Today's Blind Items - Cranky
I love the word cranky. It isn't as good as Phil Hartman saying "Sassy," on SNL but it's still a good word. Most of the time I would call this item a Jackass, but I think it is more cranky rather than anything else. Over the weekend this aging Academy Award winner/nominee actress spent some time in an antique shop. Whether she wasn't feeling well, or had too much to drink at lunch, there was something very off and as I said very cranky about her during her shopping trip.
She kept asking to see jewelry and items in various showcases and then complaining about what was wrong with all of them. She would point in the direction of an object in a showcase and if the owner didn’t instinctively take out the right item, she would “get snappy” and complain about her as well. Eventually our actress did buy something and her credit card was swiped and returned but she insisted she never received it back. She thought the store owner had kept it. She then abruptly left. A few minutes later, an assistant came back to the antique shop insisting the owner had kept the credit card and demanded its return.
There was nothing to give back and the assistant finally left in a huff.