Monday, October 05, 2009

TMZ Says John Travolta Is Still A Committed Scientologist

I don't really understand the purpose of why TMZ ran this article today. There is no real news in it and it just seems to be PR from Scientology.

The article doesn't really say anything new other than John Travolta used Scientology as therapy to get through his son Jett's death. I think the only purpose of the article was the huge headline saying John and the church are still tight. Who would send out a story like that? Hmmmm? TMZ says they got this from sources connected to John. Do you think maybe those sources are Scientologists?

I would love to see a statement from John or his BFF Kirstie Alley about all of this. They have always been so outspoken in the past with their support and admiration for the church, so how come we aren't getting that directly from them now? Everything is all quiet and hush-hush. What would happen if John left the church and decided to talk? I mean really talk with no concern about what was said about him for leaving? Do you think he could do that? Would the church fall apart? My guess is that right now things are in a stalemate situation, but something like this TMZ headline could push things in one direction or the other.


  1. do it john! leave the church and tell all! The worst they could probably say about you is that you are gay and we all thought that anyway!

  2. i'm not shocked by this headline. **shrugs**

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. guess his heart and bank acct still belong to xenu. so sad.

  5. Emphasis on "committed."

  6. can't help it, Love his crazy ass.

  7. John is such a sweet, nice man. He once offered to fly a friend of mine to another town for surgery so she wouldn't have to take a commercial flight. But anyone who's interviewed him can verify that he's not, well, the sharpest knife in the drawer (thus his participation in Scientology -- they're mostly idiots and narcissists). I feel sorry for him. I think he's caught in a trap he can't think his way out of.

  8. Ugh! I hope it is not true .. but ..

    Does anyone else have the urge to bonk your head against a wall when it comes to all this now? I do .. it is just .. so maddening. I just need to stop reading about this organization for awhile. It does me no good emotionally. It's evil .. it is a cult .. I wish people - the famous and important but also common folks I know here in Minneapolis/Saint Paul - would figure it out and get out. But they can't or won't or don't and to a point here is just nothing else to be done. I just need to stop reading about Travolta and the like for the foreseeable future.

  9. TMZ gets a lot of good stuff, but they also have slow news days. This was probably some sort of conversation or press release from a PR rep that became a full story because they didn't have much else to publish today.

    I don't see anything more nefarious than that.
