a doorway in, alas, the only bathroom that we had and that doorway led to the basement. Well, every now and then the basement door would start rattling, as if someone was pulling on it, and the doorknob—which was locked from the bathroom side--would turn back and forth. This was a situation that I couldn’t deal with, so I tried not to think about it whenever I went into the bathroom, and it is needless to say that I learned to pee very quickly. I remember asking my mother about why she thought the door to the basement rattled like it did and she told me she thought it was just a possum trying to get in from the basement and into the bathroom. I remember feeling immeasurably relieved at the fact that we did not have some creep entity trying to come in from the basement, but rather, a harmless possum. Looking back, it must have been one hell of a big possum to rattle the door, and reach the door knob. . . . . . . but still, a giant possum is more comforting then the thought some evil thing living in the basement rattling at the door and trying to come into the bathroom, which, looking back, I now believe might actually have been the case and my mother had made the story of the possum up in an attempt to comfort me.
