Monday, October 05, 2009

Tom Cruise Gets Kicked In The Balls

In these photos you don't actually see Tom Cruise get kicked in the balls, and in fact he may not have got kicked in the balls, but I think most women who were yelled at in public by their husbands would definitely deliver a high hard one to the groin area.

In the first picture you see the happy, smiley, Cruise family jogging their little hearts out. You will note that in order to change things up they have added a son/stepson and have moved away from the matching outfits. You don't think they read this stuff? If we all said, "OMG I love how they match," you would have seen all three of them dressed like Donald Duck's nephews in the most matchy matchy outfits ever.

In the second picture, all pretense of civility has gone as Tom blasts Katie for not being as fast as a teenager and for letting down the side. He probably also threatened her with double auditing sessions or a visit to his porn stash if she didn't hustle.


  1. Aw, come on now... You can't tell if he's yelling at her. That's the classic runner's conversation face. I don't care for him either, but be fair...

  2. Caption for last pic: Tom and Katie: the wrath of Xenu

  3. at this point, if she isn't training to get the fock away from this nutjob then fock her. these two are just weird in several thousand ways.

  4. I'm just happy they're not matching. Way to go, TomKat!

  5. They were jogging in step...their clothes may not match but their gait does!

  6. Tom can't be yelling at her for not keeping up. Her legs are about 17" longer than his. I'm sure that if she was allowed to jog at her normal gait, after the first quarter mile she'd already be three quarters of a mile ahead of him.

  7. great, just freaking great. It was a bad day already and now I have Tom and his porn swiming around in my subconcious. Sheesh!

  8. enty, keeps letting these tom cruise tidbits slip out. lol.

  9. I'd be all, "hey, lose the man-boobs, then you can be my workout coach."

  10. Good to see you back in such fine form. The mental picture of "all three of them dressed like Donald Duck's nephews" made me spit out my coffee!

  11. Anonymous2:56 PM

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  12. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It's almost like a NIKE commercial. And notice Katie and Connor have Ipods... so not to hear Tom?

  13. Glad to see your feeling well Enty!

    I'd yell back:
    "I'll beat you flat out when your ass gets more believable hair plugs you sorry little troll."

  14. I can see the thinking behind the milkshake thing, I really can.

    But I still believe that "John Gosselin for Summer's Eve" would be a much better marketing fit.

  15. he could be yelling

    "COME ON BABY!! you can do it!"

  16. He is such an arrogant man, surprised anyone would stay with him. Doesnt Katie realise he's gay yet.

  17. I wish they were matching
    I'd prefer it if they were matching.

    (I loved the Duck nephews)

  18. It's all b.s. for the paps. Their property is plenty big enough to do this seriously without going onto public streets. TC is one of the grossest people on the planet. Ew.

  19. Again with the Phoebe running form, Kate.

    she needs a running coach.

  20. Not one to normally defend TC, but I can tell you that he's not running around his high security Scientology Compound because he's here in Boston filming a movie with Cameron Diaz (Wichita). I can actually tell from the pics that they are running along the Esplanade. Katie has finished the New York Marathon and as a runner myself, I definitely respect that. Tom, not so much.
