Monday, October 05, 2009

The World Is A Gosselin World And We're Just Living In It

I have decided that the entire world revolves around the Gosselins. It used to revolve around Paris Hilton and some days it shifts to another person or story, but for the most part now the world is all Gosselin 24/7. The only bright side I have seen to this entire story is it is giving you a very good view at a mid-life crisis and what happens when someone is going through one and has a little bit of fame and a little bit of money. It also shows you why if you are getting divorced you should take out half the money from any joint bank accounts you have because otherwise it will be emptied by your spouse.

According to Kate Gosselin, Jon took $230,000 of the $231,000 they had in their joint bank account leaving her absolutely nothing to pay any bills or to take care of the 8 kids. Jon told her to f**k off and that he needed some Ed Hardy. Kate has previously taken $100K from the account but put it back so she wouldn't be violating a court order. Here is what you do. Take your half before you go to court and then you don't have to worry about any order. If you try and play the nice person you will end up with nothing. Do I believe Kate can't pay the bills? Hell no, but most people in her situation would not be able to. If you know you are going to file for divorce get out your share of the money before you file. Call all the credit card companies and cancel your cards. Protect yourself because once those papers have been filed don't count on your spouse to play nice. If you want to see Kate whine and cry and then perk up as she talks about her new talk show and how she is made for television and then realize she needs some more tears so tells some story about a ring with 8 diamonds and a mother of pearl then you can watch the video.


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