Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"You Light Up My Life" Writer Discovers Why 71 Year Old Men Shouldn't Date 21 Year Old Women

Do you remember Joseph Brooks? He is the guy who won the Academy Award for best song for You Light Up My Life. He is also the guy I wrote about this summer who pleaded not guilty to raping 11 women. Oh yeah, he is a real winner, the prick. On Tuesday, the bastard filed a lawsuit against his his 21 year old former fiancee. I say former because the f**ker was digging through her stuff and discovered she is already married and had been when she met him.

The woman's name is Joaly Gomez and Brooks the alleged rapist said that Joaly walked away with the $550K bank account he set up for her, a $60K engagement ring and other stuff. He wants $2M total from her.

Yeah, I hope she keeps it all and that you end up having to pay $2M to each one of the 11 women you allegedly raped. You know there are more than 11.


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