What Do You Think?
I finally found the time this morning to watch the Australian program "Hey Hey It's Saturday" and the group of performers on the show who performed in blackface as a tribute to Michael Jackson. This whole incident probably would have been ignored if Harry Connick Jr., wasn't a guest host on the Gong Show styled program. After giving the group a zero for a score, Harry said that if he had known the group was going to be on the show he wouldn't have agreed to be a judge.
Harry said and did the right things. The host of the program apologized to people who were offended by the skit and the performers in the group also apologized. The leader of the group is East Indian and justified his performance by stating since he was East Indian and other members of the group were multi-racial that it was ok. No, it isn't. Just because you are a minority doesn't mean you get a pass from being racist or that it is ok. I hate that excuse. Yes, you know what it is probably like to be discriminated against and therefore you should know what it feels like to be on the end of it and really make an effort not to do it to other minorities. If you haven't seen the video it is below.