TR Knight Blames Hectic Schedule For Breakup
Forgive me if I am wrong, but the only thing T.R. Knight has going on in his life right now is some local LA play that takes up a couple of hours a day tops. So, when In Touch gets a quote from a "friend" who says the reason that T.R. broke up with his 20 year old boyfriend is because of T.R.'s hectic schedule I just laugh and laugh. When T.R. was working on Grey's he was working five or six or ten times the hours he is working now and they managed to get along fine. I wonder if the break up had anything to do with the fact that T.R. went from making tons of money each week to cutting coupons.
Walk away from a hit show and then your boy toy is gone. The next thing you know you are collecting cats and starring on an episode of Hoarders.